Marsha responded with a hazy look in her eyes.

Despite feeling somewhat resentful of Marsha’s insincere attitude, Iona did not show it outwardly.

Iona was aware that she was acting unusually timid, which was unlike her.

Iona muttered awkwardly, “It’s hard to speak up when you’re face-to-face with the person.”

“Then don’t force yourself,” Marsha added quietly, gauging Iona’s mood.

Because Iona didn’t clearly state what she wanted to say to Leroy, the two misunderstood each other.

Iona was thinking of confessing to Leroy, but Marsha, who had just heard Iona talk about wanting to do so much for “him,” assumed that her mistress wanted to share these heartfelt sentiments directly with him.

With the resolve to stop Iona’s impractical self-sacrifice, Marsha adopted a firm stance.

“Saying such things might make you appear foolish to the other person.”

“I don’t think he would see it that way.”

“You know the saying, ‘You can understand ten fathoms of water, but not one fathom of a person’s heart.’ It doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”

Even though their topics of conversation were different, there was a common thread in their dialogue.

Since the conversation was flowing smoothly, neither Iona nor Marsha sensed any discrepancy in each other’s words.

Marsha even managed to offer Iona some practical advice.

“If you’re really regretful about not being able to pass on your wealth, consider giving him a precious gift instead.”

“A precious gift...”

Iona’s expression became serious.

Come to think of it, the only thing she had ever given Leroy was a single handkerchief.

Although it took a considerable amount of time and effort, it wasn’t something that cost a lot.

Now, Iona had inherited the entire Modrov estate, making her an unusually wealthy person for her age.

She had more than enough means to shower the person she liked with luxurious gifts.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Iona said quietly, in admiration.

Seeing Iona’s calm admiration, Marsha felt an inexplicable sense of unease.

Marsha picked up the knitting she had placed beside her knees, praying that Iona’s generosity wouldn’t end up bankrupting the family.

Outside the window, a gentle breeze blew, indifferent to the various worries that cluttered her mind.


As the number of companions and luggage increased, the travel speed naturally slowed down.

As a result, the group arrived near the duchy a day later than Iona had initially anticipated.

Although they didn’t push themselves by riding alone at a fast pace, the extended duration of the journey left them physically exhausted.

To recuperate before entering the duchy, the group decided to spend a night in a nearby territory.

It wouldn’t do for the lord and his new lady to appear looking worn out, and they also needed to give the welcoming party some time to prepare.

While the group enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation at a luxurious inn, some were particularly busy.

Those were the maids, who were already brainstorming how to make Iona’s first appearance as dramatic as possible.

“For a first appearance, wouldn’t such a bold color be better to stand out?”

“Wearing such an expensive fabric might come off as too extravagant. I think this subtly elegant dress would be better…”

“What’s most important is what suits her best; the rest is secondary.”

The maids, who were passionately debating amongst themselves, all turned to look at Iona simultaneously.

Their eyes were asking her to make a decision.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, Iona avoided their gazes.

To be honest, she didn’t care what she wore as long as it wasn’t embarrassing.

Of course, she didn’t want to be humiliated, but she didn’t think such a long debate was necessary to decide that.

“I’m not sure,” Iona answered honestly.

Her intention was to let them decide since she had no particular opinion, but the enthusiastic maids seemed to interpret her words differently.

“This won’t do. Let’s bring out more clothes.”

“And the accessories too.”

“If we lay everything out, we’ll find the answer.”

Marsha and Cornelia, united in their determination, left the room.

It seemed they were planning to bring more dresses from the carriage.

The effort of selecting a few outfits to pack separately had become pointless.

Iona watched with a blank expression as Lenny, left alone, began tidying up the clothes.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

A woman with light brown hair in modest clothing entered the room.

It looked like she was bringing in some of the luggage Marsha and Cornelia had started unpacking, as she set a large trunk on the floor.

As the woman bowed and prepared to leave, Iona turned to Lenny and asked, “Lenny, could you go ask the Duke what time he plans to have dinner?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“I saw him go out to exercise with some knights earlier. He hasn’t returned yet, so check outside first.”

Lenny answered energetically and left the room.

The light brown-haired woman, Viviana, took off her headscarf and spoke.

“It seems the Duke is still in the inn.”

“Looking for someone who isn’t outside will take some time. Meanwhile, we can have a conversation where no one can hear us.”

Iona answered casually.

Considering the formidable energy earlier, it was likely that Marsha and Cornelia’s return would also be delayed.

Iona, seeing a rare opportunity to unwind and have a leisurely conversation, offered Viviana a seat.

With a playful smile on her lips, Viviana sat down across from Iona.

“It feels like it’s been a while since we last had a chat,” Iona remarked, as if the thought had just occurred to her.

Although they had seen each other in passing, it had indeed been a long time since they had a proper conversation.

Since faking her death, Viviana had been hiding out of sight, and during this journey, she had been blending in as a laborer.

Given that it would be inappropriate for someone of uncertain status to be seen talking intimately with the lord and lady, they had been pretending not to know each other until now.

“How does it feel to be back in your homeland?” Iona asked.

The estate they were currently staying at, Ida, was originally known as Schmidt.

After the execution of the Schmidt family, the estate’s name was changed to that of the new lord’s family.

Schmidt, being associated with the dishonor of treason, was a name that the locals accepted changing without much complaint.

The imperial family had to ensure there were no remnants of past traitors, to avoid any future trouble.

“Well, it’s changed a lot from what I remember,” Viviana said with a hint of bitterness.

It made sense, considering many years had passed since Viviana had left the estate.

Her voice was filled with a deep sense of loss for the things she had lost.

Just as her homeland had changed, so had she, leaving behind her past as the land’s mistress and now seeing it as a stranger.

Watching the resignation on Viviana’s face, Iona suddenly asked, “Do you remember when I asked if you wanted revenge?”

“…I remember.”

“You must also know that escaping surveillance safely wasn’t the end of everything.”

“Is it time to execute the next stage of the plan?” Viviana asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Deep down, she had always hoped that Iona’s promise of help meant more than just her escape.

After a brief silence, Iona leaned closer and lowered her voice, “Do you know why your father was framed as a traitor despite being innocent?”

Viviana’s lips twitched momentarily.

Just as she was about to respond, hurried footsteps echoed down the corridor.

Instinctively, Viviana stood up, re-wrapped her headscarf, and moved to the trunk on the floor, pretending to organize it.

The hurried footsteps stopped right outside Iona’s door.

The servant, too pressed to wait for permission to enter, immediately delivered the message.

“My lady, someone sent by Viscount Ida has arrived.”

Viviana and Iona exchanged glances.

Iona nodded reassuringly at Viviana and then asked the servant calmly, “What do they want?”

“The Viscount wishes to invite the Duke and you to his residence. He insists on hosting you properly, as he cannot let the Duke and Duchess leave without any hospitality. His invitation is quite insistent.”

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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