Chapter 492

Cheng Yuxiu has passed away. She can't change this fact. The only thing she can do is to carry forward the xiangyunsha of Cheng family and return to its original glory. It shouldn't disappear in the world because of that person.

Maybe it's the only way to make her feel better.

Shao Yun frowned, did not understand what she meant, Lin Xinyan also did not want to explain to him, things are too complicated, really want to say a word or two can not say clearly, so he said playfully, "second uncle don't frown, will become ugly."

Shao Yun likes to be praised as handsome and young. Lin Xinyan's words make him laugh successfully“ Let's go out for dinner tonight. I'll arrange it. How about that? "

As if he was afraid that Lin Xinyan would refuse, he added in a hurry“ Xiufang textile factory is on the right track. Although it is small in scale, its development is stable. We should celebrate it, don't you think? "

Lin Xinyan did not sweep Shaoyun's interest and said, "OK, you can arrange it."

"That's right. For these workers, we should not only pay them, but also show them what is appropriate. So they will work harder. " Shao Yun lowered his voice and said in Lin Xinyan's ear.

Although he looks like a fool all day, he has some abilities, but his character is just like that.

At five o'clock in the evening, there are 11 people on the third floor and 20 on the second floor. A total of 30 people, Shao Yun arranged three tables, in the hotel set up a table environment layout on the grade, we are very happy.

The two children also came and sat beside her and Qin ya. Lin Xinyan gave Shaoyun everything about social intercourse, but she didn't come to such an occasion.

This table is all on the third floor, and the women are mostly, not drinking. Qin Ya will put the Baijiu in front of Li Xin. "If you can drink, don't mention it, there are women here. No one can accompany you. If you can drink, you can drink two drinks a person, but don't get drunk. No one is there for you."

Li Xin talks less and doesn't like drinking. He looks up at Qin Ya and takes the wine back. "I don't want to delay tomorrow's work."

Qin Ya picked her eyebrows, but she didn't say anything.

The other two tables are not quiet. Shao Yun is in a good atmosphere. There are men over there who naturally want to drink.

Zong Yanchen brought Lin Xinyan vegetables, "Mommy, you eat more."

She's been pregnant for three months and hasn't gained any weight.

He was worried.

Lin Xinyan smiles and touches his son's head. He feels that the child is not in vain. No matter how hard she suffered, it was worth it. God also gave her such a good gift.

Zong Yanxi is not willing to be outdone. She puts vegetables in Lin Xinyan's plate. "Mommy, eat more, let the baby grow up quickly."

She is not jealous of her brother. In the future, she will have to follow him to learn a lot.

"I eat too fat, grow too ugly, later send you to school, will not despise me?"

In the past, she saw a parenting article in a book about impurities. She can't remember the name of the impurity, but it's an example that she still remembers. It tells the story of a working mother. In fact, she doesn't work hard. Just need to go to the workshop, usually her mother-in-law pick up the children, once her mother-in-law had no time to go to school, she could only ask for an hour's leave to pick up the children, because she was in a hurry, she wore the factory clothes that the company required to wear under the workshop, the workshop production machinery, there will be oil, go in will inevitably get to the body.

She just showed up in the kindergarten and picked up her son.

Sitting in the car, the son said to his mother, "when you come to pick me up later, can you dress a little cleaner?"

Some people say that the child is poor and rich, but it is not.

Some experts say that the more children care about a person, the more they will ask for him.

The child said it cleanly. It's not about how luxurious you wear, but how clean you should be. In the eyes of a few year old child, a mother's image is a symbol of home. If you are slovenly, how clean is your home?

A woman who loves to be clean and knows how to dress herself up will not only be confident in herself, but also children will become confident and have the courage to show themselves in this range.

"Mommy's good-looking. She won't be ugly if she's fat." In the eyes of Zong Yanchen and Zong Yanxi, their mummy is the best.

They are so big that they have never seen her eat fat.

Lin Xinyan touched their heads with a smile.

"Didn't your husband come?" An embroidery master suddenly asked.

Lin Xinyan usually appears in Xiufang. The two children have been there on Sundays, but they have never met her husband.

Curious about her husband, she asked, a woman is working hard outside, with two children, and pregnant. Does her husband not care?Although Lin Xinyan didn't show her heart, she could see it at a glance.

Everyone seems to be interested in this issue, and their eyes are directed at Lin Xinyan.

Lin Xinyan was stunned for a moment. My brain is in a mess. I don't know how to answer this question.

Qin Ya is busy laughing to make ends meet, "elder sister Lin's husband is not in this city, he is very busy with work, so he can't come back."

"Dad didn't even know we were here." Zong Yanxi thinks of her father and doesn't even want to eat.

Qin ya just explained, Zong Yanxi came such a sentence, the atmosphere on the table for a time become embarrassed.

It's obvious that some people are lying, but people believe more in the children's words.

"Why do you ask so many questions Li Xin cold mouth, "all say women are long tongued women, this is true, eat a meal are not peaceful."

There was something in his words. He insinuated that the one who started the topic was not implicit. People naturally understood him, so he said, "what do you mean? I just care to ask, she is pregnant with two children, did not see her husband appeared, casually asked, how is a long tongued woman? "

"You want to know about people's privacy." Li Xin cold eyes, staring at the woman, "you are not curious, people are not divorced. Is marriage involved? Curious about the gossip? "

Indeed, she does think so. In a normal family, even if a woman is strong, her husband will always be around.

Lin Xinyan stood up for fear that they would make trouble. After all, everyone would have to work together in the future. She didn't want to see conflicts affect her work.

She said with a generous smile, "we are all colleagues. There is no need to blush, so as not to meet embarrassment, about my husband's thing, is like this, we do not live together now. It's not emotional problems, it's family problems, so I decided to calm down. Thank you for your concern and trust. For my support, I can't drink, so I'll use juice instead. Here's to you

Bai Yinning, who came here to talk about things, came down from the private room upstairs and passed by the hall. He heard Lin Xinyan's voice. At first, he thought that he had heard wrong. It was an illusion in his ear. But when he looked at her, he saw her.

She stood in the crowd. It's so eye-catching.

Bai Yinning's brow wrinkled, she is not in B city, how can appear here?

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