Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1091 I Dont Know What It Means

Chapter 1091 I Don't Know What It Means

"Green, I wonder if you've ever seen this show about the Animal World?

I often see photographers hiding in a secluded place for days and nights in order to present the most natural scenes. This is called undisturbed intervention.

I'm sorry, I'm a writer who studies elves, so I can only treat you as ordinary animals, not intelligent humans.

As I said earlier, under normal circumstances, I will not interfere in your affairs. I will only observe carefully. However, sometimes, I will be curious as to what the hearts of an individual elf of a race that has only been around for more than twenty years are like.

Actually, you can't blame me for being so curious.

Although I am a slaughterer, before the apocalypse, I was just an ordinary human. As Big Brother became a small clerk in the government, what he did behind his back was illegal.

I had a childhood family atmosphere and heard stories about their elders.

What about the elves?

When I imagined myself as you guys, I found it very difficult, because my biological parents were actually mutated trees with very low intelligence. They couldn't even distinguish which of them was their own child, and I was raised by humans.

I had a childhood, but my childhood was spent in the strange eyes of human children.

Actually, more than 60% of the elves should have heard such a sentence before.

'Stay away from that child. He is a child born from a big tree!'

This was a kind of racial estrangement, a kind of discrimination based on race, so the tree elves were the ones being discriminated against!

So you all yearn to have your own beliefs. You elected your own Queen. You adopt a matriarchal system in contrast to human society. You basically won't wander around. You will only live in the Tree Elves Special Zone created for you by humans. It's as if you are independent and independent!

Haha, what a pitiful and inferior idea!

However, such humble elves all possess beautiful and noble appearances. Of course, your beauty is judged by human standards, because you are unable to shake off the shadow of humans!

All the elves had one thing in common, and that was kindness!

This was simply an irony. After the apocalypse erupted, most of the kind-hearted people died. Only those bad guys who weren't too kind would be able to survive more easily.

Why could the elves born in the apocalypse be so kind for no reason?

Look at this city. It's filled with vagrants, scavengers, mercenaries, apocalyptic merchants, poor people, and criminals of all kinds! The elves had used their incomparably broad hearts to accommodate all of them. Why was this happening? Actually, the answer was very simple, just because they were all humans!

Haha, from this, I already know why the elves are so kind. This is not because of nature, but because the elves were raised by humans!

Humans are far more strict in educating their elves than in educating their own children.

Humans themselves were actually afraid of the elves, Because the elves are far more powerful than humans, After you were born, you were able to fly because of your wings. Your muscles are well developed and you are extremely resilient. An ordinary young elf's strength is already equivalent to an ordinary mutant of level 3 or 4. Furthermore, you have extremely strong vision in the sky. Combined with your body skills, you are all genius archers!

So how could humans allow you to become truly powerful races? I can tell you in a very responsible manner that among all human characters, there is actually one thing that is extremely important, and that is selfishness!

No one is unselfish, absolutely not!

What was ridiculous was that humans had cultivated the tree elves into a group of selfless people!

Haha, in fact, you are just human mice. Your situation is not much different from the Dark Ones controlled by Mo Ling Sect.

After studying you for a year, I felt that this was wrong. I felt that it was necessary to let you know what true life was, so I helplessly made some small interventions.

Come and see your clansmen. This female tree elf is called Mu Zhi. Two years ago, she was called the Angel of Freedom who entered Sea City!

She often flies on the surface of the sea. The ridiculous tree elves regard this as a ceremony. They think that the wooden branch is a symbol like a dove of peace. As long as she flies on the sea, it means that your world will forever be peaceful and happy!

I wanted to break the tree elf's spiritual sustenance, so I grabbed Wood Branch and imprisoned her with three men who loved women!

Isn't she a symbol of freedom? Isn't she the goddess of peace? I want to destroy her image!

That night, when the three evil human men saw the naked woman I took off, they all rushed up and pressed her on the bed.

However, since Mu Zhi was an Adept, how could he be so easily possessed by them?

So she pushed the three men aside and threatened them not to get close.

Haha, what a ridiculous threat. Mu Zhi doesn't know. Actually, the three men have already taken exciting drugs. If they don't succeed, they won't stop.

The fight in the room had been going on, and the wooden branch had been torn to exhaustion by the three men for an entire night, but it was still unable to get rid of it.

In the end, in order to protect her dignity, she … she killed someone! Haha, this is the first time I've experienced a tree elf killing a human. Not only did I see it with my own eyes, I even used a video camera to capture it!

Do you know what happened after that? "

Nascent Flame smiled excitedly. He ran into his bedroom and took out a small box. The box contained a CD and some notes.

Nascent Flame quickly put the CD into a computer at the side and played the scene of Wood Branch killing three humans. He also held the notebook and showed it to the Elf Queen in green.

"Your clansman, like the representative of freedom and peace in Haicheng, actually… she actually prayed to me!

Haha, she actually begged me not to release the video, because she didn't want others to know the truth about her murder!

This was all the conversation I had with her at the time, and I put it in my notes as a draft, which was later written into my book!

I really didn't expect that the seemingly perfect elves would actually have selfishness greater than that of humans.

She wanted to cover up the truth, not admit it! I told you, how could the Treants be born so kind? Actually, your hearts are as despicable and dirty as all humans. However, your thinking patterns prevent you from exposing the dark side of your hearts. When I shatter your shells, you are actually all wolves in sheep's clothing! Haha! "

At this moment, Lyu Yi's face was completely devoid of blood. In fact, she was frightened.

In her mind, tree elves were absolutely unable to kill humans!

This did not conform to the values that their race had developed over the past 20 years. When they saw the tree branches tearing apart the bodies of those humans with both hands in the computer screen, Green-clothed only felt her blood tremble. Could it be that the faith of the tree elves could be destroyed so easily? What the hell is she doing? Why did she come to this place? Who could show up and take her away?

Outside, Qin An listened to Nascent Flame's words and shook his head with a cold smile.

He even said that he was normal. This fellow was clearly a madman.

Even kittens and dogs had different personalities. The tree elves were intelligent beings, so how could they not be selfish? You still need to fucking study this? Writing books?

What should he do now? How can we save everyone inside safely?

Qin An was confused. It was actually easy to save people, but it was difficult to prevent the hostages from being harmed by this madman.

Unless you lure the Nascent Flame away?

Just as he was pondering in his heart, Qin An suddenly froze for a moment. Then, he turned his head to look at an area five to six kilometers away. That area also belonged to the edge of Sea-like City. It looked extremely damaged, but it was brightly lit…

He actually came to Haicheng?

Qin An's lips curled into a smile. Seeing that everyone in the basement seemed to be safe for the time being, Qin An quickly turned around and sprinted towards the light. A perfect plan had appeared in his heart!

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