Chapter 720

Qin Ya came down from the taxi with a bunch of flowers in her arms. She saw a medical staff running out of the hospital with a stretcher. They quickly opened the door, put the unconscious person in the car on the stretcher and sent him to the emergency room.

She just took a look, because she didn't know song Ju, so she didn't pay too much attention. She didn't tell Su Zhan that she wanted to surprise him and visit the old lady.

After all, she is Su Zhan's only relative. Now she is in hospital. She's coming to see me anyway.

She went to the inpatient department, asked the old lady's ward from the nurse station, and then walked over.

Su Zhan is very filial. The old lady lives in the VIP ward of the hospital. It's very quiet and clean here, but there is a faint smell of disinfectant in the air.

She went to the door of the ward and raised her hand to knock on the door. When she heard Su Zhan's cry of pain, she gently raised the corner of her lip.

The old lady's spirit is very good, and she still has the strength to beat Su Zhan.

When she put her hand down to touch the door panel. There was an angry voice from the old lady, "Su Zhan, don't give me a slap in the face. You say Qin Ya forgives you. Where is she? You try to cheat me all day, don't you? You just don't want to give me great grandchildren, do you? "

Qin Ya's hand is stiff one centimeter away from the door. How about Sun Tzu?

The old lady wants to have great grandchildren. She knows better than anyone. When she is with Su Zhan, she is eager for them.

"I really didn't cheat you. As for the great grandson, that's my business. I beg you, don't mention it, OK? I'm afraid my ears are getting cocooned. Let me go. "

"I have such a wish. As long as you get married and have a great grandson for me, I will depend on you for everything else." The old lady's attitude is particularly firm.

Su Zhan just thinks his brain is going to explode.

Nagging about one thing all day long, he would be driven crazy by the old lady.

"I don't like children, and I don't want to have them..."


"Ouch --" Su Zhan covered his arm, "you old, what strength do you have? If you fight again, people will be useless. How can you have grandchildren? "

"You didn't waste it. I didn't see you born. I tell you, Su Zhan, you are not young. Don't give me any more smiley faces. I mean it. You can't let me die with regret. "

"You have to live a long life. You can't die..."

"Son of a bitch." The old lady slapped her again. Su Zhan came up to her and said, "you can beat me to death. I've been driven so crazy all day long."

The old lady was angry. This time she was“ You think I want to force you? If you have a brother, I don't care if you are a bachelor. Is it easy for me to raise you since I was a child? "

Then the old lady reddened her eyes and said, "your father... Is gone. Your grandfather left early..."

Su Zhan was afraid that she would mention something before, so he took out a piece of paper to wipe her tears.

"I don't ask for you. When I can't die, how can I see your father, how can I see your grandfather, and what can I say when I see them? I said, I'm sorry. I've left your Su family with no sons or grandchildren? "

Su Zhansheng is loveless, lying beside the bed. He doesn't want to talk or move.

He really doesn't want to be here with her.

However, this person is old, she has no daughter, just a son, died young, he is such a relative. She's in hospital, and he can't help looking after her here.

However, here, she is endless nagging, I do not know if she is really old, to a thing, always endless said.

All the time.

He really can't bear it.

"I don't want to force you. I don't want to force you. You can do whatever you like. Anyway, I don't have a few days to live." The old lady is still angry.

Su Zhan hit his head with his fist, "don't be angry, you are going on. I can go with you. "

The old lady took his hand and didn't let him beat herself. "I won't force you, you give me a time. My body is like this. I don't live for many years. When I live, can you marry me and have grandchildren? "

Su Zhan has no choice. Can only appease her, "in two years, I get married and give you grandchildren?"

When he thought of it, he adopted one, said it was born, and appeased the old lady first.

"No, one year, two years is too long." The old lady has a firm attitude.

Su Zhan has no choice but to nod, "I promise you, then you don't nag, OK?"The old lady sighed, "old, old, you also dislike me."

Su Zhan, "..."

"I don't dislike you. Would you like something to eat? I'll buy it for you Su Zhan patted the old lady, "it's not easy for you. I know

The old lady said, "didn't you eat in the morning?"

Where does Su Zhan feel like eating?

All the time, all the time, he's almost choked up. Where's the appetite.

"You go and have something to eat. I've eaten. I'm not hungry."

Su Zhan is not hungry, but he wants to go out and get some air. He said, "I'm hungry. I'll buy something to eat."

The old lady said, "go ahead."

Qin Ya suddenly does not dare to face the old lady. When she hears that Su Zhan is going to come out, she immediately goes to the tea room. As soon as she enters, Su Zhan comes out.

She hid inside and watched Su Zhan walk towards the door. When Su Zhan got to the elevator, she walked out slowly.

Stand in the hallway and listen.

She heard the sound of the elevator opening. After a while, it was the sound of closing the door. She went over and found that the people were already down.

At this time, the next door of the ladder opened. She went in and went to the first floor.

She was later than Su Zhan. When she got out of the elevator, she saw that Su Zhan had walked out of the gate of the hospital.

She doesn't know whether she should go back or meet Su Zhan. In a word, it's contradictory.

Looking at Su Zhan did not go shopping, but turned into the alley, she followed in the past, want to see what he did.

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