266 Let’s Take A Look

Wang Ran returned to Eastlake Island with a worried look.

The more he thought about it, the more his concerns grew.

In the wrong hands, the bug would be a forced to be reckoned with.

After much thought, Wang Ran decided to give the government a call.

Didn’t they send a team southwest? It was a good time to understand the situation.

Wang Ran took out his satellite phone and dialed the number that Lin Liye had left behind.

“Hello, Mr. Lin. It’s me, Wang Ran.”

“Oh! It’s Comrade Wang!

“Is there something you need me for?

“I’ve heard about how N-City survived the zombie horde!

“That is truly praiseworthy! You handled it without the resources and support of the government!”

Lin Liye’s voice was filled with genuine glee. He did not seem spiteful or sarcastic.

“Didn’t the government also take care of things on their end? What we did is hardly worth mentioning,” Wang Ran said courteously.

“That’s different!”

“We relied on the support of powerful modern weapons and equipment!

“We had tens of thousands of guns lined up on the city wall.

“We had the Air Force and long-range artillery.

“If all that fails, what’s the point?

“But you guys, you were able to handle it with limited conditions. When we have the time, I really need to ask you about the details.”

Lin Liye laughed.

“Right, let’s get back to the main topic.

“I heard that you sent a team to the southwest to find a type of insect, right?

“What’s the situation now?” Wang Ran asked.

“You already know about this?

“F*ck, it must be that radio station!

“They seem to know everything. Even our secret operations are being broadcasted. Ugh.

“This time, we sent Zhang Guozhu. You’ve met him in N-City.

“I hope he can bring back good news.”

Lin Liye sounded depressed. It seemed like even the government couldn’t figure out the background of that mysterious radio station.

“I don’t know about the details of this bug, but I know that at least one shadow organization is interested in it.

“If I’m not wrong, they’ve already set off for the southwest.

“I’m planning to go there in the next two days to check out the situation.

“Do you guys have any information that you can share?” Wang Ran asked.


“Most of these mission details are confidential. I can’t reveal them to you.


“How about this, pass the phone to Researcher Liu. She has the clearance for this.

“What conversations you two share is none of my business,”

Lin Liye was not only a rule-abiding person, but he also knew how to bend the rules.

No wonder, his strength could advance by leaps and bounds.

Wang Ran walked to Liu Shiyao’s laboratory.

When Liu Shiyao saw Wang Ran, she shivered.

Yesterday’s experience traumatized her a little.

“Don’t hide, this is serious!”

Wang Ran passed the phone to Liu Shiyao.

Liu Shiyao took the phone and listened for a while, her expression becoming more and more grave.

Not long after, Liu Shiyao returned the phone to Wang Ran.

“Captain Lin has already told me the situation.

“He got this information from some captured red-eyed zombies.

“It’s said that there’s an insect in the southwest that can kill a zombie with a single bite.

“The reaction can last as short as a few seconds, or as long as a minute.”

“Even high-level zombies can’t handle it.

“The cause of death is basically organ failure.

“Currently, the government deduces that there’s something about this insect that can kill the virus inside the zombies.

“The reason zombies can survive past biological death and gain strength is because of the virus’ transformation of the body and the continuous supply of energy.

“If the virus in the body dies, the very foundation that allows the functions of the zombie will be gone, and the zombie will cease to portray any form of life.

“This is different from the suppressant produced by the company. The suppressant will merely limits the strength of the zombies.

“As for what will happen to a human Awakened One if they are bitten by these insects, it is still unclear.”

Liu Shiyao revealed everything she knew to Wang Ran.

“This bug actually forced the zombies to flee to the east. It must have been bad for them.

“Let’s not talk about whether this thing is a threat to humans. Xiaoyu, Momo, and Zhou Meng are all at risk.

“I think I’d better make a trip there. I won’t feel at ease until I figure it out.”

Wang Ran quickly made a decision.

“I’ll go with you!”

“I’ve done some research on insects, and the results of field research will definitely be different. I must be there in person,” Liu Shiyao suggested.


“But you must be careful.

“It’s hard to say how effective these bugs are on humans.”

Wang Ran thought for a while and decided that it was necessary to bring Liu Shiyao along.

This operation needed speed and discretion. It was best to leave it to a small group.

“Get ready. We’ll leave in half an hour.”

Wang Ran gave Liu Shiyao some time and walked out of the house.

Who else should I bring …

Xiaoyu, Momo, and Zhou Meng were out of the question.

‘I’ll choose between Tang Tang and Jiaxin. We still need a pilot.’

Wang Ran was still thinking about it, when Tang Tang suddenly jumped out.

“Uncle, I’m done resting. Let’s go!”

Tang Tang provoked Wang Ran with an arrogant look.

“Work first.

“Where’s Jiaxin?” Wang Ran asked.

“She’s still barely able to walk straight!

“Uncle, you want more people?

“Are you looking down on me?

“Yesterday was an accident. I’m in a better condition today!” Tang Tang said with her hands on her hips.

“If Jiaxin’s out of commission, then it’s you.

“Get ready. We’ll leave in half an hour.

“We’re going to the southwest this time,” Wang Ran told her.

“Another trip? That’s great!

“I’ll go pack my luggage!”

Tang Tang ran away gleefully.

At that moment, Wang Rran’s satellite phone rang.

“Hello, is this Comrade Wang?

“You are planning to go to the southwest region, right?”

Lin Liye’s anxious voice was heard from the phone.

“Yes, we’re about to set off.

“What, are you going too?” Wang Ran asked.

“I just received a distress call from Zhang.

“They were attacked by an unknown force and are trapped in the mountains.

“I have some matters to attend to and can’t leave. I might only be able to leave tomorrow.”

“Comrade Wang, if you’re headed there, can I ask you for the favor of saving Zhang and his team?”

Lin Liye requested earnestly.

“Zhang and the others were attacked?

“Alright, send me the coordinates. I’ll be there immediately!”

Wang Ran agreed.

After all, they had taken photos together.

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