Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 462 Yu Qing Regains Her Peak Strength & Wang Jian Assimilates The World Within Himself

462 Yu Qing Regains Her Peak Strength & Wang Jian Assimilates The World Within Himself

Wang Jian strode confidently into the Enchanting Forest, his steps echoing with an almost ethereal grace. The trees, ancient and towering, seemed to bow in recognition of his presence. Yu Qing, ever the silent observer, floated close, her celestial essence mingling with the earthly airs. Despite her vast knowledge, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about Wang Jian's intentions.

Reaching the World Tree, a colossal entity that seemed to touch the heavens, Wang Jian placed his hand upon its gnarled bark. The tree, a beacon of life and wisdom, hummed softly under his touch.

Yu Qing, puzzled, hovered nearby. 'What in the realms is he up to?' she thought. Little did she know, Wang Jian was about to embark on a journey that would redefine the very essence of his being.

As Wang Jian's hand lingered on the World Tree, a dazzling array of lights burst forth, enveloping him in a cocoon of divine energy. The forest itself seemed to come alive, its leaves whispering secrets of ancient lore.

Yu Qing's eyes widened in shock. 'By the stars, what is this?' Her celestial mind, usually so composed, was a whirlwind of confusion and awe.

The phenomenon unfolding before her was beyond her wildest imaginations. Wang Jian, with an expression of serene enlightenment, was harmonizing with the world around him. It was as if he and the universe were engaged in an intimate dance, each step resonating with profound insights.

Waves of information flooded into Wang Jian, a deluge of laws, histories, and cosmic secrets. He stood there, a bastion of tranquility amidst the maelstrom of knowledge. 'This... this is incredible,' Wang Jian thought, feeling the pulse of the world intertwining with his soul.

Yu Qing, witnessing this, felt a strange sensation stirring within her. 'He's achieving a level of enlightenment that we in the Upper Realm strive for centuries to attain,' she mused, her voice a mere whisper in the grand tapestry of the moment.

Over the span of five years, Wang Jian absorbed the core essence of the world, an undertaking that would have driven lesser beings to the brink of madness. But for him, it was as natural as breathing. His cultivation remained stable, yet his understanding of the universe expanded exponentially.

Finally, the process completed.

Wang Jian, now brimming with the power he had gleaned from the World Tree, cast a sly, knowing smile at Yu Qing. 'Now's the time to play my hand,' he thought, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of cunning and excitement. His plan? Simple yet daring: to make Yu Qing, the celestial being, fall head over heels for him. But this wasn't a whimsical pursuit of love; it was a calculated strategy for survival in the perilous Upper Realm.

In the Upper Realm, Wang Jian knew he'd be like a small fish in a pond full of sharks – powerful beings who could snuff out his life with a flick of their wrist. 'It's all about lasting long enough to unleash my full potential,' he mused. And for that, he needed a guardian, a protector, someone to shield him from the dangers of this new, ruthless world. And who better than Yu Qing, with her near-Godking combat prowess?

But Wang Jian was well aware that Yu Qing's current interest in him was merely sparked by curiosity towards his potential. Yu Qing, with her celestial pride, wouldn't stick around just because he was an interesting anomaly. She was bound to him only until she could recreate her own body, after which she'd likely venture off to pursue her own enigmatic goals. That's where Wang Jian's cunning plan came into play.

'If she falls in love with me, she won't leave. She'll stay by my side, protect me, help me grow

stronger,' Wang Jian thought, his mind whirring with ideas. But winning over Yu Qing wouldn't be a walk in the park. She wasn't someone who would fall for mere sweet nothings or superficial gestures. His approach needed to be as deep and compelling as the cosmos itself.

So, Wang Jian decided to use his newfound abilities to his advantage. "Yu Qing," he began, his voice carrying the weight of newfound wisdom, "with the World Tree's blessing, my Spiritual Sense has expanded beyond horizons. I can now sense the treasures of the universe, the resources buried deep within its heart, hidden in the folds of space and time."

Yu Qing's eyes sparkled with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "You can do that?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

"Yes, and more importantly, I can sense the very resources you need to reforge your body," Wang Jian said, watching her reaction closely.

Her expression was a canvas of emotions – surprise, hope, and a flicker of something that Wang Jian couldn't quite put his finger on. "That... that would be incredible," she admitted, her celestial poise faltering slightly under the weight of her anticipation.

Without wasting another moment, Wang Jian whisked them away using Spatial Movement, zipping through the cosmos to collect the elusive resources. Yu Qing watched in awe as, one by one, Wang Jian located and gathered the nine essential elements needed for her new form.

lightsΝοvel Finally, with all nine resources in hand, Yu Qing began the delicate process of reforging her body. Her concentration was intense, her divine sense weaving the materials together with precision and care.

It was then that Wang Jian made his move. A single drop of his blood was released from his forehead.

