Chapter 491

The main idea of the news is that a big company in C city was acquired overnight by Wanyue group in B city, which caused a sensation.

In the rolling picture, a picture of Zong Jinghao getting off in front of Wanyue group building suddenly appears. Only on the side, the clear outline can be seen, which is more solid and solid. Across the screen, there is a sense of indifference that strangers are not allowed to enter.

"This is the first time that the general manager of Wanyue group has appeared after the acquisition of Nanlong company. Because he doesn't accept interviews, he doesn't know the inside story of the acquisition."

The pictures in the picture were taken secretly. Now Zong Jinghao doesn't accept all interviews, so there is no positive side.

She had already lowered the window. Trying to hear more about his caution, when she saw the picture of daofan, she grabbed her hands on the door and just looked at the picture for a moment. But soon the picture was turned over again, and the person in charge of Nanlong company, who was acquired, appeared decadent and bearded, just like a lost dog.

Qin Ya is attentively waiting for the red light in front of her. She doesn't notice what Lin Xinyan is looking at. As soon as the red light passes, she starts the car and drives away.

The picture was soon blocked by other buildings. Cut her off.

Her hands slowly retract, she shrinks body, will be involved in a very small space, biting the lip. The sharp teeth stabbed into the flesh, which was about to bleed, but she didn't seem to feel the pain. She just wanted to restrain the yearning in her heart which she wanted to control but couldn't control.

That kind of loneliness to the throat, want to cry and because there is no comfort around him and swallow.

She opened her eyes and forced back the uncontrolled gush of water.

After a while, the car stopped in front of the building, Xiufang on the third floor.

Next to Shao Yun's car, Qin Ya took a look, reached for the door of the rear seat, and said, "he is diligent and runs here every day."

Lin Xinyan has recovered his peace, but his inner fluctuation has not completely disappeared. After a month, he heard the news about him again, and his inner complexity is even worse than when he left.

Who says time can dilute everything?

But how could she miss him more than at that time?

It turns out that time is not necessarily a good medicine for healing wounds.

"Sister Lin?" Don't see Lin Xinyan get off the car, Qin Ya reminded a.

Lin Xinyan looked up at her, pulled out a stiff smile, "this is probably old, always easy to distract."

Qin Ya laughs but does not speak, in the heart guesses that she probably is because of what matter but is preoccupied.

Lin Xinyan got out of the car and they went in together. They took the elevator to the third floor. By this time, everyone had already come to work. There were 11 masters. They all live in this building, which has four floors, Xiufang on the third floor, weaving on the second floor, living on the fourth floor, and vacant on the first floor.

Shao Yun helped her find this place. The environment is also good. The rent for one year is not very expensive. She is within her ability.

Shao Yun seems to be very interested in these. When they came in, they saw him lying in front of a master to see the master, embroidering Phoenix and peony with gold thread.

This master is also the most special one among the eleven masters. Most of the good embroiderers are old women. And this is a young boy in his twenties. His face is white and his facial features are delicate. His hands are the same as those of a woman. His fingers are slender and flexible. The embroidery needle in his hands seems to have life. It's accurate every time. It's just right to outline the best picture.

Shao Yun stares at his shuttling hand, tut tut twice, "it's a pity."

He didn't see anyone coming.

Qin Ya looked at him, "what a pity?"

What's the pity?

Shao Yun looked seriously, and was startled by the man who suddenly made a sound. Looking up, he saw that it was Qin ya, looking frightened. "You, when did you come? How can you walk without sound? "

Qin Ya sipped, "it's because you're deaf. It's not because I'm silent when I walk. What's the pity?"

She thought that the embroidery was broken. She looked down to see the embroidery. The blooming peony, which was embroidered with gold thread, was used to wrap the chest. If it was broken, it had to be embroidered again.

It's not just money, it's time.

Shao Yun sighed, "it's a pity to be a man."

Such a delicate person should be a beauty.

Qin ya, "..."

"Again. I won't embroider any more money you give me. " Li Xin did not look up, the voice is very cold said.

Because of his appearance and occupation, he was criticized and said that he was a sissy or something. He was tired of having such people around him and was not good at dealing with individual people, so he had no friends and was very lonely."Sorry, there is no next time." Shao Yun recognized him for a second. Lin Xinyan appreciated him very much. He embroidered the last twelve pieces. He didn't dare to lose his popularity.

Qin Ya laughingly looks at Shao Yun. Although he is not of the same generation as himself, he is like an old urchin. He has a playful face all day and is fashionable in his clothes every day.

"What about Yan Yan?" Shao Yun in the workshop looked, did not see Lin Xinyan and asked.

She comes every day, and she never comes apart.

Qin Ya goes to the table, arranges the drawings and says“ Maybe on the second floor. "

She did not see where Lin Xinyan had gone.

Generally, she is either on the third floor or on the second floor.

Shao Yun put on his glasses, "I'll go to see her."

Qin Ya looked back at him and said with a smile, "wearing sunglasses in the room, are you playing cool?"

Shao Yun helped the frame and asked, "am I handsome?"

"Handsome." Qin Ya said to me.

Lin Xinyan is really on the second floor. These workers have done it in the textile factory, but they have not made this kind of material, so she is very careful and does not allow any defects. There's a lot of void ahead.

It's better these days. There's no substandard product.

Lin Xinyan is tall and slim, wearing a loose yellow skirt and a pair of white flat sole shoes. In addition to wearing loose, almost can not see has been pregnant for three months.

She stood in front of the textile machine, bending to see whether the material is good, Shao Yun came“ I'll take care of it later. Don't stare at everything yourself. Aren't you tired? "

"Not tired." Lin Xinyan didn't look up and pulled out a scroll. Facing the light to see, very even delicate, she took time to look at Shao Yun, "you don't understand this thing, give you I rest assured?"

Shao Yun also said that he didn't understand these. He didn't understand why Lin Xinyan was so tired to do these things. "I think you should know that the whole JK is yours. If you want, you can take over right now. If you don't want to manage it, you can hire someone to take care of it. You don't need to work so hard at all."

She can't spend all that money in her life. Isn't it good to take her children to enjoy happiness?

Why are you so tired?

And I'm pregnant. I can't live with myself?

Lin Xinyan looked at Shao Yun with a serious expression, "I didn't earn the money, so I won't spend it..."

"But it was left to you by your parents..."

"I haven't seen them." Lin Xinyan interrupts Shao Yun, saying that if one's destiny can be chosen, she would rather be born in an ordinary family and not need to be too rich, but her parents are still alive, so that she can grow up in a warm and healthy family.

She looked at Shao Yun, very solemn tone, "I do this is not to make money, nor for fame, I just want to buy a peace of mind."

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