As they hurriedly approached, towards the source of the disturbance of energy, the already spacious street slowly merged into a large square with hundreds if not thousands of skinks gathering around.

Amidst the large crowd, a center stage could be seen in the distance, where two distant silhouettes could be seen facing each other.

Squinting his gaze to look at the commotion, Aiden frowned after a while.

"[Reptilian] Are they fighting?" He asked, his gaze focused on the two blurry, vague silhouettes. He found it strange that despite his keen, supernatural sight that far surpassed what could be considered normal, he could not make out the two currently duking it out on the stage. Even worse, he could only feel the same faint fluctuations, even though he should be much closer to the center, he did not feel it at all.

It was then, that he realized. Thus the frowning, displeased expression.

Vyndridolth noticed her Young Master's shift in demeanor. She didn't seem to mind it, but instead smiled knowingly and nodded lightly.

"[Reptilian] It is as Master thinks. There's an invisible barrier erected around the stage. It serves mostly to shield the area and keep most of the diffused energy and power inside. Though small wisps still manage to escape, it is not harmful even to the common citizenry. It is also that spell that is responsible for the strange visual phenomenon. As we would get closer to the stage, it would gradually start to clear out, turning unnoticeable if we walk right up to it."

She explained motioning for her Master, Aiden to follow along.

After Aiden's silent nod, the duo made their way closer to the stage the event finally turned clearer, and the previously muted stage finally fully revealed itself.

Upon the stage, two figures were facing up against each other.

From their body, their muscular builds, and the sturdy, shining mail armor they both wore they both seemed to be similar to the elite fighters, warriors of the Temple Guards.

To the left side of the stage, heaving heavily and battered, wounded with countless wounds, a unique-looking Draconic Skink looked at his opponent with a stern, somber expression. His deep, stained yellow gaze glimmered with an ominous glint as he tried to calm his senses and recuperate amidst the temporary ceasefire they had been granted.

His deep red, scarlet colored thick scales was what caught Aiden's attention the most. Whilst normal skinks usually sported a green and brownish saturation, these mutated species, the Draconic Skinks were closer to a golden, yellowish, or in most cases orange-looking scales. The brighter they were, the closer it got to their Ancestor God's, The Ancient One rumored golden color, the more prestigious the individual was revered to be.

Such a deep, dark tone, this darker shade of red this skink had whilst it was most likely a very rare breed of his species, but most likely made his early life much more challenging.

Still, despite that, to be able to crawl up to such a high position in their society and become an elite, a true Temple Guard, Aiden couldn't help but look at the figure with an appreciative light.

Yet, his situation seemed to be rather severe. His body was littered with deep gashes, grave wounds that seemed to be more like brutish, predatory claw marks rather than a result of a fierce but refined skillful battle techniques.

He held two bronze short swords in his clawed hands which looked more like daggers than real swords at all, both painted deep red with all the dried up blood it had already spilled, revealing a clue that his past opponents before this seemingly insurmountable mountain of a challenger was numerous.

His breathing was ragged, his half a dozen feathers that seemed to grow out from the top of his head were ruffled, barely recognizable.

The figure grunted as he finally looked up and focused on his vast opponent who looked to be in a much better shape.

Standing before him, at the other end of the erected stage, a brutish looking fierce figure could be seen. From the untrained eye, one could even question if he were even a skink or something in-between a Saurus, a half-step of the evolutionary ladder.

He looked to a literal giant in scale of the residents, with a robust body bursting with muscles. His elongated face that vaguely resembled that of an aligator sneered sinisterly at his opponent. His bright golden-yellow eyes flickered with a mocking intent at his opponent.

Unlike the red skink, he seemed to be almost in perfect condition besides the perspiring, sweat-drenched body, he seemed to be completely unhurt. He was obivously the victor of their previous scuffle.

"[Reptilian] So what now Tixar? You still want to continue or are you finally convinced and ready to admit defeat?" His lips parted, he asked through his wide, mocking sneer plastered on his face.

The red skink, Tixar looked at his much bigger opponent, only grunting coldly in response.

"[Reptilian] Hmm… As you wish. Your only a filthy red-scale, a disgusting stench on the pride of our species. I don't think the captains would be that much disturbed if they were to learn about your death. Let me be the cleanser, and cull the weed from our glorious species!" The large skink-like brute roared, he raised his arms before his body once more.

His eyes flickered with a sinister, vicious glint just as he yelled out.

"[Reptilian] DIE YOU WORTHLESS MONGREL!" He roared bolting into a charge all of a sudden. His figure blurred as he almost blinked with an incredible speed, ferociously charging at his battered opponent.

Yet, Tixar was unyielding. He did not cave in even under such a threat, but resolved himself to fight until his very last breath. He did not care about what others thought, he was ready to lay down his life if that was required. He would never back down, he would never give up.

Tixar raised his swords forming a cross before his figure. He planted his feet as firmly as he could into the stage, his face contorted into a vicious snarl as he pulled all the last remnants of power from his body, guiding it, focusing it into his block.

Looking at the short scene playing out before him, Aiden's figure suddenly blurred, surprising even Vyndridolth as he suddenly vanished from sight, only to reappear on the stage before the two figures.

A gentle, warm smile appeared on his face that shined through the cover of his hood as he reached out with his right hand, and looked at the chargign beast without a fear in his glowing golden eyes.

"[Reptilian] Stop."


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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