"Good!" Jian Yun nodded and agreed. She had a good impression of Zhou Shaolong, but she didn't like him. He was a stranger who knew his name to her.

Since breaking up with Xu Haiyang, Jian Jun has been single for the past six years. In the past year, she has made quite a few blind dates. However, she has deliberately played ugly every time, so she has never succeeded. Jianyun has never dated a stranger and went shopping. When she and Zhou Shaolong are walking side by side, she is not used to this feeling.

Fortunately, Zhou Shaolong is very talkative, and the atmosphere is not embarrassing.

They strolled in the department store. Wherever she went, Jian Yun had a very high rate of looking back. Unlike those women with heavy make-up, she had dark eyebrows and dark eyes, and her long hair was like ink. She was as clear and beautiful as a orchid facing the water.

Along the way, Zhou Shaolong saw the envious eyes cast on him by past men, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

Even he didn't expect that his aunt who worked in the office said that he would introduce him. The blind date he met at his leisure was such a beautiful beauty.

"Jian Yun, choose a dress I like and I'll give it to you." Zhou Shaolong wants to show it.

"Thank you. I still don't need it. I just bought it the other day." Jian Yun politely refused.

But in this way, Zhou Shaolong is more satisfied with her. She is so beautiful and doesn't worship money. Isn't such a woman just his ideal wife?

I really found treasure this time!

After a while, they found a special hotel in Xinjiang to prepare for dinner.

When ordering a meal, Jian Yun habitually tied her long hair with a starting belt. After ordering two dishes, she handed the menu to Zhou Shaolong. However, when she looked up, she found Zhou Shaolong staring at her ears.

"What's the matter?" After touching her ears subconsciously, she found that she had forgotten to remove the earrings even though she only remembered the necklace.

"Is this a powder diamond?" Zhou Shaolong's eyes twitched. "It's expensive."

"No! White stone. " How can Jian Yun tell the truth? The diamonds on the earrings are the same as the heart of the lover. Yesterday, those celebrities and rich people were so shocked to see how rare and expensive this kind of pink diamond is. How can a small clerk like her afford such a luxury.

"So..." When Zhou Shaolong heard the speech, he seemed to be relieved. He immediately realized that he would be easily misunderstood, so he quickly explained, "Jian Yun, I don't mean anything else."

"Order, I'm hungry." Jian Yun just smiles.

Zhou Shaolong went to the bathroom. Jian Yun was holding her cheek and playing with her mobile phone. When her hand accidentally touched her ear, her heart suddenly moved. So she opened Baidu and entered the word "heart of lovers". The first word that popped out was the entry of Baidu Encyclopedia.

When Zhou Shaolong comes back, he finds Jian Jun staring at his mobile phone in a daze.

"Why are you so absorbed?" Zhou Shaolong asked. Jianyun didn't respond. He knocked on the table again. Jianyun woke up and looked up at him.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Shaolong asked with a smile.

"The novel I've been chasing has been updated." Jian Yun also laughs. At this time, the waiter in Xinjiang clothes begins to serve the dishes. Jianyun puts the mobile phone back into the bag.

Xinjiang food is very special and delicious. Zhou Shaolong often makes jokes, but he also keenly finds that Jian Yun seems a little absent-minded.

After a meal, it's still early. Zhou Shaolong proposes to go to the cinema. Jian Yun has no choice but to go to the cinema. They buy tickets to see the recently popular Mermaid.

The film is very good and funny.

However, even though Jian Yun likes Zhou Xingxing's films very much, and even if all the people in the cinema, including Zhou Shaolong, laugh like a fool, she still seems to be out of shape.

At the moment, Jianyun's mind is full of the introduction of the heart of the lover that just appeared on Baidu Encyclopedia.

This diamond is famous not only because it is the most expensive diamond ever sold by Sotheby's, but also because it has a special meaning. It was sold by a mysterious buyer for 120 million US dollars a year ago.

The heart of a lover, also known as the heart of a lover, is said to have been a love object given by a prince to his beloved girl. Later, when the war broke out, the prince led his troops to March. Soon, the sad news of the prince's death in the battlefield came. The girl was devastated by the news and committed suicide.

However, the prince was saved and did not die. When the prince came back, he found the body of his beloved girl. When he was sad, he cut open his chest with his sword and put his heart into the girl's chest. This move moved the gods. The rain fell down. The prince who lost his heart didn't die. The diamond turned into his heart, and the girl who got the prince's sincerity also rose and died Finally, they live happily together

Therefore, this diamond also has a name, called loyalty.

All the stories are made up to know the true meaning of the diamond, but it is only for the purpose of increasing the value of the diamond.

Loyalty is loyalty. What does Huo Liancheng want to express?Jian Yun thought too much.

At the end of the movie, Zhou Shaolong also saw that Jian Yun was absent-minded. He asked with concern: "are you not feeling well today? Why is the mood not high? "

Jian Yun turned to look at him. In the dim light, Zhou Shaolong's face was handsome, but his eyes were dim.

"It was windy last night and I had a headache." Jian Yun casually find a reason to prevaricate in the past, she is indeed a headache, by Huo Liancheng a series of abnormal behavior headache.

"Then go home and have a rest." Zhou Shaolong said thoughtfully, "I'll send you."

"No, my uncle's house is nearby. I can go to his house." Jian Yun said.

"Well, be careful on the way!" Zhou Shaolong asked again and again.

It's already more than three o'clock, and Jianyun is going to the students' house at 4:30. So after the two separated, Jianyun didn't go to her uncle's house. Instead, she found a coffee shop, ordered a cup of coffee, and sat there, staring at the blooming Magnolia outside the glass window.

Her calm heart for six years was so disturbed by Huo Liancheng. Do you accept him? no She can't accept him!

She had long lost faith in herself, and a man like him was too dazzling, just like the sun in the sky, and she didn't want to live in his shadow.

Today, she just wants to live a simple life. Besides, her mother and she have been betrayed. When things come to light, her father and Xu Haiyang will only shirk their responsibilities. Therefore, Jian Yun can see clearly that this society is not enough for you to be clean.

When Jian Yun left the coffee shop, the coffee was already cold. She didn't drink any. She never liked to drink coffee. Life has been so bitter. Why let herself taste the bitter taste again. #####

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