Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 140 - Edward Visiting Luna

Ethan was motionless beside Luna while staring at his smartphone he is thinking of names for his two babies and needs names as soon as possible before their grandmothers come and will celebrate the names.

"Honey. Do you think that Febian and Febiola are suitable for them?" asked Ethan while looking at Luna who didn't respond.

Ethan sighed as Luna didn't respond. He suddenly remembered that his wife's name also had the name "Febiola" in the middle.

"Eh, but your name is also FebiolaI'll think of the right name again so that when you wake up, you like that name." Ethan continued to talk to Luna who probably didn't hear him because he was still asleep.

Until a moment of deep thought, a smile grew on Ethan's lips. he had found the right name for his twin babies.

"I'm sure you'll like this name. I'll name Keyra and Keenan, then put my last name on it." Ethan smiled at Luna, he got up from the chair and leaned over, then kissed the forehead of his wife who was still sleeping.

"I have to go home now to take care of their room. I hope you'll be awake when I get back. I love you, honey." Ethan kissed Luna's forehead again for a moment, then left her alone.

Before going home, Ethan intends to see the doctor ask the nurse to keep an eye on Luna while she is away. But while walking down the hospital corridor to the doctor's office, he passed Edward and Sarah.

"Ethan, why are you here?" Edward asked with a probing look.

Ethan didn't answer right away. He instead glanced at Edward and Sarah with hateful looks. Because the two of them are people who have made their household with Luna not harmonious. but he tried to contain his anger.

"Answer me, Ethan!" Edward cried, his eyes sharpened. Because he was suddenly worried about the state of Luna who was heavily pregnant.

"Luna has given birth. And she's still in treatment," replied Ethan with a flat look.

"Let's go home!" asked Sarah as he wrapped her arms around Edward's arms.

"Wait a minute, Sarah!" Edward exclaimed with a sharp glance at Sarah who was too pushy and controlling.

Edward, who had understood Ethan since childhood, saw the sadness on his face. even he saw that his stepbrother's eyes were a little red from crying. This made him suspicious of what was going on.

"I can see the sadness on your face, Ethan. What the hell happened?" Edward asked with a probing look.

"Luna is in a coma," Ethan said briefly and then he was about to move on.

"Wait! What did you say, Coma? Why did you get into a coma?" Edward pulled Ethan to stop him.

"She fell down the stairs and the baby had to be birth by Caesarean section, but after the baby survived, she fell into a coma. I've had enough of my explanation, I have to go now." Ethan slapped Edward's hand and quickly continued on his way.

Hearing Ethan's explanation of Luna's situation, made Edward even more worried. he brushed off Sarah's hand that was holding his arm and immediately followed his stepbrother blocking her path.

"Ethan, let me see what's going on," Edward pleaded with a pleading look.

"No need," said Ethan.

Edward sighed and tried to shake off his grudge against Ethan, then said again, "I beg you. This is the last time before I marry Sarah,"

Ethan glanced at Sarah who was possessive of Edward. he felt that the girl would not let her stepbrother approach Luna again if she was married. It means he will feel calm and will not be disturbed anymore.

"I'll let you see it but I'll watch over you," said Ethan, then turned towards the VVIP room where Luna was being treated.

Edward immediately followed Ethan. While Sarah immediately followed him without being invited.


when he arrived at Luna's room, Edward immediately approached Sarah while Ethan watched him from the door.

Edward looked sadly at the sweet girl who used to make him smile to accompany his days, supporting each other for their respective careers, now lying weak and fragile and not moving at all. Only his breathing and the sound of his heart rate monitor echoed in the room.

"Luna, if I didn't leave you rashly and marry Viona, maybe we're still together and you wouldn't be like this," Edward said sadly. Even though Luna always rejected him, he never hated it.

"Do you love him?" Sarah asked while glancing at Edward who looked sad about Luna's condition.

"Yes," Edward said without turning his head.

"Is it your goal to slander Ethan?" Sarah asked again.

"Yes. And it was all for nothing because you came," Edward replied.

Sarah fell silent again with a broken heart. what she thought when Edward told her to slander Ethan, turned out to be true because of Luna.

"You're not going anywhere near her again, right? She's already dying, there's nothing to expect from her anymore." Sarah said with her forehead, Edward immediately turned and glared at her.

"Don't say anything carelessly! She is a strong woman, she will wake up again, and live as usual!"

Sarah smiled faintly and said again, "We'll see if he lasts long. Her face is pale."

"Watch your words, Sarah!" Edward was about to slap Sarah.

"Slap me or I'll destroy you even more!" Sarah challenged with a face-up.

Seeing Edward and Sarah being unstable and about to fight, Ethan immediately approached them.

"If you want to argue, don't come here. you guys can disturb my wife," said Ethan with sharp eyes at Edward.

"She's like this because of you, Ethan. You should have proved your love by surviving my trick. But you were stupid and let her thirst for your affection. if I were you, I would never leave her for a second!" Edward said that because he couldn't stop regretting ever leaving Luna.

Ethan didn't budge and confirmed Edward's words. Again the guilt came back to haunt him. 'I will pay for all my mistakes by making her happy,' he thought.

Edward leaned towards Luna and kissed her forehead. He didn't care that Ethan would be jealous or angry. For him, the only kiss was the advantage he got while Luna was unconscious. because when he woke up, his ex-lover refused.

"Go away, my wife needs rest," Ethan shouted, eyes full of hatred as the fire of jealousy burned him.

Edward glanced at Luna again, there was a pain in his heart when he saw the woman who had been his obsession only silent without any signs of life. 'You should wake up soon, Luna,' he thought.

"Let's go, we've been kicked out," said Sarah as she pulled Edward.

Edward immediately walked out of the VVIP room with Sarah, while Ethan was still inside.

"Edward kissed you. I hope you don't realize that," said Ethan as he looked at Luna, then took a tissue on the table and immediately wiped her forehead which Edward had kissed.

"I'm home now," he said goodbye, then kissed Luna's cheek which was still chubby.

Ethan immediately left Luna alone. He immediately went back to see the doctor ask the nurse to look after his wife while she was away.


Elsewhere, Viona has finished undergoing examinations. She was still lying in bed and accompanied by a doctor who for some reason didn't leave immediately. The doctor looked furious at Viona's face which implied deep sadness.

"Viona," called the Doctor.

"Yes, Doc. Why?" Fiona asked.

"Sorry if I'm too eager to understand about your life. I think I'm very curious if you don't tell me," said the Doctor while looking down at Viona's sad face.

"What story do you mean?" asked Fiona.

The doctor sighed and looked at Viona more intensely. "Does your husband have another woman? I saw him come out of this room with a woman and they were holding hands."

"We will divorce. Maybe he will marry that woman soon," said Viona with a stoic smile.

"That fast?" asked the Doctor, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Doc. because she is pregnant and I have no reason to hold on," replied Viona.

Instantly the doctor was unmoved with feelings of increasing pity for Viona. 'You just lost your baby, then you'll lose your husband.' he thought.

Viona remembered that the doctor in front of her promised to take her to meet Luna. She immediately collects the promise because the inspection has finished.

"Can you take me to Luna's treatment room right now?" Fiona asked.

"Of course," replied the Doctor and got up from the chair and said, "I'll get you a wheelchair for a moment."

"Yes, Doc." Viona smiled and nodded. Somehow she felt like she had a new friend who cared about her when she got to know the doctor.

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