Chapter 436

He took a look at the cell phone beside the pillow, but didn't pick it up to see who she sent the message to.

Instead, lie down and hold her from behind.

Lin Xin Yan opened his eyes, but did not move, and then slowly closed his eyes.


Guan Jin's chef made a large table of delicacies. The rectangular dining table in the living room was full. Yu Ma put the plates, chopsticks and napkins in order.

It's not new year's day. But there are so many people today that it seems as lively as a holiday.

Shen peichuan is quiet and sits on the sofa. Holding a mobile phone, pondering the message Lin Xinyan sent to himself.

When he received Su Zhan's call, he just came out of the morgue to find out the cause of he Ruilin's death.

The official statement today is suicide.

In order to make sure that he Ruilin committed suicide, he took a forensic doctor who had a good relationship with him and secretly examined he Ruilin's body. There was no scar on his body. Only a strangulation mark on his neck, because he Ruilin was hanged.

But the forensic still found out the suspicious point. He found something like human skin in he Ruilin's fingernails. As for what it is, it needs to be tested before it can be determined.

After receiving Su Zhan's message, he went back to take a bath and changed into clean clothes. Just as he was preparing to come to the villa, he received a message from Lin Xinyan. At that time, his first reaction was to call Zong Jinghao and ask him what happened. But thinking that Lin Xinyan would not let him say, he didn't call out.

According to her request, I got a wheelchair, put it in the trunk of the car, and then came to the villa.

"What are you looking at?" Su Zhan sits next to him. He's never been to the villa, but he's always looking at his mobile phone.

Shen peichuan calmly presses the screen of his mobile phone to black. Su Zhan seems to see that it's faith. Look at him, "who sent you a message, so absorbed in it?"

Shen peichuan put his mobile phone into his pocket and looked at him, "can you stop gossiping?"

Su Zhan cut. Sitting on another sofa, "I'm so rare that I'm not interested in the information of an old virgin like you."

Shen peichuan, "..."

This man is really a man with a forgiving mouth.

Guan Jin is peeling an orange. Hearing Su Zhan's words, he looks up at Shen peichuan and asks, "how old are you. Are you really a virgin

Shen peichuan, "..."

Su Zhan covers his stomach and doesn't want to laugh at Shen peichuan, but he can't help it.

Yu Ma came over and said, "after dinner, you wash your hands. I'll go upstairs and call them."

They didn't sleep, but they both pretended to be asleep and heard Yu Ma's voice. All of them pretend to be the same as just waking up. Lin Xinyan doesn't know if Zong Jinghao is asleep, but Zong Jinghao knows that Lin Xinyan is not asleep.

But he pretended he didn't know anything and got up to wipe her hands with a wet towel. He was very serious. Lin Xinyan looked down at his hands and said, "everything needs to be served, just like a useless person."

Zong Jinghao did not look up, still meticulous, "more useful than useless people, at least give me a child."

After wiping, he collected the towel and put it on the table. Forced to pinch her face, "all day long, all nonsense, embrace me."

Zong Jinghao took her arm and wrapped it around his neck. The princess held her up from the bed.

From pregnancy to now, Lin Xinyan is used to holding himself.

Downstairs, they were all in the living room. They saw Zong Jinghao holding Lin Xinyan down and standing up from the sofa.

Walking down the stairs, Zong Jinghao went to the restaurant and said, "let's all sit down."

He put Lin Xinyan on the chair, then pulled aside the chair and sat beside her. Shen peichuan and the three of them sat opposite each other. The dining table is very big. There are five of them. There are many seats left. This is a rectangular dining table that can hold 15 people.

Su Zhanxian said, "today is very rich. Thank you for your hospitality."

Lin Xinyan was smiling“ It should be me. Thank you. You're busy when I'm in trouble. I have it all in mind. "

"Yu Ma." Her name is Yu Ma.

"Well Yu Ma came over and said, "take two bottles of wine from the wine cabinet." He said“ It's white

Yu's mother answered and turned to get the wine.

Eating and drinking are common, especially on such occasions. What does Lin Xin Yan specially say about Baijiu?

Don't you want them all drunk?Zong Jinghao hung his eyes, all his thoughts were covered, and he didn't express any opinions. By Lin Xinyan.

Yu Ma took two 8-year-old 5ml bottles of Maotai, both of which are 53 degrees. Most people can't afford this year's Maotai.

Lin Xinyan knew that there were a lot of wine in the wine cabinet. When she was in the villa, she opened it and found that there were several bottles of Maotai with a long history and high degree.

Baijiu is the only one. There are more kinds of red wine. She orders Baijiu, and naturally it is the same.

She asked her mother to open it and said, "pour it to Su Zhan."

She opened another bottle in front of her and went to see Zong Jinghao. "I'm in a good mood. Can I entertain them to drink?"

Zong Jinghao looked up at her, deep eyes like a bottomless lake, looked at each other for a few seconds, his lips slightly up, outlined a gentle smile, "as long as you like."

He doesn't mind.

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