Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 142 - Give Name For The Twins

In the morning, Ethan woke up and straightened back up. All night he slept sitting with his head resting on Luna's bed. He never let go of his grip on his wife's hand. With his face just woken up, he looked at his wife who was still in the same condition. the man stood up and leaned in to kiss his wife's forehead.

"Good morning, Sweetheart," said Ethan, then kissed Luna's lips with his eyes closed for a moment. After that, he walked to the bathroom to wash his face.

While Ethan was in the bathroom, the doctor with several nurses came to check on Luna's condition. They carried out a series of examinations, injected medicines, then wiped her body clean and changed clothes.

"Take the breast milk to throw it away. so that when she wakes up, she can still breastfeed her baby," said the beautiful doctor who used to treat Luna.

"Okay, Doctor," replied one of the Sisters. They immediately did as the doctor ordered.


Ethan came out of the bathroom and saw that there were already doctors and nurses in the room who were treating Luna. He slightly approached and saw his wife who was still closed being taken breast milk. the man was increasingly saddened by the condition he saw, the wife looked helpless so that even the nurses had to do the milking.

Ethan approached the doctor who had finished giving instructions to the nurse.

"How about her condition?" asked Ethan.

"There's been a little progress," the doctor replied as she stared at Luna. "It's just, I can't predict when she will regain consciousness. But life expectancy is still very great, I'm sure she can still recover," she continued with an explanation.

Ethan heaved a sigh of relief, at least he was still allowed to correct his mistake on Luna and struggle to make her happy.

"Is that milk for our baby to drink?" asked Ethan.

"No, breast milk must be discarded because it contains toxins from the medicines that have been received in your wife's body," explained the doctor.

"Does she still have a chance to be able to breastfeed once she recovers?" asked Ethan, keeping his eyes focused on Luna.

"She's still breastfeeding her baby, sir," replied the Doctor with a relieved expression, "we will take her breast milk regularly while she is in a coma. So that when she wakes up, she can provide healthy breast milk for her baby," she continued with an explanation.

Ethan nodded in understanding and continued to pay attention to Luna who was still being handled by the nurse.

Drett ... drett...

Ethan's smartphone rings, he immediately takes it in his pocket and sees an incoming call from Shandra.

"Hello, Sis."

"Hello, Ethan. Can you send someone to help me shop for your baby's needs today? Because if I'm alone it seems like it will be troublesome."

"Later I will ask Ira to help you," said Ethan.

"Okay then, I wait at the mall. I will share the location," replied Shandra.


the telephone connection is lost. Ethan immediately put his phone back. He looked back at Luna who had finished taking her breast milk. The nurses immediately came out while the doctor was still inside.

"When can our baby be brought home, Doc?" asked Ethan.

"Maybe tomorrow, sir. because today they are still not very strong," answered the Doctor.

Ethan nodded in understanding, then approached Luna who already looked fresher than before. He looked sadly at his wife and sat back in the chair, while the Doctor left the room.

"Honey, come to your senses. Tomorrow our baby may be able to be brought home. I hope you wake up and can come home with us. We will take care of them together. I'm not going to work anymore, let Andrew take care of the office. I will spend every day with you." Ethan spoke while holding Luna's fingers and kissing them.

Luna still didn't respond. But there were clear beads that escaped from her eyelids. Maybe she heard what Ethan said, maybe she felt her husband's presence. but the woman had a hard time getting up and opening her eyes.

Ethan looked back at Luna's face. He could see tears welling up in his wife's eyes. Immediately he got up from his seat and wiped the tears with his fingers.

"Can you hear me? if so, you will have to struggle to wake up. You should see how beautiful and handsome our child is. Shandra said their lips are similar to yours and their eyes are very similar to mine. They will be our mirror, you must be excited to see it." Ethan tries to provoke Luna's consciousness by telling her about the twins. He hoped that in that way, his wife was struggling to get up.


Elsewhere, Arsha arrived at the Jakarta airport with Rita. He had not told his mother-in-law about Luna's true condition. because he didn't want to make her worry or panic.

"Are Luna and the baby still in the hospital?" asked Rita.

"Yes, mom. They can go home when they are really strong," replied Arsha while dragging Rita's suitcase.

"Mommy is still surprised, Luna should have given birth about a week later but yesterday it was born. Is there a problem with her, Arsha?" Rita asked while walking hand in hand with Arsha. She was curious about Luna's condition because she always calculated her daughter's pregnancy age.

"No, mom," replied Arsha lying. "Mom's granddaughter is very healthy and adorable. they're a pair of twins, a boy, and a girl," he continued with a reassuring smile.

"Let's go straight to the hospital then," said Rita enthusiastically.

"Don't you want to rest at home for a while, you must be tired," said Arsha.

"Mom's tiredness will disappear when seeing grandchildren who must be very beautiful and handsome," replied Rita with an enthusiastic smile. It's natural because Luna's child is her first grandchild. Unfortunately, the late Ananta could not see them.

Arriving outside the airport, Arsha and Rita took a taxi to the hospital where Luna and her baby were being treated. While in, Arsha's taxi sent a message to Ethan.

Arhsa: _Is Luna awake?

Only need to wait a few minutes, Arsha got a reply from Ethan.

Ethan: not yet, but there's been some progress,

Arsha: what's the progress?

Ethan: she cried when I tried to talk to her. Doctors also said there was great hope for her to recover.

Arsha: good then, I'm on my way there with mommy Rita."

Ethan: Be careful.

Arsha put back his smartphone, then looked back at his mother-in-law who was sitting sleeping. There is a sense of pity to see the middle-aged woman, he will surely be devastated when she finds out that her daughter is in a coma.


Ethan saw his crying babies as the nurses changed diapers. He came closer and looked at them sadly.

"Do they want milk?" asked Ethan.

"It's not certain, sometimes they cry because they don't feel like their diapers are wet," answered the nurse while changing the diaper for the baby boy, while the baby girl was no longer crying because the other nurses were rocking her.

"But aren't they thirsty? They haven't had anything to drink since yesterday." Ethan looked worried at his babies starting to fuss.

"We will give you milk later," said the nurse.

"Give me the best milk, whatever it costs, give it," Ethan exclaimed as he reached out his hand to the nurse who was holding his baby girl. "Let me carry him."

the nurse carefully put the baby into Ethan's ready hand. Although a little stiff because he wasn't used to it, Ethan tried not to be nervous and started to rock the baby.

"You're so beautiful, honey. Daddy will give you the name Keyra Del Luna Darric Angelo and your twin named Keenan Darric Angelo. We'll see mommy soon," Ethan whispered as he smiled at his daughter. this is the first time he is holding a baby who is still very small. There is a feeling of happiness and sadness because her daughter has not been able to feel being held by her mother.

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