461 Wang Jian's Audacious Plan For Ascension

As the months rolled by, Wang Jian and Yu Qing traversed the vast expanse of the continent, a journey that took them from the rolling waves of the Eastern Seas to the verdant landscapes of the Southern Region, the frosty terrains of the Northern States, the bustling heart of the Central Region, and back to the enigmatic Western Deserts.

Their travels were not just a journey across lands but also an odyssey of cultivation and enlightenment.

Yu Qing, a being of celestial origin, had seen her fair share of prodigies in the Upper Realm. Yet, she found herself increasingly astonished by Wang Jian's exceptional talents.

'His mastery over the Laws is astounding,' she thought as she watched him manipulate the very elements of the world – Flames bending to his will, Shadows dancing at his command, and even Time itself seeming to heed his whims.

'He is not just bending these Laws; he has thoroughly learnt to control the essence of the world within those laws,' Yu Qing mused, her celestial eyes reflecting a rare glimmer of admiration.

She knew that a cultivator's proficiency in the Laws they had mastered in the lower realm would remain intact upon ascending to the Upper Realm.

However, the true might of these Laws could only be unleashed once the cultivator strengthened their Divine Soul.

And it was for this reason that most of the individuals ascending from the lower realm were considered great geniuses who were highly coveted by the great powers in the Upper Realm.

In Wang Jian's case, Yu Qing saw a potential that defied the norms even amongst those geniuses.

'He could stand among the high-tier Godkings in the Upper Realm in terms of insights in the number of Laws,' she realized, a thought that was both thrilling and daunting. His insights into the Laws, coupled with the raw potential that coursed through him, placed him in a league few could hope to reach.

But what truly fascinated her was the unique blend of powers within Wang Jian. His body was a confluence of the draconic, demonic, and even the celestial essence of the Sun God.

'Such a combination is unheard of... it's both wondrous and terrifying,' she thought, her curiosity piqued by this unprecedented phenomenon.

During their travels, Wang Jian took the opportunity to introduce Yu Qing to his family – his wives, concubines, and all other women. The encounter was an eye-opener for Yu Qing.

'So many women, and each so deeply enamored by him,' she observed with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The depth of their affection for Wang Jian was palpable, their eyes shining with unwavering devotion whenever they looked at him.

Yu Qing couldn't help but feel a hint of intrigue.

'What is it about this man that draws them so profoundly?' she wondered. Each woman was unique in her beauty and strength, yet they all shared a common bond – their love for Wang Jian.

As they spent time together, Yu Qing began to understand the charm that Wang Jian possessed. It wasn't just his physical prowess or his mastery over the Laws that made him attractive; it was also his charisma, his unwavering confidence, and the way he treated each of them with affection.

Despite her vast knowledge and experience, the dynamics of Wang Jian's personal life were something entirely new to her.

Throughout their interactions, Yu Qing and Wang Jian engaged in deep conversations about cultivation, philosophy, and the mysteries of the universe.

Wang Jian listened intently to her teachings, his eyes often alight with the thrill of discovery.

Yu Qing, in turn, found herself increasingly intrigued by Wang Jian's perspectives and insights, which were refreshingly different from anything she had encountered in the upper realms.

As they traveled together, a bond formed between them, a connection born of shared knowledge and mutual respect.

Yu Qing began to see Wang Jian not just as a student, but as a peer, and perhaps, even a friend.

In just one year under Yu Qing's meticulous tutelage, Wang Jian achieved what many would deem impossible - the formation of his Divine Soul.

This monumental achievement marked his ascension to the Transcendent Realm, the first step in the profound journey of Divine Cultivation.

This was a realm where essence and soul intertwined, where a cultivator began to touch the very fabric of divinity.

"Congratulations, Wang Jian," Yu Qing said with a rare smile, genuinely impressed by his rapid progress. "With the crafting and integration of your Divine Soul, you have officially entered the Transcendent Realm. This is a significant milestone in your journey towards divinity."lightsnovel

With his newfound power, Wang Jian had undoubtedly become the mightiest being in the entire world.