The drop was transformed into a faint line of red thread, wrapping gently around her spirit. This was the Crimson Devotion Thread, a subtle yet potent ability Wang Jian had gained.

It would bind Yu Qing's heart to his, filling it with a devotion so deep and natural, she would never suspect its origins.

'Ah, the Crimson Devotion Thread, my secret ace,' Wang Jian thought with a triumphant grin. 'Soon, Yu Qing, your heart will beat in tune with mine, and you won't even know why.'lightsnovel

The only way she could ever discover its existence would be through an understanding of the Law of Devotion, a law she had yet to encounter.

As the thread completed its task, Yu Qing remained oblivious, her focus entirely on the task at hand. Wang Jian watched, fascinated by the transformation before him.

The resources melded together under her expert manipulation, forming the outline of a celestial body, ethereal and magnificent.

Wang Jian watched with a mix of anticipation and satisfaction. 'Soon, she'll see me not just as an ally, but as something... more,' he mused, his eyes never leaving the ethereal figure of Yu Qing.

The days passed, and Yu Qing, engrossed in her task, remained oblivious to the subtle changes within her. The once proud and distant celestial being started to show signs of a gentler, warmer side, especially towards Wang Jian.

One evening, as the sky turned a canvas of oranges and purples, Wang Jian approached Yu Qing, who was taking a break from her intensive task. He found her gazing at the horizon, her eyes reflecting the myriad of colors.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Wang Jian remarked casually, standing beside her.

Yu Qing turned to him, her eyes softening. "Yes, it's like a painting. But... I find myself enjoying it more with you by my side." Her words slipped out, tinged with a warmth that surprised even her.

Wang Jian's heart skipped a beat. 'The devotion thread is working,' he thought, hiding his triumph with a warm smile. "I feel the same, Yu Qing. There's something about sharing moments like these that makes them even more special."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared stories. Wang Jian, with his charismatic charm, drew Yu Qing into a world of ease and comfort. As the night deepened, so did their bond, or so Yu Qing believed, unaware of the invisible thread pulling at her heartstrings.

In the days that followed, Yu Qing found herself increasingly drawn to Wang Jian. His presence brought her a sense of peace and happiness she hadn't known before. 'Is this what companionship feels like?' she wondered, her heart fluttering at the thought.

Wang Jian, for his part, played the role of the perfect companion, always there, always understanding, always making her smile. But behind his warm smiles and kind gestures, he knew the truth. 'She's under the spell of the Crimson Devotion Thread. Soon, she'll be my most loyal protector in the Upper Realm,' he thought, a sense of victory cloaking his heart.

As Yu Qing's new form slowly took shape, shimmering with celestial energy, their journey together continued.

Months had passed since Yu Qing had regained her formidable strength, her new body shimmering with celestial energy. Wang Jian, meanwhile, was gearing up for his next audacious feat - assimilating the entire planet with his Divine Spirit.

One lazy afternoon, as they sat under the shade of an ancient tree, its leaves whispering secrets of eons past, Yu Qing broached the topic.

"Wang Jian," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and excitement, "you do realize that assimilating the planet with your Divine Spirit will create ripples across the cosmos? The moment you accomplish this, experts from the Upper Realm will descend upon you, drawn by the shockwave it will create."

Wang Jian, lounging back with a blade of grass between his teeth, looked unperturbed. 'A little cosmic chaos never hurt anybody,' he thought, his confidence unshaken.

He turned to her, a sly smile playing on his lips. "But Yu Qing, I assume you'll be there to protect me, right?" His eyes sparkled with a mischievous light.

Yu Qing, caught off guard by his charming smile and playful tone, felt her heart flutter. "Of course, I will," she nodded, her words laced with an affection she didn't fully understand. 'This man, he's more than just a companion now,' she thought, her heart warming at the idea.

And so, the grand process began. Wang Jian, his figure enveloped in a divine aura, started the monumental task of fusing the entire planet with his Divine Spirit. The air around them thrummed with power, the very fabric of reality bending to his will.

Yu Qing watched, mesmerized by the display of raw power. She could sense the planet's essence intertwining with Wang Jian's spirit, a dance of cosmic proportions. 'He's doing the impossible,' she marveled, a sense of awe filling her.

As the process continued, the planet began to shimmer and fade, like a mirage slowly dissolving under the desert sun. Wang Jian, at the epicenter, was a beacon of concentrated energy, his focus unwavering.

After what seemed like an eternity, the tumultuous energy began to subside. The planet had completely assimilated with Wang Jian's Divine Spirit. It was no longer a physical entity in the cosmos but a part of Wang Jian himself.

He opened his eyes, now glowing with a divine light, and turned to Yu Qing. "It's done. We're ready for the next big adventure."

Yu Qing nodded, her eyes reflecting pride and a hint of something deeper. "Yes, we are. Together, we'll face the Upper Realm."

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