The place where Jian Yun wants to go is a villa area, where most of the newly rich people in the city live, as well as some foreigners working in China. The student she tutors is Chlo. Her parents work in the French Consulate in Qinghu. Chloe is 10 years old and has been learning piano for five years.

At 4:25, Jian Yun stood outside Chloe's villa and rang the doorbell.

"Jane!" A beautiful little girl with brown curly hair and sapphire eyes had been waiting in the garden for a long time. As soon as she heard the doorbell ring, she rushed to open the door and threw herself on Jian Yun, shouting excitedly.

"Chloe, you are beautiful today!" Jian Yun held the little girl around and communicated with her skillfully in French.

"Jane, come in!" Mrs. Bernard also warmly hugged Jane Yun.

Jian Yun and the Bernards have known each other for nearly three years. When they first came to China, Chloe wanted to find a piano teacher, but they could not speak Chinese. They had to find a piano teacher who knew French. After looking for a long time, they couldn't find one.

Later, by chance, someone introduced Jianyun, who had just graduated from University, to Mrs. Bernard. She had practiced piano since she was a child, and she had passed Grade 10. Although she had not been admitted to the Conservatory of music, she was absolutely professional. Moreover, she studied French as a second foreign language in Jianyun University. Therefore, Mrs. Bernard was very satisfied with this beautiful Chinese girl and gave her a high salary We've been working together until now.

Jianyun comes every Sunday. Mrs. Bernard is very considerate. Knowing that it is not safe for a girl to come home too late, she is specially asked to come in the afternoon. In this way, after two hours of class, she can only go home before 7 o'clock.

Chloe was very talented, and Jianyun was very relaxed. Two hours passed quickly.

"Jane, has your mother's operation been done?" After piano class, Mrs. Bernard asked Jianyun to sit on the sofa and handed her a cup of flower tea.

"I have an appointment with an expert professor in the capital, but the professor has gone abroad and now I have to wait." Jane Yun sipped her tea and hugged Chloe, who was rubbing against her.

"If you need any help, Jane, in the words of your Chinese people, you are welcome. We are willing to help you!" Mrs. Bernard really likes Jane Yun.

Thank you Jian Yun smiles. She rubs Chloe's hair affectionately. "OK Chloe, I have to go home. See you next week."

"Oh, Jane, why are you in such a hurry? Have you been very busy recently? Didn't you promise to take me up the mountain? " Chloe holds Jane Yun in her arms and doesn't want her to go.

"By the way, Jane, if you're free next week, come early and I'll introduce you to a good friend!" Mrs. Bernard knew that Jianyun would not stay for dinner, and was used to not.

"Yes, men and women?" Jian Yun knew that Bernard family was also a big family in France. The friends of Bernards should be rich or expensive.

"Female!" Mrs. Bernard winked mischievously. "My best friend, you're going to like her!"

After she came out of Bernard's house, she had to walk a long way to get a bus. After sunset, the temperature also dropped. She didn't wear much in the morning and the bus didn't come. She felt a little cold.

Twenty minutes later, the bus still didn't come. Jian Yun also understood that this is a villa area. If you can afford a villa, you won't take a bus. The bus stop here is just to improve the municipal construction, so the bus is often delayed.

Forget it, it seems that there is no bus today. We'd better take a taxi to the subway station, Jian Yun thought helplessly.

In order to save money for her mother's operation, Jian Yun has been making a lot of money over the past few years, and she dare not spend any money at all. Up to now, she has only raised enough money for the first phase of the operation. After the operation, she will need more money to recover. She still doesn't know what to do.

However, today, Jian Yun is really out of luck. She can't wait for the bus and the taxi hasn't been seen for a long time. She can only walk. She plans to wait while she walks. At this time, instead of waiting for a taxi, she is waiting for a red overtake.

"Hi! Beauty, do you want a ride With the roof removed, a young man with oversized sunglasses whistled frivolously at Jian Yun.

Jian Yun ignored him, lowered his head and went on.

"Oh, it's so personal. I like it!" The man did not give up when he hit a nail. He continued to follow Jian Yun like a dog skin plaster. He tried his best to pick and amuse him.

The more he talked, the more brazen and shameless she became. She couldn't bear it. When she looked up, she found that this area was a dead corner of surveillance. Even the street lights were not on. She turned her head and suddenly hooked the man with a dirty smile.

"Beauty, have you figured it out? That's right. The woman I like, as long as you serve me well, do you want anything... " The young man stopped running, and the Houji got out of the car. Although there was no street lamp, he could see Jian Yun's face clearly by the moonlight and the light of the car's headlights. He was immediately shocked and his eyes were straight, "beauty, you are beautiful!"

"Do you like me Jian Yun pursed her lips with a smile of "coyness". She hooked her fingers at the man and retreated to the dark.

"Like it, little beauty. I can't wait to do that happy thing with you..." The man's eyes were shining, he was rubbing his hands, and he began to unbutton his clothes.However, as soon as he untied the two buttons, he got a blow in his right eye. Suddenly, he saw stars and screamed. But what was more terrifying was that he also received a blow in his left eye. He reacted and was so angry that he wanted to fight back. As a result, his arm was dragged. A fierce over shoulder fall of the beautiful woman in front of him threw him to the ground, which made him feel bad The point moved, and I couldn't call it out.

"Now, do you still like me?" Jian Yun smoothed her hair and squatted in front of the man, smiling beautifully.

"No, I don't like it!" The man was beaten by this without any reason. He didn't dare to speak so fast. He swore secretly in his heart that he would find someone to teach this woman a lesson and let her know how many eyes Lord Ma had!

"I'm so beautiful, do you like me?" Jian Yun "Pa Pa Pa" two ear scrapes, directly beat the man, like not, do not like, what do you want?

Where the hell is this crazy woman from!

"Take off your clothes!" Jian Yun looked at the man who was black and blue in front of her eyes, and suddenly her face sank and ordered.

The man didn't know what she was going to do, and he said in his heart, does this woman have a special hobby? But he didn't dare not, so he quickly took off all, anyway, he is a man, in this respect will not suffer losses.

"All right! Put on your underwear Jian Yun turned her head and avoided the key parts. She didn't have a good airway.

"You, what are you going to do?" The man saw that Jianyun did not rush forward to ravage him and trample him. He was disappointed and saw Jianyun take out his mobile phone. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. #####

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