Chapter 722

Sang Yu went to school today and reported. She met her old teacher. She was very happy to go back and continue to read.

She also decided to take advantage of the opportunity.

You can't be as impulsive as last time.

No class today, she came back. I just didn't expect to meet someone I haven't met at the door.

"Who are you?"

Sang Yu didn't know Qin ya, but Qin Ya met her.

It's not real. It's the photo Su Zhan sent her.

"Are you Shen peichuan's girlfriend?" Qin Ya is not sure, because Su Zhan has sent her a picture of song Yaxin before.

Sang Yu pulled the corner of his clothes unconsciously, "yes..."

"Do you know Sangyu?" Yu Ma came to ask.

Qin Ya said with a smile, "this is the first time to see a real person. I've seen the pictures. "

"Who sent you the picture?" Sangyu was surprised.

Because she had never met Qin ya, she was curious.

Before Qin Ya could speak, Yu's mother said for her, "she's su Zhan's girlfriend."

Sangyu suddenly realized, "Oh, hello."

Qin Ya replied with a smile, "hello."

"Are you going out now?" Sang Yu asked.

Qin Ya nodded and said, "just want to go to your family, Shen peichuan. I want to ask him something."

Sang Yu asked, "is it about my sister-in-law?"

Qin Ya Dun nodded.

She has always been called sister Lin Xinyan. He didn't follow Su Zhan to call his sister-in-law, so he didn't react at first. Sang Yu said Lin Xinyan.

"I know. Let's talk about it. " Sang Yu said.

Qin Ya nodded and went back to the house. Sang Yu came in, took off her backpack and put it on the sofa. Sit opposite Qin ya.

"My sister-in-law suddenly went abroad because she was in poor health. The doctor told her to give birth ahead of time, because it's only seven months now. I'm afraid it's bad for the child to give birth ahead of time. They went abroad to have a check-up in a foreign hospital." Sang Yu said.

Qin Ya asked, "did you say why?"

"It seems that the uterus is thin."

Qin Ya is clear in her heart. The reason is that Lin Xinyan gave birth to zongyanchen and zongyanxi.

"Would you like to have dinner with Su Zhan?" Sang Yu asked warmly.

Qin Ya shakes her head. "I'm here myself. He has something else to do. I'll see the baby and go."

Sang Yu nodded.


The mobile phone in Qin Ya's pocket vibrated.

She took out her cell phone. Seeing the caller ID showing Lin Xinyan's number, she immediately picked it up.

"You called me?" Lin Xinyan's voice came.

Qin Ya said, "I heard that you have gone abroad. How is your health?"

Lin Xinyan sat in the spacious ward, looking at the strange scenery outside through the French window. Say, "how do you know?"

"I come to B city. I heard about you. "

Lin Xinyan got out of bed and went to the French window. She raised her feet, nestled in the sofa, light way, "today just did the inspection."

Although the doctor didn't tell her how the result was, from the doctor's eyes, she could see that it was not good news.

Now Zong Jinghao is talking to the doctor.

She was alone in the ward.

"No matter what the result, you have to be relaxed and happy. It's good for you, okay? "

Lin Xinyan said, "you go to B city. Are you going to see Su Zhan? "

Qin Ya said no, "I came to see you."

Lin Xinyan laughs, obviously does not believe, but also did not expose, two people said a few words, the door opened, she hung up the phone, stood up from the sofa, looked at the people who came in and asked, "what did the doctor say?"

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