Before Leroy could even get a response, he strode inside with determination.

He seemed resolved to push through with his decision, regardless of her reaction.

Iona felt a bit bewildered by this.

She understood that Leroy harbored significant resentment towards Viscount Ida, and she deeply sympathized with this sentiment.

Iona had proposed the idea of fencing lessons to the Viscount as an excuse to visit the Viscounty without Leroy. She thought this would ease any burden on Leroy.

But to think he would volunteer to accompany her like this.

Iona, still somewhat flustered, asked for confirmation of his intentions.

“I don’t mind, but... won’t it be uncomfortable for you, Your Grace?”

“It won’t be pleasant, but it’s better than imagining what could happen while you’re there alone.”

Leroy handed his coat to a waiting servant and added,

“Besides, it would be troublesome if the Viscount’s son got any wrong ideas under the guise of sparring with you.”

“That’s an unfounded worry.”

“I’m not particularly worried about a change of heart on your part. But just as I trust your judgment, I trust my own.”

Leroy said this nonchalantly, as if suggesting that while the Viscount’s son was not someone Iona would be interested in, the reverse might not be true.

Iona scrunched her nose, unable to hide her awkwardness at the compliment.

She couldn’t quite understand why Leroy was so overprotective of her.

Falling for someone didn’t happen so easily, and even if it did, it was unlikely to be her.

Iona had a rational basis for this belief.

‘Despite the many men in the knight order, no one ever liked me.’

Richard was an exception, but he was just that—an exception.

Given his unusual tastes, it was hard to consider his interest as a measure of her attractiveness.

Besides, she doubted whether his feelings for her were genuinely affectionate.

Iona decided to take Leroy’s excessive reaction as concern for her well-being.

It was easier to understand this way, and it was true that she was about to engage in something quite dangerous.

“If you’re alright with it, Your Grace, I don’t mind.”

Concluding the previous topic, Iona slowly approached Leroy.

By then, he had discarded most of his uncomfortable attire, wearing only a white tunic.

Leroy instructed the servant arranging his clothes,

“Prepare a bath.”

“The rest of you may leave now.”

Iona followed suit, naturally adding to the conversation.

Leroy didn’t stop her, as he didn’t seem to need any further assistance.

Everyone was already exhausted from the long journey.

Though he was reluctant to have the Viscount’s people around, he had brought his own servants. But it seemed it was time to give them a break as well.

Sure enough, the moment Iona suggested they leave, they quickly exited the room.

Their soundless, hurried steps showcased their proficiency as seasoned servants.

Iona muttered in admiration,

“They must be very tired.”

“And you’re not?”

“I was just sitting the whole time. It wasn’t that exhausting for me,” Iona replied nonchalantly.

In truth, they had stopped to rest at inns whenever necessary, allowing plenty of time to recover their strength.

Although, to be honest, there were many nights she stayed awake and then started traveling again...

Unconsciously recalling the events of two nights ago, Iona’s cheeks slightly reddened.

She still felt a bit sore in her thighs, but she didn’t want to show any signs of fatigue in front of the one responsible for it.

It wasn’t serious enough to be visibly noticeable anyway.

Just as she was about to tell him not to worry, she felt a hand naturally pulling at her dress.

The buttons on her back were being undone one by one in a strangely suggestive manner.

No, it wasn’t just “strangely suggestive.” There was nothing ambiguous about his actions.

Iona spoke awkwardly,

“There’s no need for you to help…”

“With no maids to assist, it falls to the husband to help,” Leroy interrupted, as if it was an inevitable duty.

His voice carried a hint of amusement.

Clearly, he saw the servants’ absence as an opportunity.

“And, honestly, I might be better at this than you by now.”

He wasn’t wrong.

He began skillfully undoing the dress she wore.

Today’s outfit was particularly complicated, and halfway through, Iona regretted sending the maids away without thinking.

Without Leroy’s help, she might have only managed to remove half of it before collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion.

As he loosened her waist ribbon, Iona took the chance to speak.

“I’d like to establish a trade with Viscount Ida.”

“A trade?”

“Yes, anything we can trade through the Ida territory with Bardem would be good.”

Bardem, the homeland of the Empress, was a country neighboring the Leman Empire, separated by a long mountain range.

Most of the border was blocked by high mountains, but the Ida territory was located at a point where the mountain range was interrupted and then continued.

Thanks to this relatively gentle terrain, most merchants heading to Bardem or beyond usually passed through the Ida territory.

In other words, the Ida territory played a significant role as a critical hub for inland trade.

In the past, Viscount Ida had inflicted damage on the duchy by unilaterally cutting off trade under imperial orders.

If trade were to resume, it would be quite beneficial for them as well, though that wasn’t the real purpose.

“Do you want to uncover evidence of the Empress’ collusion with Bardem through Viscount Ida?” Leroy asked, furrowing his brow slightly.

Iona responded as if it wasn’t surprising.

“Did you know?”

“It’s true that the imperial family attacked the ducal house seven years ago, but they eventually retreated without achieving much. If they had intended to target my family from the start, they wouldn’t have shown so many weaknesses.

It’s more accurate to say that they decided to eliminate the Schmidt County first, and in doing so, they had to target us as well.”

He was right.

The imperial family had launched an absurd preemptive strike, fearing that the duchy would defend Count Schmidt’s innocence.

Iona tried to recall his childhood appearance before he lost his parents, but the distant memories remained hazy.

Instead, she looked at his face beside her now.

Iona spoke.

“I believe the Schmidt County was eliminated because they learned something they shouldn’t have.”

“Do you know anything specific about that?”

“It’s just circumstantial speculation.”

Nonetheless, Iona had information she had learned from experiencing the future firsthand.

She added reassuringly.

“But I have a good understanding of the relationship between Viscount Ida and the Empress, so the rest can be figured out gradually.”

Leroy silently continued to undress her.

Finally, Iona faced him, wearing only a chemise.

Leroy, looking at the sheer white fabric, furrowed his brow slightly and said,

“We achieved our goal, but this isn’t quite the atmosphere I had in mind.”

As he said this, Leroy reached behind her and gently touched her shoulder blades.

Perhaps it was because of the cold air against her skin, but his large hand felt warmer than usual.

His lips briefly touched her eyebrow before pulling away.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door leading to the bathroom.

“Your Grace, the bath is ready. Will you both be bathing together, or should we prepare a second bath?”

“Together?” Leroy repeated the servant’s words.

His tone was somewhat bland, but Iona felt a ticklish sensation where his breath had touched.

Not having the nerve to see him naked anywhere but the bedroom, Iona managed to respond.


“That’s a shame,” Leroy replied with a hint of laughter in his voice.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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