Chapter 490

"What's the mission? Who's the name?" Zong Yanxi, who takes the milk to the room and puts it on the dining table, goes to the kitchen door. She hears Qin Ya's voice, blinks her big round eyes, looks at her and asks, "what did you say when I left?"

Qin Ya stretched out her hand and pinched her face, "you little girl, why do you want to know everything?"

"Ouch, pain --" the little girl grinned and showed her white teeth, and her brows were tightly wrinkled. In fact, it doesn't hurt. Qin Ya doesn't exert herself at all. She just plays with her, but the little girl pretends to be very similar.

Qin Ya laughs, "you can be an actor like this, go to play TV."

"According to my appearance, I must still be very angry?" Zong Yanxi is very distressed, "what if there are many people like me then?"

Qin ya, "..."

She looked at the sky in silence. Who is the child? How can you be so narcissistic?

"Well, eat quickly, and then go to class." Qin Ya put the prepared breakfast on the table and put it in their place. She opened the lid of the milk on the table and put it beside the plate. And cut urged a, "eat quickly, wait for me to send you over."

Zong Yanchen shook his head. "So close, we can go by ourselves. We don't need to send us. Besides, did my mother go to bed late yesterday?"

The preschool class he went to was in the community. He didn't have to run outside. It's been nearly a month. He's familiar with them all.

Qin Ya nodded, "yes, your mommy wants to be superman."

"When I come back from school in the evening, I have to tell her that I can't be so careless about rest. She has to take care of her baby. I can't let my brother or sister not come to this world. "

Zong Yanxi is still chewing, and her words are not very clear. However, Qin Ya can't help but feel sad. She knows everything about Lin Xinyan. After she comes back, they have a long talk.

She was surprised by her identity. She was filled with emotion. She used to admire the feelings between Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao. It's not easy to get together. Now

She dropped her eyes slightly and did not show her emotion in front of the child.

"How about Yan Yan?" Suddenly the emperor spoke in the morning.

Qin Ya and Zong Yanxi are all in a daze, looking at him inexplicably.

Zong Yanchen sighed and shook his head. He felt that the adults were becoming more and more unreliable. He said helplessly, "aunt qinya, you asked me to name you. Have you forgotten?"

Zong Yanxi opened his eyes, "aunt qinya, do you want your brother to name you? No mistake? It's more or less that he can eat

Qin Ya was amused by the child and patted her on the head. "Let's not deny your brother. Let's hear why he took the name. If he can't make sense, I won't have to."

"Good." Zong Yanxi nods. In fact, she is just a little jealous. Her brother is more popular with teachers in the class. Aunt qinya also asks him to take a name. She has a little imbalance in her heart.

"There is a sentence in the songs of Chu, Jiubian, which means" Yan Xi of Bei he ". It's like a lotus blooming on the water. It's beautiful and gentle, so the name can also highlight the people who use it. It's elegant and holy. In fact, in my heart, aunt qinya is such a person. "

He knew that aunt qinya had been seriously injured before, and her face would change because of that injury, but now she still lives a strong life, and she still looks like a living wave in front of him and his sister, but he knew that there was trauma in her heart, and no one would not care about her appearance.

What's more, it's still a girl. Although it's beautiful now, it's less smart and kind. This is what she lost and will not come back.

After hearing this, Zong Yanxi ate silently and said nothing.

Brother is liked by strength.

She shouldn't be jealous. Well, she decided to hang out with her brother. He knows too much.

Qin Ya gaped, completely did not expect Zong Yanchen can say so much moral and reason, this child, prodigy, is preschool so powerful? All the songs of Chu?

"Yan... Yan Chen, your teachers have begun to teach these?"

Zong Yanchen shook his head, "the teacher can't teach these. How much is one plus one? It's a waste of time to treat us as idiots, not for the sake of Mommy's reassurance. I don't want to go to this preschool class. "

Qin Ya was even more puzzled. The teacher did not teach him to be able to, is it self-taught?

That's too much.

"Qin Yan, we'll call you aunt Yan, OK?" Zong Yanchen's bright eyes and delicate and tender cheeks are especially serious now, looking forward to Qin Ya's reply.Qin Ya actually accepted it in her heart. She thought the child had a heart, but she was still curious about how the child thought of it.

"Can you tell me where you saw this Chuci Jiubian?"

"In Mommy's room, where does she have many books? I saw this by accident. Mommy probably didn't know what it meant. She also checked the general idea and didn't close it after reading it. I saw it from her tablet, so I knew what it meant."

Qin Ya thinks that's normal. At his age, he has great talent for numbers and ancient poetry. This is not a normal child.

The brain must have been used up by God to make it work so well.

After the two children finished eating, Qin Ya sent them to preschool. When she came back, she saw that Lin Xinyan got up. When she went out, she put on a sunscreen shirt. When she came into the room, she took it off again. "It's time to be hungry. I'll get you something to eat."

"No, I'll do it myself." She Taodian rice porridge, Qin Ya clean up the dishes, "sister Lin, I changed my name."

Lin Xinyan looked at her inexplicably and changed her name?

"Well, what's the name?"

"Your son said that I belong to rebirth, my face and voice have changed, and my name should also be changed..."

"How can that child talk..."

"Listen to me, sister Lin." Qin Ya interrupts Lin Xinyan with a serious expression and tone, like telling Lin Xinyan that she is not joking. "I think Yanchen is right. Now I am a brand new me, and I like the name he gave me."

Lin Xinyan's eyebrows are twisted. He is still a child. What's his name?

Get a little red and green or something, "Qin ya..."

"Is Yan Yan nice?" Qin Ya interrupts her again and knows what she wants to say. She must think Zong Yanchen is a child and can't take a name.

"That's nice, isn't it? Was it a surprise? Can your son have such a name? " Qin Ya looked at her slightly changed face and seemed surprised. And then it was clear.

"I have promised your son to call me Yan Yan in the future." Qin Ya seldom smiles. Lin Xinyan hugs her. As long as she is happy, she can do anything.

It's not a big deal to change the name.

Lin Xinyan had breakfast. They changed their clothes and went out to Xiufang. Shao Yun got her an ELFA. It can be said that it's the top business car in Qunqu now. Both the appearance and interior decoration are excellent. Originally, she didn't want to. She just wanted to buy one by herself. It's convenient to take her children out. She loves business and has a lot of space. It's very comfortable. There's room for two children to sit in it.

But Shao Yun threatens her that if she doesn't accept it, she won't help her any more.

Lin Xinyan has no way to accept it. She needs Shao Yun to help her a lot. Here she is not so familiar with, what need, still have to ask Shao Yun to buy.

Shao Yun collected all her embroidery masters from all over the world, otherwise she would have to rely on herself. I don't know how long it will take to find these masters.

Qin Ya is driving. She is sitting in the back, next to the window. The sun is not strong at this time. The window glass is pasted with sunscreen film, so she will not be stabbed by the sun when she looks out. She has walked this road many times, and she is already familiar with the scenery of this road. She leans against the back of her chair, and has been caressing her slightly protruding abdomen. When waiting for the red light, she looks at the pedestrians coming and going on the street casually, and her eyes inadvertently skim over the highest building, I was attracted by the news broadcast on the huge screen. No, to be exact, I was attracted by the four words of Wanyue group.

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