264 It’s All Ada’s Doing

Teaching Ada a lesson lasted for a few hours.

When Ada walked out of the villa, she looked a little more mature.

It seemed like the energy had a significant impact on Ada’s body.

Wang Ran brought Ada to the dining area.

Today’s lunch was very sumptuous. After all, everyone had skipped their meals in the fierce battle, and they were all exhausted, so they needed to nourish themselves.

The table was filled with lamb kidneys and beef stew. There were also fresh lobsters and abalones caught by the sea monster.

No one said anything. They quietly replenished their energy.

However, most of the girls had small, gleeful smiles.

This was especially the case for the flight attendants.

Although they could barely walk, they were all shimmering with radiance. They did not seem to be unhappy because of their physical discomfort.

“Master, the zombies have retreated. What are the arrangements for the next step?” Lin Momo asked.

“We’ll build a proper wall.

“The current wall was build as a stopgap measure against this particular wave of zombies. I estimate that there will be serious structural problems in a month.

“Regardless, we had an additional 300,000 zombies in the labor force, plus the thousands of survivors from S-City. We’ll get the new wall up.

“I’ll go discuss the new plan with the professionals. You guys have a good rest,” Wang Ran said while eating his lamb.

The girls heaved a sigh of relief.

They truly needed rest.

Although it had been fun, their current physical condition didn’t allow them to do it continuously.

Ada lowered her head and munched on her lamb chop silently.

Her prank this time had caused all the older girls on the island to suffer.

The screams of her sisters seemed to still echo in her ears.

She was worried that she would be ostracized by her sisters.

“Ada, have some lobster!”

“I’ve peeled it for you.”

“Here, try my lemon cake!”

“This is Oreo-flavored ice cream. It’s your favorite. Eat it while it’s cold!”

The girls started to stuff food into Ada’s hands.

The flight attendants looked at Ada with deep gratitude.

Ada was stunned.

Far from being ostracized, she seemed to have gained popularity!

It seemed that everyone appreciated her actions!

It seemed like in the future…

There should still be some small pills remaining…

After the meal, Wang Ran drove alone to the housing area.

The housing area was very lively. Wang Ran could feel the atmosphere seeping out at the entrance.

“Hey, Boss, you’re here!

“I wanted to invite you over for a drink last night, but I heard you were busy…”

Zhu Ming came out of the security room.

“What’s going on? it’s so noisy inside. Are they still celebrating?” Wang Ran asked lazily.

“Hey, Boss, you don’t know…

“At the celebration party last night, Captain Wu was the start of the show!

“Two widows confessed to him on the spot.

“Captain Wu was at a loss, and the two widows started fighting…”

Zhu Ming laughed so hard that his body trembled.

“F*ck, which one did he choose?”

Wang Ran was interested.

“Captain Wu didn’t choose any of them!

“After the two widows fought, they seemed to have come to a tacit understanding.

“The two of them came up with a plan and got Captain Wu drunk together, then…

“The two of them chased after him early in the morning.”

Zhu Ming laughed so hard that he looked like he was spasming.

“Boss, you’re looking for Captain Wu?

“Maybe we can still save him.”

Zhu Ming became slightly more serious.

“No, no, no, let him enjoy himself.

“Get the professionals here. I want to have a small meeting.” Wang Ran ordered him.

“Alright, Boss, please take your time. I’ll gather them.”

Zhu Ming ran off to search for the professionals.

Wang Ran slowly walked toward the house.

The place had grown far livelier than before.

He was unsure if it was because they had started to grow mutated vegetables in large quantities or because everyone was in high spirits.

The vibrancy of life was starting to return to normalcy.

“Boss! Boss!”

Wu Jianguo saw Wang Ran from afar and immediately ran over.

When the two widows saw that it was Wang Ran, they did not continue to pester him.

“Phew… Women are harder to deal with than zombies.”

Wu Jianguo wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked helpless.

Indeed, zombies could be killed with fists, but women… were difficult…

“How have the S-City folk been coping?

“They didn’t cause any trouble, did they?” Wang Ran asked.

“The three to four thousand former inhabitants of S-City are all settled in the shopping mall opposite the stadium.

“They’ve been in this long enough. They were quick to accept the rules.

“The basic facilities in the stadium and the mall are already more than decent.”

“Lighting, ventilation, and hot water are all available. Occasionally, they would even organize a movie screening or something.

“As for food, the last batch of mutated vegetables has been harvested. It’s enough for ten thousand people to eat for three days. With canned food, they would easily last a week,” Wu Jianguo reported to him.

“Then, we can start large-scale planting. The mutated vegetables produce cyclical yields every week, so we wouldn’t have to worry about food.

“The scale of the planting can be expanded to cover half of the city, with particular care to the fertile soil in the suburban hills.

“Next week, the foundations of the city construction can be handed over to the zombies. The survivors can focus on farming.

“When the new batch of crops is ready, we’ll be self-sufficient in terms of food. We may even be able to export the surplus,” Wang Ran said, after thinking for a while.

Although survival was still the top priority in the world, as long as there was stability and peace between the humans and zombies, some basic form of social order could gradually be restored.

Vegetables that could fill the stomach and slightly increase one’s strength would definitely be very valuable.

N-City would definitely become a major trading city.

With all these commodities, some serious defense had to be laid out in place.

“Ah, go keep those widows busy. I have a meeting with the professionals.”

Wang Ran patted Wu Jianguo’s shoulder and walked on with a smile.

In the house, the construction and city-planning experts were already gathered and waiting for Wang Ran.

“Ah, Boss, you’re here!”

When the old professor saw Wang Ran, he immediately came up to him.

Although the experts and professors had not been present during the battle yesterday, they understood the situation through the video captured by the drones.

All of their blood had been boiling as they watched, and they all wished they could bring their old bones to the battlefield.

However, the wall that they worked hard to build held back the bulk of the zombies, which was a major contribution.

Now, they were more than happy to provide their insight.

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