Chapter 438

Lin Xinyan knows that if she can't convince Shen peichuan without enough reasons, she will choose to send a message to him. Even if she can trust him, she also believes that he can keep his mouth shut.

"I'll see Bai Yinning." Last time she went to Bai Yinning's residence, she knew that he was staying in that hotel.

Shen peichuan's corner of the eye took out a smoke, Zong Jinghao how hate Bai Yinning, he is the most clear.

"Peichuan, you and Jing Hao have been brothers for many years. What do you think. What should I do? " In fact, there are some contradictions in Lin Xinyan's heart.

She was afraid of her selfishness, which made Zong Jinghao regret.

After all, Cheng Yuxiu is his mother.

Shen peichuan is at a loss“ What do you want to say? "

"I mean if, if Cheng Yuxiu is Jing Hao's biological mother, should he be told?" She stares at Shen peichuan's face and wants an answer that can calm her heart.

"How can it be? If it doesn't work, it's impossible." Shen peichuan didn't believe it.

This is incredible.

Is Cheng Yuxiu Zong Jinghao's mother?

Don't make such a joke.

"I mean it. You say if it's true, you should tell him? " Lin Xinyan's expression and voice obviously didn't seem to be joking. Shen peichuan was silent.

After a long time, Shen peichuan said slowly, "I don't know. I think it should be very difficult to face. The person who complained for so long told him that it was his mother? What kind of attitude and state of mind will he use to face this matter? "

He turned to look at Lin Xinyan, "is this true?"

I always think this is too weird. Is Cheng Yuxiu Zong Jinghao's mother?

"Wenxian and Zong Qifeng are a family marriage. Have you ever heard of that?" Lin Xinyan pursed his lips and his voice was a little hoarse.

I feel that nature makes people confused.

"Yes, I have."

"At that time, Wen Xian had someone she liked and had no feelings for Zong Qifeng. After marriage, they respected each other as if they were guests. They were not husband and wife. Wen Xian felt sorry for Zong Qifeng, so she wanted to find a woman to accompany him..."

"That woman is Cheng Yuxiu?" Shen peichuan only felt that he was struck by thunder. How can there be such a thing.

Find a woman for your husband?

Just because you don't like it?

"You should be aware of the power of the Wen family. Wen Xian told a big lie when she wanted to give the child a proper identity. No one in the literary family knows, only the party concerned knows. " She did not elaborate on many of the details.

Shen peichuan did not know what he could say.

"But why do you go to see Bai Yinning? Does it have anything to do with Bai Yinning? " Shen peichuan thinks that this old story seems to involve many people.

"When you have been to Baicheng, you should have heard about Bai Yinning's life experience. He is Bai Hongfei's adopted son, and Bai Hongfei was Cheng Yuxiu's first love... At that time, Wen Qing discovered the relationship between Cheng Yuxiu and Zong Qifeng, and felt that Cheng Yuxiu was the third party to destroy his sister's marriage..."

Shen peichuan probably straightened out everything. That time in Baicheng, Cheng Yuwen, There is also a relationship between xiangyunsha and the Cheng family.

"Bai Yinning found the doctor who delivered Cheng Yuxiu. His purpose is to join hands with Jing Hao to overthrow Wen Qing. Wen Qing hurt him before he raised him. " Lin Xinyan explained.

"Don't you want Jing Hao to know?" It's a question, but it's in the affirmative.

Lin Xinyan clasped his hands and felt the contradiction in his heart. "I don't think it's fair to him, but I want him to bear the consequences of what happened in his last life. If Wen Qing knows the truth. I don't know what's going to happen. "

"I can see from you how much Wen Qing hates Cheng Yuxiu? Just a little closer, he has become so crazy that he knows the truth.... "

Is that true? It's going to be a hell of a row.

"I don't know if he will blame me if he knows later." Lin Xinyan choked a little, which gave her a difficult problem.

"Remember your original intention, the things in the future. In the future, I believe that Jing Hao knows why you do this. Maybe this secret will go down with the years. Buried by time. " Shen peichuan stops his car by the side of the road. He doesn't know how to comfort Lin Xinyan. He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to her.

Lin Xinyan did not answer, wiped the corner of his eye, "I'm ok."

She didn't love Zong Jinghao because of herself.

Shen peichuan looked at her face. She was very thin all the time, even if she was pregnant. She didn't get fat at all. She looked very weak, but she didn't feel that she was a person who couldn't stand it.She and Cheng Yuxiu are close because they know the tortuous past.

Now by Bai Yinning turned out, she is still calm to deal with, the damage caused by this matter to the minimum.

If you think about it calmly. It must be better for everyone to keep the same, no matter from which aspect.

If Zong Jinghao's life experience is disclosed, what is it, illegitimate child?

Not only to face the identity of the finger, how to accept such a long time of deception?

Do you hate yourself or those who deceive him?

The truth is unraveled. What can the chaos change? Who is good for?

Shen peichuan starts the car again and drives it“ I seem to understand why Jinghao likes you. "

His voice was too small for Lin Xinyan to hear“ Well

"Nothing." Shen peichuan drives the car attentively.

Soon after arriving at the hotel, Shen peichuan stopped the car and pushed the door open. Come to Lin Xinyan's side, take down the wheelchair from the back and help her out of the car.

Shen peichuan pushed her up the elevator. After arriving at that floor, she turned to look at Shen peichuan, "you wait for me here."

"I'll go in with you." He is not at ease, after all, Bai Yinning to her mind is obvious to all, and he sent people, also want to ensure her safety.

"That's good." Anyway, he knows about it and has nothing to hide.

At the door of the room, Shen peichuan rang the doorbell and soon the door opened. Bai Yinning was not surprised to see that it was Lin Xinyan.

In front of the hospital, she deliberately interrupted herself, knowing that she did not want Zong Jinghao to know.

Bai Yinning expected that Lin Xinyan would come, so he let plateau go back to his room. He looked at Shen peichuan, "I want to talk to miss Lin alone."

"She's not fit right now. I have to watch her." Shen peichuan's attitude is very clear and tough.

Bai Yinning said with a smile, "if you can come with her, you must know what it is because. You should be clear that I have the initiative. I can choose not to talk about it."

Shen peichuan's face changed.

"Peichuan, it's OK. You wait at the door. I'll call you if you have something." Lin Xinyan looked at him, shook his head, let him not impulse, "he won't do anything to me."

Shen peichuan takes a look at Bai Yinning and turns to walk out of the room.

The door closed, Bai Yin looked at Lin Xinyan, he did not hide his feelings for her, "do you think I should be happy, or should I be sad?"

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