Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1089 Im A Writer

Chapter 1089 I'm A Writer

"Yes! As people get older, they naturally want to live longer, so they are naturally more afraid of death! That was why Liar Yin had always been there to find out the secret of immortality. Later, he discovered that this secret had something to do with Qin An! It was a Sword God skill. Only by liking Qin An from the bottom of one's heart could one obtain the blessing of the Sword God, and then one's youth would remain forever, and even grow backwards! So Liar Yin was in despair. Who was he? He was a fellow who could even deceive himself. How could he believe or like anyone? So he left and returned to the Mo Ling Sect he had created! After all these years as the true master behind Mo Ling Sect, it's time for him to go back! "

Hearing this, Qin An's face turned red.

Damn it! Liar Yin was indeed Yin Hanchao! So all of this was a scam?

Back then, the scenes in Ruyan City flashed by quickly. Qin An's expression became worse and worse. He did not have the mood to worry about Shangguan Yeying's appearance. He only felt that his heart was filled with anger and killing intent!

In the room, the old man named Parasite continued, "Tonight, something new happened to me. That woman came looking for me, and just before you came back, I just saw her off."


"It's the Dark Shadow's leader, Tian Yuee!"

'"Haha, a self-righteous leader, right? Didn't you tell me that both Tian Yuee and Qiu Mubai were just shields pushed by the true leader of the Dark Shadows? But isn't Tian Yuee dead?"

"Yes! She is indeed dead. Don't kill that girl called Qiu Jinse. However, she has obtained Sword God Force's resurrection!"

"What? Dead people can still be revived?"

'"Yes, the dead can be revived as well. Isn't this a miracle? After the apocalypse, I lived better than most people. However, I have been depressed for the past few years because I am not an Adept, and now is an era of Adepts! If I had the chance to become an Adept, would you be happy for Big Brother?"

"Haha, of course! Big brother, if you can become an Adept and let me sacrifice a day to not kill you in exchange, I would be willing!"

"Little brother, you are indeed the best for big brother, actually willing to pay such a big everyone to pray for big brother! However, Big Brother doesn't need you to not kill people. After all, you are a slaughterer. The slaughter gene in your blood is already deeply rooted! I just want you to help me kill one person, Tian Yuee said. As long as you kill that person, she will speak well for me in front of her Master God, so that I can finally be revived after death, and then become a ghost whisperer and enter the Nine Great Divine Races! At that time, I will be able to live forever! "

"There's actually such a good thing? Big brother, who do you think you're going to kill? Where is he?"

"Of course it's Tian Yueer's enemy! Tian Yueer was killed by Qiu Jinse, so she had to let Qiu Jinse die before she could become a ghost whisperer and be revived. Tian Yueer is only a ghost now."

'"So simple? Hmph! Didn't this Qiu Jinse get chased by the people from the organization before? She seems to have a very big life. She actually managed to survive until now. Alright, big brother, arrange for someone to search for her whereabouts. Once we find her, I'll kill her in a minute!"

After saying those words, the two brothers looked at each other and laughed heartily. After that, the old man returned to his bedroom with the parasite, while Nascent Flame carried the two women into the basement.

Qin An calmly listened to the two's words under his alias, and then a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

These eleven shadows were really everywhere.

Looks like the parasites and Nascent Flame should be biological brothers. Have they been hiding in Sea-entering City for so many years?

The reason why the old lamp was called the old lamp was because he used to wander abroad all year round, so he needed to mark a lone lamp in his heart that could allow him to return home. He was originally a person with a heavy family concept.

The reason why a swindler was called a swindler was because what he did was to deceive the heavens and the earth, deceive others, and deceive oneself. Calling this name was truly worthy of the name.

Hidden Kill was called Hidden Kill because he secretly sent killers to deal with the enemies that the black-clothed organization needed to eliminate.

So why are parasites called parasites? Qin An casually thought about it and realized that he might have been a person hiding in a government agency before the end of his life, and then used the resources of the government agency to do something illegal. This was a kind of parasitism.

Then what was the main body that he had parasitized after the apocalypse? Was it this Ocean City or the entire Tree Fairy Clan? If it was the latter, it would obviously be a bit troublesome.

Qin An frowned and began to think carefully. Now that he had caught up with the Infant Fire, Qin An was not in a hurry to attack.

He and Nascent Flame's strengths were actually indistinguishable. Therefore, once they attacked, they had to hit each other. Nascent Flame must not have a chance to retaliate or escape.

The lights in the basement turned on, and the bodies of the five tree elves trembled as if they were reflexes.

Nascent Flame first placed the two women who were trapped firmly on the five-meter-wide aisle of the prison cell, then took off the cloth that was stuffed into their mouths.

'"This place is very soundproof. You can roar wantonly. No one will hear you outside. And you should understand that even if someone comes, you will not be saved. Instead, you have wasted their lives. I am a very good murderer!"

Nascent Flame's tone was surprisingly calm. At this moment, his body did not seem to be much different from an ordinary person's, and his temperament seemed to have become a little quieter.

At this moment, He Tianyu's face turned pale, and he actually fainted.

Shangguan Feiyan was still awake, but there was no blood on her face.

Nascent Flame returned to his bedroom in the basement and found a clean set of clothes to wear. This made him look more like an ordinary man.

After walking out of the bedroom, Nascent Flame casually took two chairs, then lifted Shangguan Feiyan and He Tianyu up and placed them on the chairs.

"Sigh, the food didn't faint, but the toys were so scared that they lost consciousness."

The Nascent Flame released some cold water from the tap water pipe beside it, and then splashed it on He Tianyu's face to wake him up.

The first thing He Tianyu did when she woke up was to start crying. She was extremely scared. She didn't know what she should do except cry.

"Alright, alright! Don't worry, you're not in any danger for the time being.

When I get home, I'm usually very sensible. Only when I'm out pouncing on food will I turn into a wild beast.

Exactly. Let me introduce myself. I am the slaughterer named Nascent Flame in Tibet. However, my real name is Zhu Ziqing. The old man outside is my big brother, Zhu Zihai.

You can call me Nascent Flame directly. Although I don't like this name, it is still relatively simple.

As for my brother, you don't have to pay any attention to him. You won't see anyone else except me until the end of your lives!

Oh right, there's another important thing I have to tell you. Actually, I'm a writer! "So you guys can rest assured that I'm not a pervert or a pervert or something … I'm very normal, even more so than most people!"

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