The servant’s voice carried a hint of embarrassment.

Despite the close proximity of their territories, there had been almost no interaction between the two families. This was because Viscount Ida had taken over the lordship after Count Schmidt’s fall from grace.

It was natural for a new lord to emerge in a land that had lost its leader, but there was something dishonorable about Viscount Ida, who had been merely a vassal, not being ousted alongside the Count and instead being elevated to the position of the next landowner.

Viscount Ida had colluded with the royal family to dethrone Count Schmidt and seize this land.

The ducal family, having closely associated with the Schmidt family and shared in their disgrace, naturally harbored ill feelings towards the Viscount.

“We need to discuss this with the Duke. Please wait until we finish our conversation.”

“Yes, understood.”

The servant withdrew without stepping into the room.

Nonetheless, Viviana remained still, her hand resting on the clothing bag.

Her fingertips trembled slightly.

Clenching her fist tightly as if to suppress a convulsion, Viviana turned to Iona.

In her eyes, there was a fierce anger that had never been seen before.

“I don’t know what you are planning, but at least I want to kill Viscount Ida. Can you do that?”

Iona responded with a pale smile, pulling up the corners of her mouth.

“Fortunately, it seems our opinions align perfectly, my lady.”


The claim that Viscount Ida eagerly wished to serve the Duke was not an empty one, as he treated the Duke and Duchess with utmost hospitality.

Thanks to this, Iona and Leroy, dressed in formal attire, found themselves seated before a luxurious dinner spread, despite it not being on their original agenda.

Viscount Ida went to great lengths to create a pleasant atmosphere, evidently having mistakenly interpreted Iona and Leroy’s union as a reconciliation between the royal family and the ducal house.

Since this misunderstanding did not harm their interests, Iona did not bother to correct him.

Viscount Ida seemed to consider Iona, known as a close aide to the Crown Prince, to be on his side, which could only be beneficial for gathering information, not a hindrance.

“It is truly disappointing. You visited our territory and yet you were going to pass by without even stopping by our house. If my subordinates hadn’t reported, we would have missed this opportunity to meet and converse!”

Viscount Ida spoke with genuine regret.

He was a man of small stature and had a hasty impression, which he seemed to compensate for with somewhat exaggerated expressions and gestures when speaking.

In contrast, his wife, the Viscountess, had a more docile demeanor and participated little in the conversation, merely nodding occasionally in agreement.

“I hadn’t anticipated such hospitality, so I intended to move quietly to avoid causing any inconvenience.”

Leroy replied calmly, slicing the fish with his knife.

Viscount Ida momentarily seemed to frown at the informal tone but managed to maintain his smile.

His true feelings stayed hidden beneath his tongue.

‘That insolent young man.’

It was natural that the ducal family, the foremost landowners in the eastern region, and the smaller viscounty couldn’t stand on equal footing, but Viscount Ida felt he wasn’t receiving the respect due to him as a fellow landowner from Leroy.

Leroy’s natural condescension seemed to suggest that he still remembered the past.

Had Count Schmidt still been in power, Viscount Ida would have had to continue serving Leroy as a superior.

In reality, this was an overt provocation to Viscount Ida’s inferiority complex.

‘Why is the royal family suddenly trying to reconcile with this fellow?’

Viscount Ida clenched his teeth subtly, not letting his frustration show.

Previously, they had almost completely cut off interaction with the ducal family following the Empress’ wishes. Who would have thought that the very person who issued that command would now change her mind?

Viscount Ida cursed the whims of his superiors inwardly, filling his thoughts with vile curses.

Of course, he was not foolish enough to let his true feelings show, so his outward demeanor remained impeccably polite.

“It’s not an inconvenience at all. It’s a pleasure that you took the time to visit. Please feel free to stop by anytime you pass through.”

Leroy did not respond.

Finding it difficult to continue the conversation with him, Viscount Ida turned his attention to Iona.

“I have met the Duke a few times before, but it seems I am almost meeting Dame Iona for the first time. No, actually, this is our first meeting. However, your exploits in the capital have made you quite familiar even in this distant place. Haha!”

Viscount Ida enthusiastically flattered.

Since he had no particular grievances against Iona, he could genuinely convey his admiration.

After all, there was no harm in making a good impression on a close aide to the Crown Prince.

Iona watched him with a dry gaze, offering a courteous smile and words of modesty.

“I haven’t done anything worthy of being called exploits.”

“You’re too modest. Ah, by the way, my son is a big fan of yours, Dame Iona. Perhaps you could spar with him when you have the time?”

Viscount Ida suggested eagerly, pointing to his son.

His son, who had been focused on his meal, looked up in surprise at the sudden mention.

Judging by his bewildered expression, it seemed he had little interest in Iona.

His flabby upper body, devoid of muscle, suggested that he had likely only mastered the basics of swordsmanship at best.

Viscount Ida’s son, clearly embarrassed, tried to dissuade his overly enthusiastic father.

“Father, how could I possibly spar with a knight of the royal family?”

“I meant more of a training session than a sparring match, a chance to learn from her.”

Realizing he had overstepped, Viscount Ida quickly added an explanation.

Ignoring the silent battle of wills between father and son, Iona graciously accepted the suggestion.

“If you wish, I would be happy to visit and instruct your son. I’ve been missing my daily training, so it would be nice to have such an activity.”

Viscount Ida seemed a bit surprised by her positive response.

He brightened up, internally making a reasonable guess.

‘It seems this woman is also eager to interact with me... Perhaps the Crown Prince has given her a separate indication?’

Publicly, the Empress was known to be confined within the palace, avoiding any outside activities. However, she was also making unseen efforts to maintain her power and influence behind the scenes.

Viscount Ida was certain that among those under the Empress’ command, he played the most crucial role.

The problem was that his compensation, aside from money, had been lacking.

Unlike Iona, who was well-known as a close aide to the Crown Prince, Viscount Ida was an invisible force.

He could never publicly reveal the work he did for the Empress.

Thus, he was dissatisfied with being treated as an insignificant pawn by the royal family. When the Crown Prince’s aide showed him favor, he felt a bit of recognition for his usefulness.

Feeling uplifted, Viscount Ida genuinely praised Iona’s forthrightness.

“Your decisive nature truly befits a knight among knights! Shall we toast in honor of my son’s opportunity to receive such valuable instruction?”

The dinner continued in a rather harmonious atmosphere.

Leroy remained mostly silent, but Viscount Ida’s excessive talkativeness prevented any awkwardness.

Despite Iona’s merely polite responses, Viscount Ida was deeply moved, perhaps because of Leroy’s contrasting demeanor beside her.

The conversation extended the meal longer than expected, and it concluded late into the night.

Declining Viscount Ida’s suggestion to move to another location on the pretext of being tired, Iona and Leroy were finally able to escape his presence.

Once inside the guest room provided by the Viscount, they both immediately showed tired expressions.

Leroy turned to Iona and asked, “Are you really planning to come back here to meet the Viscount’s son?”

“We did promise, so I suppose I should.”

“Viscount’s pale-looking son doesn’t seem like your type, though.”

It took Iona a moment to understand Leroy’s unexpected remark.

She asked in disbelief, “Are you joking?”

“Of course, it was a joke, but I do think I should accompany my new bride to keep an eye on things. That part is serious.”

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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