265 A Gamechanger

“We could not have done this without you guys. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!”

Wang Ran respected these experts.

After all, these were all veterans of infrastructure, city-planning and construction. He could never overestimate their value.

“Boss, you’re too polite!

“We’re also a part of N-City. If the zombies get here, we’ll be finished too.

“This is all thanks to your leadership and organization, Boss!

“If you had not gathered us here, none of this would have been possible.”

The old professor sighed with emotion.

“We’ve fought off the zombies, but we still have work to do. I’ll have to trouble you again.”

After Wang Ran was done being polite, he started to make requests.

“Ah, Boss, you’re talking about the construction of a more permanent city wall, right?

“Actually, we’ve already started preparing it a few days ago.”

“Due to quality issues, the temporary city wall will probably crack and collapse in about a month. However, it doesn’t need to be demolished. It can be used as a buffer zone.

“We’ve designed a new plan for the city wall. It’s five hundred meters away from the temporary city wall.

“This new city wall can withstand the attacks of Awakened Ones below rank-three. It can also withstand the attacks of small arms fire.

“We have also set up paths for regular patrols.

“Gates will be build to the north, south and west for vehicles to pass through.

“As long as it’s well maintained, this city wall would easily stand for 20 years.”

The old professor explained while showing the blueprint to Wang Ran.

“Not bad. Let’s go with this.

“Apart from the city wall, the entire city plan of N-City needs to be redesigned.

“It’s tragic that so I have lost many lives when this zombie thing started, but this also means that the residential areas can be relatively concentrated. In addition, I also need regional divisions for agriculture and manufacturing.

“I’ll have to trouble you with all these in mind,” Wang Ran said.

“No problem, this is a given.

“We’re old brains. We can’t carry bricks, but we can do this much.”

The experts expressed their opinions.

The life here was so comfortable that they had even forgotten that it was the apocalypse.

Every day, they could practice their craft, plant flowers, play chess, and live a more comfortable life than how it would have been at a high-end nursing home.

“By the way, how long will it take to finish the new city wall?

“We now have three-hundred thousand more zombies as laborers. They can’t work on fine-tuning, but they can still lay bricks.

“In addition, we have around four thousand more human survivors.

“We have significantly more manpower than before,” Wang Ran said.

“If this is the case…

“It shouldn’t take any longer than two months!” the old professor stroked his beard and said.

“However, we’re still lacking in construction materials and tools. Here’s the list.

“Also, the current solar panels are only enough for daily living. It’s not enough for manufacturing and construction, especially on cloudy days.

“These are all urgent problems that need to be solved,” the old professor replied.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of these things.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave you guys to it,” Wang Ran said, as he stood up and bade farewell to the experts.

N-City would soon enter a reconstruction phase.

Although Wang Ran could live a self-sufficient life on Eastlake Island, it was still necessary to restore some production in order to maintain the quality of life.

Moreover, if the city was restored to order, the people would feel a stronger sense of security.

Wang Ran arrived at the broadcasting room, where Zhao Dong was on duty.

“Boss, you’re here!

“Is there an announcement?”

Zhao Dong munched on a snack.

“We are indeed in need for some building materials and equipment.

“Here’s the list. Get someone to make the announcement. Someone strong and gruff, perhaps.”

Wang Ran passed the list to Zhao Dong.

Wu Jiaxin had made the last recording. Her voice was too sweet, causing many survivors to let their imagination run wild and cause some unnecessary trouble for the teams sent to the pickup points.

This time, he might as well let the likes of Wu Jianguo and Zhu Ming, rough, dangerous men, do the recording.

“Oh, right, Boss, did you listen to the latest broadcast?

“The zombie horde in the north seems to have retreated,” Zhao Dong said.

“Oh? An update?

“Play it.”

Wang Ran had not done anything else since he came back yesterday and drank that bottle of Gatorade. He had not had the time to listen to the radio.

Zhao Dong immediately turned on the audio recorder.

“Hello everyone. We will now broadcast the latest news from the past few days.

“The biggest crisis in China was resolved yesterday.

“Two major zombie hordes were defeated.

“The zombies that clashed with the government were completely scattered by a large number of heavy weapons.

“They have scattered to the south, probably in the direction of H-City.

“H-City has long fallen, and it will probably become a zombie base in the near future.

“Please be careful.

“To the south, S-City was quickly swept over, but they halted at N-City.

“Some survivors who flew over N-City told us that there were only about 200,000 to 300,000 zombies left, and they were all stationed outside N-City.

“The exact situation is unclear, but some people are guessing that the zombies have been subdued by N-City…

“In addition, a type of insect has appeared in the southwest border of China. It’s lethal to zombies and extremely poisonous.

“As long as one of them is bitten by these bugs, no matter how powerful they are, their bodies will rapidly fall apart.

“It is speculated that the massive eastbound migration of the zombies were likely caused by these insects.

“The government has already sent an elite team to the southwest border, trying to bring back some bugs and find a way to suppress the virus.

“Next up is the situation outside the country.”

Wang Ran was not interested in the situation abroad, so he turned off the radio when he heard this.

“A bug that can destroy zombies…

“If these bugs are so effective against zombies, then what about the Awakened Ones…”

Wang Ran thought of the suppression powder that the company had used in their attack.

The powder was not only effective against zombies, but also against Awakened Ones.

This meant that the source of power for both zombies and Awakened Ones was related to viruses.

“Not good!”

Since this matter has been broadcasted, that company must know about it too.

“Knowing them, they definitely won’t let this slip.

“If they succeed and develop weapons from it, N-City will be in danger.”

Wang Ran frowned.

He had already formed a deadly feud with the company, and they would definitely take revenge on him after getting this bug.

The dust had been harmless to the human body, but the same could not be said for the bugs.

Wang Ran did not want to risk waiting this one out.

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