Even the formidable Dragon Prince, a rival in strength, couldn't hold a candle to Wang Jian's current prowess.

However, the Dragon Prince had mysteriously disappeared from the Central Region. No one knew of his whereabouts, and his absence was a puzzle that lingered in the air like an unsolved riddle.

While investigating some unusual spatial disturbances near the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, Yu Qing's expression turned serious. "These spatial laws... they indicate a passage to the Upper Realm. Someone used this gateway recently."

Wang Jian's brow furrowed as he processed this revelation. "But the Dragon Prince hadn't even reached the Transcendent Realm. How could he ascend to the Upper Realm?"

Yu Qing shook her head, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the cosmic laws. "He didn't ascend on his own accord. It's more akin to a being from a higher realm forcibly summoning him."

This news left Wang Jian in a state of deep contemplation. The dynamics of the higher realms were complex and often beyond the comprehension of those in the lower realms. He sighed, deciding not to dwell on things beyond his control.

"What will you do next, Wang Jian?" Yu Qing inquired. "You stand at a crossroads. You can either reign supreme in this lower realm or face the Heavenly Tribulation and ascend to the Upper Realm. But remember, ascending means leaving your loved ones behind."

Wang Jian's lips curved into a sly smile. "Actually, Yu Qing, there's a third option."

Yu Qing raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Despite the apparent arrogance in Wang Jian's tone, she knew him well enough by now not to dismiss his words lightly. His growth and achievements over the past year had earned her respect.

"A third option?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

"Yes," Wang Jian said confidently. "A way for me to ascend to the Upper Realm without leaving anyone behind. My wives, my concubines - all my women who love me can accompany me."

"Tell me more," she said, her interest clearly evident. "This third option of yours... How do you plan to achieve such an extraordinary feat?"

Wang Jian leaned in, his eyes gleaming with a blend of ambition and resolve, as he unveiled his daring plan to Yu Qing. "I intend to fuse this realm with my Divine Soul," he declared, his voice steady yet filled with a hint of excitement.

Yu Qing's eyes widened in disbelief. "Fuse with the realm? But that's... that's a feat for those in the Divine Spirit Realm!"

Yu Qing's reaction was a mix of shock and disbelief. "Fuse with the realm? But that's a feat only achievable at the Divine Spirit Realm, two whole realms beyond where you stand!" Her voice was laced with concern; this was not merely ambitious but bordered on the brink of madness.

He nodded, acknowledging the risks. "Yes, it's dangerous. But I believe the risks can be mitigated if I can gain insights into all the laws of this world." His voice carried an unshakeable confidence that seemed to defy the very laws of cultivation.

Yu Qing frowned, her mind racing through the implications of his words. "All the laws? That's theoretically possible, yes. But practically? It's unheard of. You'd need to be at the Godking Realm to even contemplate such a thing."

lightsnοvεl Wang Jian just smiled, an enigmatic grin that hid more than it revealed. 'If only she knew,' he thought to himself.

He had kept a critical secret from Yu Qing - his unique power to absorb and harness the Essence of the World.

Initially, his own mind-created system had acted as a safeguard, preventing him from overusing this ability. But now, Wang Jian had grown in strength and mastery, capable of wielding the world's essence without limitations.

'With the World Tree, I can locate the Core Essence of this realm. Once I do, I'll have access to all its laws,' Wang Jian mused internally. This crucial step was key to his grand plan. By absorbing the realm's Core Essence, he could attain insights into every law of this world, an achievement that would set the stage for his ambitious fusion.

Yu Qing, still unaware of Wang Jian's hidden ace, looked at him with a mix of skepticism and awe. "Wang Jian, if what you're saying is even remotely possible, it would be an unparalleled feat."

Wang Jian's eyes sparkled with determination. "I'm well aware of the dangers, Yu Qing. But the potential rewards... they're worth every risk. With this fusion, not only can I ascend, but I can also bring my loved ones along. And that's exactly why I must attempt it."

Yu Qing couldn't help but admire his audacity.

"Very well, Wang Jian," she said, a hint of excitement in her voice. "I may not fully understand your methods, but I believe in your potential."

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