At this time, Luo Yanyan pointed to Jian Yun's chest and started gossiping again, "and said that super handsome guy is not your boyfriend, not your boyfriend will treat you so well?"

Jian Yun followed her eyes and saw the pink lover's heart. When she was sleeping, the dress was changed, but the necklace was not taken down.

"That handsome guy is really rare. He didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of you. He was ravaged by you. When he left, he asked me to change clothes for you. If I were him, I would surely sleep with you!" Luo Yan Yan supported her chin and sighed.

"What do I mean to trample and ravage him?" Hearing this, Jian Yun couldn't help but give Luo Yan Yan a white eye, "do you think he looks like a good guy who has been trampled and ravaged?"

"I can't say that!" Luo Yan Yan asked curiously, "Jian Jun, such a handsome man, are you really not moved?"

"What's the use of being handsome? Can it be served as a meal? " Jian Yun wiped the table with a rag, drank water again, and put a smile on her mouth. "Others don't know. Don't you know?"

What Jian Yun said was not clear, but Luo Yanyan understood her meaning. However, she shook her head and said with disapproval: "Jian Yun, people are different from people. Xu Haiyang is cheating, which does not mean that other men are like him. You can't knock down a boat of people with one stick."

"Well, even if Huo Liancheng is not the same as Xu Haiyang, even if he is not playful and cheating, but he can't stop those women who want to get along with the golden tortoise son-in-law. Even if he just plays tricks, I can't stand it! What's more, I'm looking for someone to marry. How could someone like him marry me Jian Yun curled her lips and squinted at Luo Yanyan. Suddenly, she chuckled: "it seems that people are really chasing me. We have only known each other for a week. Moreover, he has a woman, the new manager of our personnel department, who makes people pregnant."

Luo Yan Yan looked disappointed and thought for a while and then said, "but how do I feel that he looks at you as if he has known you for a long time?"

In fact, Jian Yun also felt that Huo Liancheng's attitude towards her had changed too abruptly and too quickly. After Luo Yanyan mentioned this, she moved her mind and recalled it. But after a moment, she shook her head, "I'm sure I don't know him, and I haven't seen him before. It's impossible to see a person like him without an impression."

"Well, I don't know," sighed Luo Yanyan. "Maybe it's love at first sight."

"Why do you say the same thing to Wu Wenjing?" When Jian Yun heard the speech, her eyebrows were filled with sarcasm. She sneered, "I didn't believe in love at first sight for a long time."

As they were talking, Jianyun's mobile phone rang. She found her bag from the sofa and took out her mobile phone. She found that Zhou Shaolong was calling.

"Mr. Zhou." Jane Yun answers the phone.

"Jian Yun, didn't you say you should call her name directly? Why are you out of sight again? " Zhou Shaolong's bright voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, forget it!" Jian Yun also laughed.

"Well, do you have time now?" Zhou Shaolong asked, "let's have lunch together."

"Well, there are." Jian Yun looked at the time. It was already more than nine o'clock. When she was ready to go out and go to the place, it was not too early. So she agreed, "OK."

"Where do you live? I'll pick you up." Zhou Shaolong was obviously excited when Jian Yun agreed.

"No, it's a traffic jam. I'll take the subway very quickly." Jian Yun politely said that she and Zhou Shaolong had only known each other for a few days. Although she had a good impression of him, she could not disclose all her privacy to him.

"All right Zhou Shaolong also did not insist, reported an address, said for a while, then hung up the phone.

Luo Yan Yan was holding her cheek, smiling vaguely, "blind date? What do you do? "

"Returnees, lawyers." Jian Yun turned and walked into the room, ready to change clothes.

"Go abroad to study law, and come back to be a lawyer? It's strange that the laws abroad are different from those at home. " Luo Yan Yan said, "I don't understand!"

Jian Yun doesn't understand either. All she knows about Zhou Shaolong is still on the surface. If she really decides to get married, she must know more about it.

"Xiao Yun, you really don't think about handsome Huo?" Luo Yanyan followed up the room and sighed with a look of flower mania: "such a handsome man, just watching every day is also a kind of enjoyment!"

"Look at him? Be careful not to freeze you Jian Yun said as she changed her clothes.

"Tut Tut, I can see that you don't care about the returned lawyer at a glance. Look at you, it's not as good-looking as you wear at work." Luo Yanyan made fun of Jian Yun, saying that you are not interested in handsome Huo. Why are you so beautiful at work

"I don't have to dress up for work. All right, take the necklace off for me!" Jian Yun turns her back to Luo Yanyan and smoothes her hair, asking Luo Yanyan to help.

"Jane Yun, this diamond is so beautiful! Such a big diamond is estimated to be sky high. Handsome Huo is really willing to give you up. " Luo Yanyan takes the diamond down and hands it to Jianjun.

"It's just to accompany him to the party and wear it for me. I'll give it back to him tomorrow." Jian Yun said.

"Look over there!" Luo Yanyan held her arm and pointed to the head of Jian Yun's bed with her chin. "All the jewelry boxes are left for you, obviously they are for you!"Jian Yun has never noticed the jewelry box beside her pillow. At the moment, she stares at the heart-shaped object made of pure gold. Is it really like Luo Yanyan that Huo Liancheng gave her the heart of the lover? Otherwise, you won't leave a jewelry box with the same price.

"Xiao Yun, I think handsome Huo is good anyway. You can see it from the way he looks at you. Think about it yourself!" Luo Yanyan pats Jian Yun on the shoulder and turns to go out.

Jian Yun picked up the jewelry box, rubbed it and opened it. She put the diamond necklace on the satin. Her white and clean fingers stroked the pigeon blood like diamond. Her tentacles were warm. For a long time, she sighed and closed the jewelry box.

In any case, she won't accept the heart of this lover. She will return it to him when she goes to work tomorrow.

It was half an hour after Jianyun arrived at the place agreed with Zhou Shaolong. She saw him standing under a tree on the roadside to make a phone call.

Jian Yun walked over and found that Zhou Shaolong was obviously dressed up today. His suit was ironed and his hair was covered with hair gel.

For no reason, Jian Yun suddenly thinks of Huo Liancheng. His hair is very short. When her hand passes through his hair, you can feel that his hair is very hard.

Jian Yun suddenly gave a severe shiver, and her eyes were shocked. How could she have such association? Moreover, when did she touch his hair?

"Jian Yun? When did you arrive? Why don't you make a sound? " Zhou Shaolong, who was talking on the phone, turned around and found Jianyun standing behind him. He was shocked. He lowered his voice to the other end of the phone and said, "I have something on my side. I'll talk about it later."

After that, Zhou Shaolong hung up in a hurry.

Jian Yun found that Zhou Shaolong's face was not right. He seemed to be nervous. But what was he nervous about? Is it for fear that she will hear him?

"Jian Yun, you..." Zhou Shaolong carefully observed the expression of Jian Yun, and he was eager to speak but stopped.

"I just arrived!" After all, everyone has secrets that they don't want to be known to others.

Zhou Shaolong was relieved to know that Jian Yun did not hear the phone call. He looked at his watch and said with a smile, "look at my work, I don't have time on weekends. Well, it's only ten o'clock. It's a little early to eat now. Why don't you go shopping first?" #####

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