460 Unsealing Yu Qing

In the heart of the Central Region, where the sky kissed the mountaintops and ancient spirits whispered in the winds, Wang Jian journeyed to the abode of the Dragon Prince, the formidable leader of the Draconic Clan and the Ancient Beast Race. The air was thick with the aura of power, and the ground seemed to hum with the tales of eons past.

Upon Wang Jian's arrival, the members of the Draconic Clan watched in silent awe. Their gazes held no contempt, only a deep, unspoken respect. They knew well the tales of this human, the only one who could stand toe-to-toe with their revered Dragon Prince. To belittle Wang Jian would be to belittle their own leader, an unthinkable act.

Inside the grand hall, adorned with jade carvings and golden motifs that told the history of their proud race, Wang Jian and the Dragon Prince sat across from each other. Despite their rivalry for the title of the strongest warrior, there was a mutual respect that transcended their competitive spirits.

The Dragon Prince, a majestic figure with scales shimmering like the night sky, poured a radiant, emerald liquid into two crystalline cups. "To our wonderous spar," he toasted, raising his cup towards Wang Jian.

Wang Jian smiled and clinked his cup with the Dragon Prince's. "To the bonds that are forged in the fires of rivalry," he replied, savoring the drink that tasted like liquid stars.

As they drank, the Dragon Prince's gaze lingered on Wang Jian, a mix of amusement and curiosity dancing in his eyes. "Four hundred years, and your descendants have already let the reins slip. I didn't expect that," he said, his voice devoid of mockery, merely stating an observation.

Wang Jian, unfazed, replied calmly, "It's the cycle of life, my friend. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times raise weak men, and weak men bring about hard times, which in turn, forge strong men. The cycle is endless. You and I are but products of such times."

The Dragon Prince chuckled, an amused grin playing on his lips. "Indeed, we are. But tell me, what about our battle, the one scheduled for six centuries from now? Have you thought about it?"

Wang Jian's expression turned contemplative. "I may not be in this realm in 600 years," he said, his voice carrying a hint of distant dreams.

The Dragon Prince's eyes widened in surprise. "You're ascending to the Upper Realm?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of something else, something unspoken.

Wang Jian nodded. "Yes, my preparations are nearly complete. The time for me to explore new horizons is approaching."

A sly smile crept onto the Dragon Prince's face. "Then, I shall see you in the Upper World," he said, his tone laced with a mysterious confidence.

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the statement. "You plan to ascend as well?"

The Dragon Prince's smile turned thinner, yet his eyes sparkled with an enigmatic light. "Let's just say, there are plans within plans, and the dance of fate is far more intricate than we can fathom."

Wang Jian leaned back, absorbing the Dragon Prince's words. The air between them was filled with a sense of unspoken understanding and shared anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead, in realms beyond their current understanding.

Their conversation meandered through various topics, from the nuances of power to the whispers of ancient prophecies. Outside, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the land, but inside the hall, time seemed to stand still, suspended in the camaraderie of two unparalleled warriors.

As the night deepened, Wang Jian rose to leave, the weight of upcoming journeys and farewells heavy in his heart. "Until we meet again, in this world or another," he said, extending his hand.

The Dragon Prince grasped Wang Jian's hand firmly. "Until then, I bless you with the strength of dragons," he replied, his voice echoing with the power of eons.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm With a final nod, Wang Jian turned and walked out of the hall, his silhouette merging with the starlit sky. Behind him, the Dragon Prince watched, his eyes gleaming with the promise of future encounters, in realms yet to be explored, in battles yet to be fought.

After his momentous meeting with the Dragon Prince, Wang Jian returned to the mystical Elven Dominion, his mind swirling with thoughts and plans. However, this time, he bypassed the welcoming embrace of his wives and companions and headed straight for the heart of the forest, where the World Tree stood in all its ancient and resplendent glory.

Today was a special day, a culmination of centuries of effort and dedication. Wang Jian had poured his vast energies into the World Tree, mending its ancient wounds, nurturing its weakened limbs, and rejuvenating its faded essence. And now, at last, the moment of fruition had arrived.

As Wang Jian laid his hands upon the gnarled bark, a surge of power coursed through the World Tree. It was like the heartbeat of the earth itself, pulsating with life and vitality. In a spectacular display, the World Tree unleashed a burst of qi. It wasn't destructive, but rather a life-affirming wave that cascaded across the lands. The qi of the world began to swell, richer and more vibrant than it had been in millennia.

