Chapter 721

Su Zhan squats on the wall, takes out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, shakes out a cigarette and holds it in his mouth. He doesn't know how to light a fire.

This is also the first time Qin Ya saw him smoking.

Su Zhan has never smoked, which she knows very well.

At the moment, he is hiding in no one's place to smoke, it can be seen how bored he is.

If you think about it, you can't have children. His only relative urged him to get married and have children. How could he not suffer?

Qin Ya didn't want to see him so miserable.

She quietly turned around, did not go upstairs to see the old lady. She underestimated the old lady's desire to have great grandchildren.

When she came here, she didn't think too much about it. She just wanted to see Su Zhan and the old lady. In this way, she didn't have planned behavior, which made her see clearly the problems between herself and Su Zhan.

How long can they walk without children?

Su Zhan can't, but his grandmother can't.

She sat on the edge of the flower pool by the side of the road. He took out his cell phone and made a call to Su Zhan. After the phone was connected, it rang several times before it was picked up.

Qin Ya can imagine what he is doing when he answers the phone late.

In the mood adjustment, or in the hands of the smoke.


Soon Su Zhan's light voice came.

If she didn't see him hide and smoke to relieve his emotions, she would feel that he was in a good mood at the moment when she listened to his voice on the phone.

However, at the moment, she knows that Su Zhan's good mood is pretended.

Cover your heart in front of her.

"Nothing. I just want to call you." Qin Ya looked down at her toes, "Su Zhan."


Qin Ya would like to say, let's split it.

Stop tormenting each other.

But I can't say it.

In fact, she can feel that Su Zhan still has some feelings for her.

It's the same with her.

"Why don't you talk? Do you miss me? "

Su Zhan's voice came and pulled back Qin Ya's thoughts. She said, "I don't know what to say."

Qin Ya stood up and put the flowers into the garbage can by the side of the road, "I have to work, hang up first..."

"Don't hang up."

Su Zhan interrupts her in a hurry for fear that she will hang up.

Qin Ya asked, "what's the matter?"

"You don't miss me even if you call me. Is it too much for you to hang up? "

Qin Ya stopped the taxi and said, "Su Zhan, don't be naive."

"Am I naive?" Su Zhan's voice came. Without waiting for Qin ya to reply, he said, "I'm naive, and I just want to be naive to you."

Qin Ya holds her cell phone tightly. It's like a stab in the heart.

The taxi driver asked, "where are you going, miss?"

"Xiaoya, where are you?"

"I'll take the bus outside."

Su Zhan doubts, "didn't you just say you wanted to work? Why are you taking the bus again? "

"I'm going out to meet a client, Su Zhan. I have to hang up in advance."

"Well, you're busy, Xiaoya. You don't want me. I miss you. Take care of yourself. I'll see you when the old lady leaves the hospital in a few days. "

"Well." Qin Ya is pressing voice son, "I hang up."

Then she hung up immediately.

She just felt that her heart was seized by something and it was too stuffy to breathe.

She couldn't tell whether it was heartache. Or where the pain, is unable to control the throat tight, sour nose, a force to cry.

She covered her nose and mouth and choked in the palm of her hand.

In front of the driver do not know where to drive, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, where are you going?"

Qin Ya reflects that she is sitting in the car now. She sniffs and reports the address of the villa.

Now that I'm here. She went to see the two children and Lin Xinyan.

The driver started the car and asked, "are you lovelorn?"

Qin Ya converged. Ask, "where do you think I'm lovelorn?"

The driver laughed, "you look so beautiful. Naturally, I won't be lovelorn. There must be a lot of people who like it. "Qin Ya smiles, "beautiful? Do not know now are popular plastic surgery? It's a whole face. "

"Everyone has a love for beauty. It's normal."

Qin Ya didn't speak any more.

After a while, the car stops at the door of the villa, and Qin Ya pays to get out of the car.

The driver looked out of the window at the independent and unique building and sighed, "sure enough, I have money for plastic surgery and live in such a good villa."

The driver looked back in admiration and drove away.

Qin Ya goes to the door and rings the doorbell. Yu Ma comes to open the door. Only Yu Ma and sang Yu go to school. The two children also went to school. Zong Qifeng and Cheng Yuwen were not at home. Yu's mother didn't know where they were. Anyway, they would pick up the children on time.

"Miss Qin." Yu Ma gives way to let her in.

Qin Ya said with a smile, "is Yu Ma OK recently?"

Yu Ma also said with a smile“ I'm just like that. My body has nothing to say. "

Entering the house, Yu's mother asked, "what would you like to drink?"

Qin Ya said, "white water."

Yu's mother poured a glass of water for her, and Qin Ya took it. Just as she wanted to ask if Lin Xinyan was at home, she heard Yu's mother sigh, "this wife has been abroad for two days, and I don't know what happened."

Qin Ya looked up at Yu Ma and asked, "what did you say?"

"I said my wife has gone abroad... Don't you know?" Yu Ma thinks she knows.

I thought Lin Xinyan would tell her.

Lin Xinyan didn't call Qin ya to tell her about going abroad. Now that she is going abroad, Qin Ya will ask why.

She doesn't want others to worry about herself.

"What's the matter?" Qin Ya asked nervously, she has a big stomach, how can she go abroad at this time?

"It seems that it's because of my wife's health. I'm not sure about the details." Yu Ma said.

Qin Ya took out her cell phone and called Lin Xinyan, but she didn't get through. She frowned, "how can I get through?"

"Possible reasons for being abroad?" Yu Ma guessed.

Qin Ya installs her mobile phone and stands up. She decides to ask Shen peichuan.

She didn't want Su Zhan to know that she was back, so she had to find Shen peichuan.

What is Lin Xinyan's health reason and need to go abroad? She wants to know.

She went to the porch and opened the door just as someone was coming in.

Seeing someone coming, she was stunned for a long time.

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