Chapter 437

Lin Xinyan bent his lips, his eyes as clear as blue waves were full of smiles, "you say, when I encounter such things, do I have to respect them when they are busy? But I can't drink in my body, can you drink for me? "

When she spoke, she filled the glass in front of Zong Jinghao.

Zong Jinghao glanced at the glass full of Baijiu and picked his lips. The old banquet was set for him.

Is still that wipe dote drown to the bone of smile, "listen to you."

Su Zhan blinked. He seemed to smell something unusual. What are the couple doing? How about singing them the oboe?

"Jinghao, this is..."

What's the situation?

"I'm sure you've done a lot on the Internet. Thank you. If you don't want to accept my thanks. You don't drink it. " After pregnancy, she didn't look at her cell phone except for answering the phone in the hospital. On the day of the doctor's rounds, a nurse was browsing the news and peeking at her while watching the video.

Just took Yu Ma away and watched the news on her mobile phone.

Lin Xinyan said this, he is not good to refuse. Had to carry up, in the heart or some uneasy stare at Zong Jinghao, this wine he is to drink or not to drink?

Lin Xinyan gives Zong Jinghao a glass of wine. He looks at her with low eyes. Mingming knew everything in his heart, but he was very cooperative.

Baijiu is not mild than red wine. It is very irrigated and not eaten before. It is easier to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

Su Zhan had only half a cup of it. He drank it all at once. Maybe his hot eyebrows were all together. He put a chopstick of food in his mouth and tried to suppress the burning sensation.

Lin Xinyan anxiously looks at Zong Jinghao. He has no expression. It seems that what she has just drunk is water. She knows his taste, and puts a chopstick of dishes that suit his taste on the plate, "eat something to press it."

Zong Jinghao came to her ear and said, "do you love me?"

Lin Xinyan hard heart, small voice way, "just don't have." As if to prove that what he said was true, he filled the glass of wine in front of Zong Jinghao.

She put down the bottle, "this cup you should drink with Guan Jin, you are not in the company, his busy you how busy."

"It's all my business. It should be, it should be." Guan Jin is flattered.

Dry drinking is really easy to get drunk. Two cups of Baijiu down, Zong Jinghao's eyes appear red blood, he looked at nothing, Lin Xin Yan knew that he was certainly not comfortable, this degree of wine drink on an empty stomach, hurting people.

But she couldn't go out without getting him drunk.

Even if the heartache, or again to his full, "this cup you respect me, I married you at the age of 18, you did not give me anything.". No wedding, no ceremony, a marriage certificate, or someone else took me to pull, think about it carefully, I'm quite aggrieved, you say you should... "

Before her words were finished, Zong Jinghao poured down the glass of wine.

The green tendons of the forehead and the contour of the face stretch out a tight line. His Adam's apple rolls up and down, and his voice is particularly hoarse. "He used to be a jerk, doing stupid things."

As he spoke, he refilled his glass. "Today I'm in front of my brother. I want to say one thing. "

"This woman." He held Lin Xinyan in his arms and said, "I thank her very much."

The other three men, sitting quietly and echoing, said, "we all know."

"Here's to you. Give birth to Xiao Xi and Xiao Rui." Another drink, he continued to fill, "a cup can not express my apology, my heartache, those years of missing and ignorance, thank you for their good care."

What he said was from his heart. He never said it, but he never forgot it.

Six years, too long, more than 3000 days and nights. It is not only time that has passed, but also a lot of beauty and joy that he did not participate in.

He had never experienced the tension and expectation of waiting anxiously to become a father at the door of the delivery room.

He didn't know what his child looked like when he was born.

He didn't know when his child had his first tooth.

He didn't know what his child would say when he was a few years old. What was the first sentence? Was it his father or his mother who would call first.

He didn't know what it was like to hold a newborn baby.

Maybe he deliberately wanted Lin Xinyan to achieve his goal, or maybe it was a sad thing that touched the bottom of his heart. He finished the bottle of wine himself.

I'm drunk, too.

He held Lin Xinyan in his arms and said nothing and did not let go.I just want to hold this soft, warm, thoughtful and living woman in my arms. I feel like I'm complete, flesh and blood.

"You're drunk." Lin Xinyan patted him on the back.

His head was buried in her neck, "I'm not drunk, I'm just sick."

He took Lin Xinyan's hand and pressed it in his heart, "it's hard in here."

Lin Xinyan fanned his eyelashes and said, "I know that we have a long time to go. Now you need to get some sleep. "

"Please put him upstairs." She looked at the three men opposite.

If you don't know what's going on at the beginning, you'll know it all later. This meal. It's all about drinking Jinghao.

As for why, it is not known.

Two people are enough. Instead of going up, Shen peichuan looks at Lin Xinyan“ What do you want to do? "

Lin Xinyan's answer is not what he asked, "is his capacity good?"

"Under normal circumstances, it's not bad. After all, he's a businessman. He often drinks and socializes." Even if there's no amount of alcohol. You can practice it if you drink it often.

"Did you say he was drunk?" Asked Lin Xinyan.

After that, he obviously poured himself. Her practice was so obvious that he must know that he wanted to drink and make him drunk.

"He's in a bad mood. It's also easy to get drunk. " The subtext should be drunk, with emotion behind it.

Lin Xinyan takes a deep breath. She has come to this stage. She can only continue according to her plan.

"Yu Ma, go up and take care of him." Drunk, thirsty, vomiting, no one around to take care of it.

Yu's mother was soaking in honey water in the kitchen. Lin Xinyan pursed her lips. "Pour him some water."

She was afraid that he would sober up. She didn't have time.

"Where's the wheelchair I asked you to get?" She looks at Shen peichuan.

"What on earth do you want to do..."

"I don't have much time. I'll talk to you as we walk." Lin Xinyan interrupted him.

Yu Ma is standing in the same place.

To drink so much wine, not even a cup of honey water to drink?

Thinking about it, Yu's mother poured another cup in the kitchen, but she still put honey. Of course, she turned away Lin Xinyan's eyes and secretly put it.

Shen peichuan puts the wheelchair next to Lin Xinyan, reaches for her to sit on it, and then pushes her out.

At the side of the car, she helped Lin Xinyan to get on the car and folded the wheelchair in the back seat.

He got into the driver's seat and started the car. At the same time, he asked, "now you can say that you do everything you can to get Jing Hao drunk. Who are you going to see? Or something? "

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