Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1090 The Queen In Green

Chapter 1090 The Queen In Green


Shangguan Yeying tried her best to keep her calm. After all, she was a person of two lives, and Li Ying had a lot of experience in that life. Therefore, even if this was a Jedi, she was not that scared.

Moreover, she believed that Qin An would definitely catch up! Just like how she had believed in Weng Lan many years ago.

"What books have you written?"

Shangguan Yeying asked softly.

Nascent Flame was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shangguan Yeying and frowned.

"Although I hope you're not afraid of me, when you look at me with such a calm gaze, I'm a little curious and nervous. You're really a strange woman."

'"Don't be surprised. Since you said that you are normal, then of course I have to communicate with you in a normal way. I hope that I can become your friend instead of food. I'm just protecting myself!"

"Haha! Interesting, you are so interesting!"

After laughing heartily for a while, Nascent Flame quickly ran back to the bedroom and took out three exquisitely printed books.

Afterwards, he untied the rope that bound Shangguan Yeying and handed the book to her.

"Tree Fairy Tale?"

As Shangguan Yeying rubbed her tied wrist, she read it out softly.

"That's right! I've been writing this book for three years, and there are about four million words in it. I've printed three books myself, and there's still a lot left to finish!"

"What is this book about?"

"Don't you know just by looking at the topic? It's the story of the tree elves. I started to be interested in this brand new race three years ago, and have been studying and documenting them ever since! Do you see the five elven women in the cage beside you? They are not my slaves or anything, but my subjects and interviewees! My book began with the birth of the tree elves, "The contents of the book are related to their psychological state, physiological structure, social structure, ethnic habits, and a series of other things. I am very impartial and objective in assessing the book I have written. This book can definitely be passed down, because it records and witnesses the birth of a brand new race!"

"Then why don't you write about the Slayer or the Awakened? Isn't this also a brand new race?" Shangguan Yeying's voice was very low, because she didn't know if her words would provoke Nascent Flame.

Nascent Flame smiled and said, "Whether it is the slayer or the Awakened, they are all individuals. They have yet to form a true race!" And … we can't form a race because we can't inherit our descendants! Of course, Mo Ling Sect used artificial transplants to plant some of the slaughterers' organs, and then made some women pregnant and gave birth to the Dark Ones. But the Dark Ones … Hmph, they are like piglets fattened with fodder. You need to know that a normal human needs 20 years to fully mature into an independent individual. The Dark Ones only need five years to grow up. Unfortunately, five years is too short. Their bodies have grown up, but their minds are not healthy at all. "Also, the Dark Ones' lifespans are very short. They won't be able to live long, so they're just a small object made in Mo Ling Sect!"

Shangguan Yeying looked at Nascent Flame in surprise.

This fellow is actually so normal? This was something she hadn't even dreamed of before she entered the basement.

"Can I untie the rope on her? You injected us with TC virus inhibitors, and now we have no way of escaping."

'"Of course. Since there is communication, then I can show you a little goodwill! Well, neither she nor you are the main character tonight. I have another good friend waiting for me. You two can watch as the audience!"

Shangguan Yeying quickly untied the rope on He Tian Yu's body and pulled the crying little girl into her arms to comfort her.

"Big sister, you still look pretty like a human!" He Tian Yu said softly while crying.

Shangguan Yeying only felt that there were a few black lines hanging on her head. He Tian Yu had been a cowardly little girl since childhood. She knew that her nerves were somewhat off-line, meaning that she would be stupid when playing games. Since when did she care about her appearance?

There was a large mirror hanging on the wall of a section of the basement corridor.

Shangguan Yeying turned her head to look inside. No matter what, she was curious. Shangguan Feiyan had always been in the state of a werewolf girl these past few years, so what exactly did her real person look like?

When Shangguan Yeying looked at the person in the mirror, she was stunned. She was so shocked that her small mouth slightly opened and her face turned ashen. How did this… grow to be like this?

On the other side, Firefly walked to the innermost cage door, opened the door, and pulled out a tree elf woman who was curled up in a corner!

The skin of the tree elves was very white, like congealed fat.

These mutated trees are not much different from the human body as a whole.

They had only grown a pair of transparent wings, and they had eyes as green as grass.

"There are only two tree elves in China. One is this city, and the other was originally in Shenshu City, but has now moved to Qin Alliance. Then this was the Tree Fairy Queen of Qin Alliance! "Haha, the surname of the elves is very simple. There are only three of them. Green, wood, forest. Isn't it interesting that the Queen of the Tree Elves in Ocean City is called Mu Luo?"

The green-clothed man's eyes were filled with rage. He looked at Nascent Flame and bit his lips tightly without saying a word.

She arrived at Sea Entrance City last night. Originally, she had met Mu Luo to communicate about setting up a military headquarters in Shenshu City, but in the middle of the night, Nascent Flame broke into her room where she was resting.

Dozens of tree elf guards were silently killed before being thrown into the sea.

Up to now, the elves in Sea City still didn't know how the Queen had disappeared, much less where she was.

"Green clothes, actually I have long wanted to capture you, but in line with the principle of unwilling to interfere in the development of your ethnic group, did not take action against you, did not expect that you ran to my side, then I can not endure!

I'm sorry, I was hungry before, so I've been out looking for food and only came back now.

Haha, actually, this is also good for you. Although I am not an Awakened, my abnormal appetite is still quite serious. If I don't eat enough, it will be difficult for me to remain calm. When I kill you, it will be a trivial matter. I will inevitably torture you in every way!

"Come, come, green, let me introduce you to the other four elven women imprisoned here. They are all very meaningful research specimens, haha!"

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