Chapter 558

All of a sudden, Lin Xinyan stops him and wants to ask about Su Zhan, but he doesn't ask. He wants to make some food for him first. He hasn't eaten all day. He must be hungry.

"What?" Zong Jinghao looked back at her.

"Nothing. Go and change." Lin Xinyan pulled his lips and gave him a shallow smile.

Zong Jinghao could see that she had something to ask, and he also guessed what she should ask, but he didn't expose it and didn't want to discuss it. People didn't find it. It's useless to say anything.

When he went upstairs, Lin Xinyan went into the kitchen. Because she and her two children came back, in the afternoon, Yu's mother went to the supermarket to buy a lot of things. The whole refrigerator was full. She opened the refrigerator and looked up and down. Finally, take out the meat and green pepper, some vegetables and tomatoes.

She washed all the dishes and boiled the water when cutting them, which saved time.

The lean meat is sliced and marinated with starch and eggs. The meat is very smooth and tender. During the marinating time, she cut green peppers and tomatoes.

Upstairs, Zong Jinghao took a bath and put on his pajamas. The silk is soft and smooth, although his long sleeve trousers are not sultry. He stepped down on the white slippers and went to the children's room to see the two children. At this time, both children fell asleep. The villa was very quiet, only the kitchen had a slight sound.

He came to stand in the restaurant, you can see in the kitchen that wipe busy thin back, he did not move, so quietly watching, he likes this feeling, the heart is warm.

In fact, the life he wants is very simple, that is, his children and his wife are all around. When he comes home one day outside, there is such a person waiting for him.

She doesn't need to know too much, as long as she is willing to give him a bowl.

When Lin Xinyan came down, she was suddenly held by someone from behind. She turned her head, and the tip of her nose swept his face. He had just taken a bath, and he had a fresh fragrance of shower gel.

She nudged him gently with her elbow. "Go out and wait for a while. You'll be fine soon."

Zong Jinghao put his arms around her waist, put his palms on her stomach, gently stroked her, bent his upper body, and put his chin on her shoulder, saying, "I watch you do it."

Lin Xinyan didn't stare at him“ You're in the way of holding me like this. "

"I don't care." He's going to hold it.

Lin Xinyan sighed and said to this man, "my skill is not as good as Mom's, so you can make do with it."

"As long as you make it yourself, it's delicious to me." He gave her a kiss on the cheek as he spoke.

Lin Xinyan didn't have time to watch him. When the noodles were ready, she put the lettuce on the fire. Zong Jinghao held her like this, which really limited her movement. She patiently said to him, "stop making trouble, OK? Will you wait outside for dinner? "

Zong Jinghao let go, but did not go out. Instead, he pulled her aside and said, "I'll do it."

He opened the cupboard and took out a small bowl. Just as he was about to serve noodles, Lin Xinyan asked in a voice, "are you sure you want to use this bowl?"

Zong Jinghao looked down and thought that there was nothing wrong with it. "Isn't this the bowl for dinner?"

What's wrong?

With a sigh, Lin Xinyan took the bowl out of his hand and popularized science for him. "This is the rice bowl. The noodles should be filled in the bowl. The bowl is big enough to hold soup. The rice bowl is too small to hold much. The noodles don't come out when they are put in the pot. After a long time, they will be lumpy, so this is the most suitable one to use. "

She took out a white glazed bowl from another cupboard and handed it to Zong Jinghao.

Zong Jinghao looked up at her and took it with a smile. He served noodles, and Lin Xinyan served the two fried dishes on the table, scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Stir fried pork slices with green pepper and lettuce in soup noodles.

She pulled back the chair and sat down. Zong Jinghao put the noodles on the table and sat down opposite her. "Do you want some?"

Lin Xinyan shakes his head. Zong Jinghao is already familiar with the eating method of tomato and egg noodles. Without Lin Xinyan telling him again, he mixes tomatoes and noodles together.

"I think we can cook tomatoes and noodles together." That's a lot of trouble. It's too much trouble. You have to fry the tomatoes and eggs before mixing them into the noodles.

Lin Xinyan holding his chin did not refute him, but said, "then I'll do it for you next time."

That's why I eat like this. It's because after the tomato is fried, the juice belonging to the tomato will be fried. It's not only beautiful in color, but also rich in flavor. It's boiled together in the noodles. Tomatoes can also be cooked rotten, but the taste will be much lighter.

Zong Jinghao put a piece of meat into his mouth. The meat was very tender, and the smell of pickled meat was completely gone. He raised his eyes. "Did you learn how to cook?"Lin Xinyan nodded, "I used to make tomato and egg noodles. After I had them two, I would take time to learn some simple dishes and make them myself when I have time."

After having children, she had the idea of learning to cook. She felt that it was a very happy thing to prepare three meals for her children by herself, but she had to work, so she could only do it when she had time to accompany them.

Zong Jinghao gently lowered his eyes. He had not participated in the past six years. He would feel lost when he heard what she said about the past.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and asked, "are you sleepy?"

Lin Xinyan is really sleepy. She hasn't slept since she was woken up by her mother.

"You go to bed first." Zong Jinghao saw that she was sleepy. I can't bear to make her wait here.

Lin Xinyan hesitated for a moment, stood up and said, "I'll go upstairs first. After eating, I'll put the bowl in the sink."

"I see. Go up." Zong Jinghao interrupted her.

Lin Xinyan went upstairs. She had already had a bath. After lying on the bed, she soon fell asleep. Even Zong Jinghao didn't feel at all.

I just feel someone holding her from behind in my sleep. Subconsciously, she knew who it was, so she slept at ease.

Shen peichuan leads people to search until the second half of the night, but they still can't find anyone. The cave where Su Zhan and Qin Ya slide down is very secret, and it's very deep. They can't hear anything on it unless it's very big.

One night, Su Zhan's mobile phone also ran out of power. They stayed in the same hole. No one spoke that night.

As the sun rises, there begins to be light in the cave. Su Zhan goes to see Qin ya, only to see her close her eyes against the stone wall. Su Zhan thinks that she is asleep, and does not dare to make a sound.

But after a long time, Qin Ya still didn't open her eyes. Su Zhan tried to call her, "Qin ya?"

There was no response.

He called again, "Qin ya?"

Still no one responded. He frowned and slowly moved over, reaching out to touch her, "Qin ya..."

When she touches her body, the touch is very hot. Su Zhan goes to her forehead. It's very hot. I don't know when she has a fever. Now even if she doesn't use a thermometer to try, she knows she has a high fever.

Her lips dry off a layer of skin, Su Zhan hugged her, patted her cheek, called her also did not respond, has burned unconscious, Su Zhan anxious toward the mouth of the cave, hoping to attract people's attention, save them up.

When she shouts hoarse, no one responds. Qin Ya hears Su Zhan's voice vaguely and wants to open her eyes, but she has no strength. She is thirsty and cold.

"Water, water..." her voice was as thin as a mosquito and fly. Su Zhan didn't hear it. His ear was close to her, and then he heard what she was saying.

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