Chapter 557

"You don't have to blame yourself like that, and I won't get you."

Qin Ya is still cold, and has never given Su Zhan a warm expression from the beginning to the end.

Su Zhan pursed her lips and looked at her for a long time before she opened her lips. "I don't need your sympathy. I just want to do what I want to do."

Qin Ya left his eyes, not words.

Su Zhan is also silent.

There was no light in the cave, but it was not dark outside. It was just in the evening when the sun set.

Shen peichuan and Zong Jinghao did not find any trace of them.

"The mountain is high and the forest is dense. I don't think it's easy to find people just by the two of us. I don't know if I'll be in danger. I've been calling for a long time and no one has responded. " Shen peichuan is worried.

The mountain is so high that I don't know if there are wild animals in the forest. As long as Su Zhan doesn't run far away, he must be able to hear his voice.

But there was no trace at all. So I was worried.

Zong Jinghao seemed to see Shen peichuan's mind and said, "I haven't heard that there are wild animals here. Please call someone to come."

It's harder to search until dark.

Shen peichuan and Zong Jinghao quit the forest. When Lin Zilin's mobile phone doesn't work, he doesn't get through to Su Zhan.

After quitting the forest, he tried to fight twice, but still couldn't get through, so he had to call someone to search for Su Zhan and Qin ya, hoping to find them before sunset.

He looked at Zong Jinghao“ Why don't you go back first and I'll watch you here? "

Zong Jinghao looked at the time and said, "wait a little longer."

Qin Ya didn't find it. Now even Su Zhan is missing. How can he tell Lin Xinyan when he goes back?

Shen peichuan did not reluctantly, looking for a place to do, waiting for people to come.

Because the road up the mountain is too tortuous, so people came a little late. It was an hour later when they got to the place. There were more than a dozen people, all tall and strong, in camouflage suits, military uniforms, valiant and well-equipped. Shen peichuan said that they wanted to go up the mountain, and they prepared lighting lamps.

Shen peichuan followed them up the mountain. By this time, it was dark. They went into the mountain and startled the birds and animals that lived in the forest at night.

More than a dozen people were divided into six teams, two people as a team. The leader and Shen peichuan together, while looking for someone to lead the team, said to Shen peichuan, "it's the worst thing to look for at night, the sight is too bad, and we have so far the trap, you say people are missing here, I think it's falling into the trap."

Shen peichuan brushed away the branches in the way. Turning to the leader, "are there any traps in the mountains?"

The leader said, "someone is setting traps on the mountain to lay game."

Shen peichuan frowned and looked at his feet for fear that he would step on a trap or something.

The leader joked, "is there something vice Bureau Shen is afraid of? The more officials they become, the less daring they are. "

Shen peichuan said with a smile, "only when you are careful can you make a ten thousand year boat. I dare not relax for a moment. The bigger the official, the greater the responsibility."

"Song bureau thinks highly of you. It seems that after Song Bureau retires. I will also push you up. It's said that song Bureau intends to let you be his son-in-law? " The leader asked with a smile.

Shen peichuan's face was cold. "Don't talk nonsense!"

He respected song Ju, but he never thought about other things and didn't want others to pass on such boundless things.

It doesn't matter if he is a man. It's not good to affect song Ju's daughter.

"Don't talk about it any more." Shen peichuan said seriously.

The leader would also look at his face and said, "I'm talking nonsense. If I talk nonsense, I can't say it for the second time."

Shen peichuan didn't speak any more and looked around. He began to worry. Up to now, he has no clue, and he doesn't know if he can find it today.

After three hours of searching, no one has been found. Shen peichuan first withdraws to fight Zong Jinghao and tells him about the situation in the mountains.

"It's very difficult to search at night. There are too few places to light up, and you should be careful to slide down the steep slope. I think you'd better go back first. If there is a clue, I'll contact you immediately. Lao Si has been taken away. I guess he will see the news tomorrow. Gu Bei must take the initiative to find you tomorrow. If you still have to deal with him, I'll give it to you. We can't all spend it here. "

At that time, the purpose of calling the police for reporters was to make the matter bigger. I'm afraid that such news in the temple would cause quite a stir.

More attention, that is, the police need to explain, now he has the right. When the time comes, you can check the North openly.

Check him out to see if he is still rampant!Zong Jinghao pondered for a moment and nodded, "be careful."

Shen peichuan nodded.

Zong Jinghao drove back.

By the time he drove back to the villa, it was half past ten. He opened the door and saw Lin Xinyan standing in front of the entrance waiting for him.

Lin Xinyan didn't sleep and was waiting for him. When she saw that there was a car light on, she came over and looked behind him“ Are you alone? "

Zong Jinghao came in and just wanted to put his arms around her. When he thought of going over the mountain, he took back his hand because he was not clean

Lin Xinyan's lost eyes must have failed to save Qin ya. Otherwise, Qin Ya had no place to live here and would have come here. Now he is alone, and there is no shadow of Qin ya at all.

"She escaped from Gu Bei. We are looking for her. We haven't found her yet. She should be hiding somewhere. As long as she is not in Gu Bei's hands, there will be no danger. Don't worry about it." He did not say the specific details for fear that Lin Xinyan would be worried.


She turned and looked at him with a scanning eye. It's like making sure he's lying.

Zong Jinghao magnanimous in the face of Lin Xinyan's eyes, this thing he can still hold, "of course, this can lie? I'm looking for her when I come back so late. She may be afraid of Gu Bei's people and dare not come out. The more so, the safer she is. "

Lin Xinyan nodded, but he didn't see that people couldn't let go.

She holds Zong Jinghao's hand“ Qin Ya will be arrested by Gu Bei, mostly because of me. He came to me at the beginning, maybe because I went to Baicheng, they just arrested Qin ya. "

She thought about it all the time at home. It wasn't long before the photos appeared in front of her that Qin Ya was arrested, which was obviously done by herself.

And it's obvious that she was the target at the beginning.

It's her who implicates Qin ya. If Qin Ya has something to do, she will feel very sorry.

Zong Jinghao understood her mood, now he can't give her any promise, comfort her to say some irrelevant words, in case there is a mistake at that time, she will be more difficult to accept, so deliberately cut off the topic, "I haven't eaten yet."

Lin Xinyan looked at him, "won't you have nothing to eat all day?"

He gave a hum.

"I'll make you something. What would you like to eat?" Asked Lin Xinyan.

"Noodles." Finally, he added, "tomato and egg noodles."

The first time he ate what Lin Xinyan cooked was tomato egg noodles.

Suddenly I miss the taste.

Lin Xinyan looked at him and said, "I'll do it for you."

He said softly.


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