Amidst this miraculous event, Wang Jian gazed up at the towering tree and spoke, his voice resonating with a mixture of reverence and determination. "In return for healing you, I ask for your assistance," he said, his eyes reflecting the deep green of the leaves above.lightsnovel

The World Tree responded, not with words, but directly into Wang Jian's mind, its voice ancient and wise. "State your request, Benefactor."

Wang Jian didn't hesitate. "Within the Divine Spirit Prison, I have a captive - Yu Qing, a deity from the upper realms. Her hatred runs deep, and I wish for you to alleviate this malice, to turn her feelings favorable towards me."

The World Tree's presence in his mind was ancient and wise, its response measured. "My divine essence cannot manipulate the deep-seated emotions of beings from the upper realms. Such matters are beyond my influence."

A flicker of disappointment crossed Wang Jian's face, but he remained attentive.

The World Tree, sensing his dismay, offered an alternative. "However, I can erase her memories of this world. She will retain no recollection of her time here, nor of the events that led to her imprisonment."

A spark of understanding lit up Wang Jian's eyes, and a sly smile curled his lips. Erasing Yu Qing's memories would effectively nullify her hatred, a solution he hadn't considered but found exceedingly fitting.

"Proceed," Wang Jian said, his voice tinged with anticipation.

He carefully positioned the Divine Spirit Prison in front of the World Tree, its ancient roots gently encircling the mystical artifact. The World Tree then began to channel its immense divine power, its leaves shimmering with a celestial glow.

The process was intense and demanding, even for a being as powerful as the World Tree. After nearly an hour of concentrated effort, during which the tree's energy visibly waned, the task was complete. Yu Qing's memories of her time on the continent, her interactions with Zhang Fei, and her subsequent capture and imprisonment - all were erased from her consciousness.

The last memory she would retain was of her desperate escape from the upper realms, a flight from unknown pursuers that led her to this world.

Wang Jian observed the process with a sense of satisfaction. He had not only healed the World Tree but also found a way to neutralize a potential threat. He thanked the World Tree, its branches swaying as if acknowledging his gratitude.

Then, with a final nod to the World Tree, he walked away, his mind already racing with plans and possibilities.

In the vast, sun-scorched expanse of the Western Deserts, Wang Jian stood solemnly, the Divine Spirit Prison clasped in his hands. With a flick of his wrist, he unsealed the mystical container, releasing a torrent of divine energy that spiraled into the sky. From this maelstrom of power, Yu Qing's spiritual form slowly materialized, her figure ethereal and shimmering under the harsh desert sun.

Initially unconscious, Yu Qing soon stirred to wakefulness. Her eyes, clear as the deepest oceans, opened with a cautious vigilance, scanning her surroundings for any signs of danger. Her gaze finally settled on Wang Jian, and for a moment, she seemed taken aback by his striking appearance.

"Who are you?" she inquired, her voice echoing with a celestial timbre.

Wang Jian, unfazed, introduced himself with a hint of pride. "I am Wang Jian, one of the mightiest cultivators of this realm," he declared. "And you, may I ask who you are? I found you emerging from a powerful spatial anomaly."

Yu Qing, quickly piecing together her situation, realized she was in a lower realm. She scrutinized Wang Jian, her eyes narrowing as she sensed the extraordinary amalgamation of energies within him - the essence of dragons, the blood of demons, and a sacred physique that seemed rare even by upper realm standards.

"I require resources to reforge my physical form," Yu Qing stated, her tone shifting to one of command. "In exchange, I can offer you knowledge and assistance."

Wang Jian smiled, a cunning glint in his eyes. "I can help you with that," he said, "but only if you agree to aid me in reaching the Upper Realm."

Yu Qing, seeing an opportunity, quickly agreed.

She then listed the resources she needed, items of immense power and rarity. But Wang Jian, with a knowing smile, shook his head. "None of those exist in this world," he lied smoothly, his confidence ensuring that his deception would go undetected. In reality, he knew precisely where to find each item, but revealing that would undermine his plans.

Left with no alternative, Yu Qing began to instruct Wang Jian in the arts of cultivation beyond the Immortal Realm, guiding him towards the Transcendent Stage – the first level in the divine journey of the gods.

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