Chapter 556

Su Zhan looked inside and found that there was a real figure. His unconscious nerves were tense. When he saw the face clearly, he almost rushed to her in an instant, grabbed her and yelled hoarsely, "Qin ya."

Qin Ya pushed the man away and yelled, "don't touch me!"

It seems that she hasn't recovered from her previous thrills. She is nervous, even repelled and frightened when she is touched.

Even if you know this person is Su Zhan.

Often think of the old four that naked look. She thinks men are disgusting.

Su Zhan was caught off guard and sat back on the ground. He could feel her panic and fear, suddenly. My heart is like a hole. I can't breathe. I feel like I'm going to suffocate.

Old four is naked, and Qin Ya doesn't have many clothes on him. His hands keep clenching. If he has a knife in his hand at the moment, he will stab old four to death.

If Qin Ya had not been violated, how could she be so helpless?

Su Zhan starts to do it. Carefully called her, "Qin ya, it's me, I'm Su Zhan."

Qin Ya opened her eyes, eyes light flow, finally fixed on his eyes full of red blood, "you, how can you..."

She was trying to escape and accidentally fell into this hole. How could he be here?

"I've come to you." Su Zhan's voice is astringent and tight, like choking.

Qin Ya looked at him for two seconds and said, "thank you."

Thank him for coming to find himself.

"I don't need your thanks. I can do anything for you." What he said was true, even if she was killed by the fourth

He would not mind, he wanted to make up for the fault before, also want to take care of her injured heart.

"Give me a chance. If I don't do well, will you kick me off at any time?" He was almost imploring.

Qin Ya hugs herself tightly, and her skin is especially cool against the wall. She shrinks in the corner. "You'd better think about how to get up."

She never let go. She didn't want to touch her feelings after her last life and death. Just want to live simply.

Su Zhan didn't force her to agree immediately. He will show himself well in the future. She's right. Now let's think about how to get out.

He looked around and found that the hole was not a dead mouth. There were long rows of wide gaps that could pass the next adult's body. He stretched out his head and looked out, only to find that it was a cliff. The cliff was smooth, and there were no trees and vines to support people. Below was the abyss. He was shocked. If the momentum of just sliding down is a little greater, is it possible for him to fall down from this gap?

I'm afraid to think about it.

When he fell down, he felt that the hole was very slippery and flat. It was difficult to climb up without an assistant. He tried several times, but it was useless.

mobile phone.

All of a sudden, he remembered his mobile phone and contacted Shen peichuan and Zong Jinghao with it. He went to his pocket in a hurry. Fortunately, the mobile phone didn't drop. He was overjoyed and comforted Qin ya. " Don't be afraid. My cell phone is still there. I'll call someone to help us. "

When he spoke, he dialed Shen peichuan's number, but the response was that the line was busy. He dialed Zong Jinghao's instead, but the line was still busy. He began to be worried, and the line was busy anyway. He tried to dial the lawyer's number, but the line was still busy.

What's going on?

"Maybe there is no signal here." The mountain here is too deep to receive the signal. It's normal.

Su Zhan went to see the signal display on the mobile phone screen and found that there was really no signal, not even a signal.

What can we do?

He stood up and yelled at the cave. There was an echo in the cave, which echoed for a long time.

Su Zhan called for a while, his voice was hoarse, and no one responded.

He fell to the ground. "They will come to us."

Qin Ya sat there and didn't move. Leaning against the stone wall, she looked down from the crevice quietly, with luxuriant weeds. You can't see at a glance. It's dark.

I've seen the word "ten thousand Zhang abyss" from books before. I really saw what it was like for the first time.

It is like a huge monster, open mouth, what fell back to be swallowed.

She took a cool breath. Feeling the magic of nature, but also the gall tremor at this moment of nowhere to escape.

Will you just die here?

She laughs, she wants to live well how so difficult?

Su Zhan wants to lean over and is afraid of her rejection. And she asked from a certain distance, "are you ok?"Qin Ya looked at him and said, "I'm fine."

Su Zhan wanted to talk to her very much, but he didn't know what to say. He couldn't find a good breakthrough for a long time. He could only sit so quietly. The light in the cave was getting darker and darker. He felt cool. This place was in the deep mountains and forests, and there was no sun at all. In particular, this kind of two-way cave was very windy.

He felt cold in his shirt and trousers, and Qin Ya was so thin that his legs were almost naked. He raised his hand and began to unbutton his shirt.

Qin Ya retreated and looked at him warily“ What are you doing? "

Su Zhan's action, busy explained, "don't be afraid, I have no other meaning, I think you should be very cold, I take off the clothes for you to wear."

Qin Ya immediately refused, "no need."

"I really don't mean anything else..."

"I said, I don't need it!" Qin Ya stressed again.

Su Zhan just looked at her. I feel hurt in my heart. "Do I really make you so annoying?"

Qin Ya turned his head, "I just don't want to see you naked, I will be very sick."

Su Zhan looked down at himself. When he took off his shirt, there was nothing else inside. He was naked when he took off his shirt.

He quickly buttoned up, "I'm sorry, I don't worry about your feelings. I'll pay attention next time."

Qin Ya didn't speak, and Su Zhan didn't know what to say. He just sat there until it was completely dark in the cave. It was dark and he couldn't see anything.

I don't feel it when there is light. After it's completely dark, it seems that there are a lot of insects and other things calling.

Su Zhan takes out his mobile phone. He is afraid of Qin ya. A girl is afraid. He turns on the flashlight in his mobile phone.

He just wanted to give Qin Ya his mobile phone, but he found that there were many injuries on her legs and dry blood stains on her feet. At this time, he found that she didn't wear shoes. Although there was light in the hole before, it wasn't bright, it was very dark.

He wanted to reach out to touch her, but soon realized that she was rejecting him. He quickly drew back his hand and whispered, "you're hurt."

Qin Ya light way, "a little injury, nothing."

Now has already gone through the hot pain, legs have been numb, do not feel the pain.

She walked barefoot in the mountains like this, you can imagine how badly she was hurt.

Su Zhan leaned against the wall and lowered his eyes. "Before, I was always complacent and thought I was great. At this moment, I knew how useless I was. I kept trying to save you, but I couldn't even protect you. I always hurt you a lot."

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