Chapter 439

Happy she came to find herself, sad she took the initiative to find herself for another man.

Lin Xinyan didn't want to waste time with him. He said directly, "I'm very disappointed that you didn't believe what you said. You must know the reason why I came. Let's say, what conditions do you want to let go of this thing? If you want to take revenge on Wen Ching, I won't stop you. It doesn't matter whether you live or die. But if you want to use Zong Jinghao's life experience to achieve the purpose of dealing with Wen Ching, I will never allow you to do so. Don't think so. I have nothing to do with you without telling Zong Jinghao. Don't forget, this is city B. besides Zong Jinghao, there is Zong Qifeng. "

Although Zong Qifeng was not in charge for a long time. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't have the ability to deal with the foreign Bai Yinning. It's still very simple.

Lin Xinyan's attitude is not always low. He can talk about terms or be tough.

Bai Yinning stared at her tightly for a long time, then suddenly laughed, "for him. You really don't want to spare any effort. "

"He's my husband, the father of my children, and I can do anything for him." Lin Xinyan looked back at his eyes frankly.

She has nothing to hide.

The smile on Bai Yinning's face could not be maintained any longer. His hands tightly grasped the handrail, "if, my condition is to ask you?"

"You won't degenerate to this point. As a married woman, I don't think I have so much charm. Let's say, what conditions do you have?" After listening to Bai Yinning's words, there was no wave on her face, as if what he said had nothing to do with him.

Calm let Bai Yinning feel incredible.

"You, are you a woman? Even if you don't like me, if you hear my confession, you should also say that you will make me feel like a failure. " Bai Yinning did not hide his loss.

"Do you think I have a heart? Can I give you half? My heart is very small, one person is enough to occupy, and there is no gap. I hope we can get back to the main point and put forward your conditions. If you don't want to talk about it, you can. Today I come to take it as our last remaining love. From now on, we are the enemy. "

Then she called out to the door, "peichuan..."

"Wait a minute." Bai Yinning did not expect that she would be so tough. At the moment when he saw her appear at the door, he was still wondering if he could take advantage of this to get her, take her away from here and go back to Baicheng to live a normal life.

Who knows, she is so strong.

Let him like, let him worry, take her no way.

On the street opposite the hotel downstairs, there is a black business car. The man who should have been sleeping in the villa because he was drunk is watching Bai Yinning and Lin Xinyan's every move in the room through the video.

Last time Bai Yinning appeared in the ward to send flowers to Lin Xinyan, Zong Jinghao asked people to check his residence in city B. Although City B is big, there are a number of hotels that can count on the stars, and it's easy to check.

Guess Lin Xinyan try every means to get drunk, he may be to see Bai Yinning. Then someone pretended to be the aunt cleaning the room in the hotel and installed an invisible camera in the room.

He could clearly see and hear their every move and every word in the room.

He leaned back casually, his shirt was wrinkled, his long legs wrapped in trousers were folded wantonly, his collar button was pulled open with one hand, and his other elbow was against the armrest to support his forehead, covering most of his face and all his expressions.

In the room.

Lin Xinyan didn't immediately ask him to stop. He wanted to make it clear that he was willing to put forward conditions. Instead, he waited patiently.

After a long time, Bai Yinning turned his wheelchair and stayed in front of the French window. Overlooking this neon and prosperous city, "I didn't live for myself in my whole life. When I was a child, I lived in an orphanage. No matter how hard I was, I always liked to smile because it was so attractive. No one liked the child who was suffering all day. Later, I was adopted by Bai Hongfei. In order to make him recognize me, I wanted to help him. He thought that he was right to adopt me. I tried my best to express myself. I studied hard and tried to become a capable person. Later, he died and left his last wish. He hoped that I would marry Cheng Yuxiu's daughter. Whether I like it or not, I would fulfill his last wish. Later, I accidentally saved you and found the jade bracelet on your hand. I thought you were, At first, I held the mentality of fulfilling Bai Hongfei's last wish... But later, I gradually found out that you are a very interesting girl... "

"I like you. It's the only thing that I don't have to care about anyone's thoughts and follow my heart. "

He turned his wheelchair and looked at her. "I'm glad to see you come. But you come here because you don't want another man to be hurt. I'm jealous. I'm dying of jealousy. It's ridiculous. "

Lin Xinyan looked at him. There is a trace of palpitation in the fundus of the eye. Maybe it was too unfortunate when I was a child, so I would have the feeling of empathy."I can keep that doctor away from him." He rolled the wheelchair, face to face with her, knee and her. "When I know what I want, I want to use everything madly, just for a pair of normal legs, just to stand in front of you, like a normal man, standing in front of you."

"A lot of times I have low self-esteem. When I toss and turn in the middle of the night and your face is in my mind, I hate myself so much."

His eyes were deep, red and trembling.

Lin Xin said low, "I'm not worth it."

"Yes, you're not worth it." He leaned over and looked at her, only a few millimeters away from the tip of his nose. Just a little bit will touch together, "but can't control their own heart."

Lin Xinyan clenched his hands into fists, and his body was stiff. He felt something in his heart, not because of his confession, but because of his life experience. There are many injustices in this world. Some people may not be born in such a rich family, but they can live a safe and happy life.

Some are abandoned at birth.

"If. You met me first. Would you... "

"No if." Lin Xinyan interrupts him. It's impossible. She doesn't want to answer hypothetical questions.

His eyes reflected her appearance, "I can make that doctor disappear forever, no one can find, only one request."


Bai Yinning stares at her lips, no lipstick rendering, but still pink, looking very soft.

Lin Xinyan seems to feel his intention, twist his face, he clasped her neck, forcing her to look at himself.

I don't want much, just a kiss, don't you want to give me

Lin Xinyan shook his head.

Bai Yinning's eyeground flashed a touch of disappointment quickly, and soon floated a trace of smile, "so heartless to me?"

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