Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 141 - Viona Visiting Luna

Arriving at the house, Ethan saw Ira was cleaning the floor that was stained with Luna's blood after falling down the stairs. She paused and looked up at the thought of his wife falling on his big belly, it made him shudder at the thought of how much she was in pain.

"If I were at home, maybe you wouldn't have to go down yourself and fall," Ethan whispered. How did he know that Luna fell not because she was desperate to get down herself, but because she was pushed by Viona?

"Sir," Ira greeted when she realized Ethan was behind her.

"Please clean the room next to the guest room, later it will be renovated and made a special room for the twins," Ethan exclaimed. He decided to put his babies in a room downstairs for fear of falling down the stairs again.

Although on the top floor there is still space.

"Yes, Sir." Ira nodded obediently and felt like knowing how Luna was doing.

"If I may know, how is Mrs. Luna's condition?" Ira asked.

"She's coma," replied Ethan with a sad expression. "If you want to see it, tomorrow while picking up the twins home," he continued and immediately walked to the study.

"Yes, Sir."

ira unmoved with thoughts that kept on remembering when she found Luna lying on the floor with blood running down her head and lower core of her body. The memory seemed to be traumatizing for her because she was shocked and panicked.

'Hopefully, Mrs. Luna will wake up soon. I feel sorry for the twins,' thought Ira.


Arriving at the office, Ethan immediately took the phone book to find the telephone number for the room renovator who had renovated his house.

after finding the number, Ethan immediately reached into his pants pocket to take out his smartphone, then dialed the number.

"Good afternoon, We are from a renovation service company, is there anything we can help you with?" asked someone who had connected with Ethan.

"I'm Ethan, a customer of your renovation service company. I want to renovate a room for my two babies," said Ethan.

"When do you think the room will be used?"

"Maybe the day after tomorrow. I just want a wall wallpaper that is identical to the twins, a bath, a changing place, a place for them to sleep. The bottom line is that it's comfortable for my two babies."

"Okay, we'll take care of it tomorrow. And it will be done on time."

"Thank you."

Ethan immediately hung up the phone and switched to calling Andrew. He had not even asked his assistant about the inauguration of his company's branch in Bandung.

"Hello, Drew," said Ethan when he connected with Andrew.

"Hello, sir. How is Mrs. Luna?" asked Andrew over the phone.

"She's in a coma, Drew," Ethan replied as he leaned back in the chair. His left hand massaged his forehead which felt dizzy from this bad day.

"Coma? Then what about the baby?" Andrew asked again.

"The baby is healthy," Ethan said briefly then asked back, "how was the event? Did it go well?"

"Well done, sir. Soon the group of employees will return to Jakarta." Andrew explained.

"Good." Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. "If you are willing, tomorrow I will ask you to take my mother to Singapore," he continued.

"Of course I do, Sir."

"Good then, I hang up the phone."

"Yes, Sir."

Ethan immediately hung up the phone, then put his phone on the table. He leaned back with his eyes closed. The memory of when Luna always came to see him when he was in the study, seemed to play again like a tape in his mind. The man remembered the attitude of his wife who likes to be spoiled sitting on his lap.

"It feels like today feels long. I miss the intimacy that we used to create in every room in this house," Ethan muttered as he kept his eyes closed remembering his sweet moment with Luna. Until a few moments, he immediately got up from the chair and walked towards the room that was going to be renovated. The man intends to help Ira clean the room.


Viona was on her way down the hospital corridor sitting in a wheelchair the kind Doctor pushed her. There was a sense of anxiety troubling her mind because guilt kept her thinking.

until a few minutes, Viona arrived at Luna's treatment room. The doctor pushed the wheelchair that brought Viona closer to Luna.

Viona looked sadly at Luna's beautiful face who was sleeping peacefully on the nursing bed which was a bit wide. only the sound of the heart rate monitor echoed in the silence of the room.

'I'm sorry, Luna. Because of me, you became like this. I'm the dumbest woman who could be cruel to you just because of a jerk like Edward. God even paid for my crimes directly and I'm sorry,' Viona thought as she continued to stare at Luna's face and her belly which was no longer big.

"When will she wake up, Doc?" Viona asked as she looked up at the doctor who was still standing beside her.

"I have no idea. A person can be in a coma for up to a week, a month, and some even don't wake up for years," explained the doctor.

Viona looked back at Luna who looked fragile. Feelings of pity and guilt continued to overtake her. She touched Luna's soft fingers and said, "you are a strong woman, you must be aware of the survival of your children. They need you."

"Would you like to see her baby?" asked the Doctor.

"Of course, if you want to take me," replied Viona with a smile looking up at the handsome doctor.

"Then just now, Doc," said Viona.

"All right. As long as I'm free," the doctor replied.

"I'll go first, Luna. I hope you wake up quickly and can see your baby," said Viona as she let go of her hand on Luna's fingers.

The doctor immediately pushed the wheelchair that brought Viona out of Luna's room. He pushed down the hospital corridor which was getting deserted because it was late.

until a few minutes, Viona arrived at the special room for Luna's baby The doctor met the nurse first so that there would be no misunderstanding because he brought Viona in. That's because Ethan asked for a close watch on the twins.

The doctor took Viona closer to the two incubators where baby Luna warmed up.

"Aren't they cold?" Viona asked while looking down at the twins who were only wearing diapers.

"No, the tube keeps them calm and warm," replied the Doctor.

"Have they had milk?" Viona asked again.

"Not yet," replied the Doctor, then gave a brief explanation, "babies born by cesarean, usually will drink after a day or two. There are even up to three hearts. It depends on whether they are fussy or not."

Viona nodded in understanding and watched the twins with her face forward. She smiled every time she saw their movements. There is also sadness because she lost her future baby. Slowly the woman began to cry.

"Why you crying? Are you feeling sick again?" asked the Doctor when he realized Viona was crying.

Viona immediately wiped her tears roughly, then replied, "I just feel sorry for them, they should get breast milk from their mother soon. And maybe if my fetus doesn't fall, it will be born and cute like them. But God willed otherwise."

"Hopefully their mother wakes up soon. I hope you also get well soon and get up. Don't be sad all the time. Please let your baby rest in peace because God must have a more beautiful plan for your life." The doctor tried to encourage Viona.

Vivian nodded and smiled. she felt cared for after all this time only her father cared when she was sad because Edward always treated her rudely. For some reason, she felt comfortable around the kind-hearted handsome doctor.

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