Though noticing the sudden blockade, the charging brute didn't put too much attention on the scrawny vagrant-looking figure that somehow found his way atop the stage and did not slow down his charge.

This was ultimately a grave mistake, as if he were even used a sliver of clarity and tried to process the sudden enigma he would have realized the several peculiarities of the strange situation.

For one, and probably most importantly: How did this seemingly unassuming, worthless scrawny vagrant find his way up the stage without anyone stopping him? How did he even get into the city, pass by the gates, and never stopped or pushed down by any of the guards or nobles?

And most importantly, the simple, calm attitude, the friendly, charming smile that… seemed to shine under the luster of his GLOWING GOLDEN EYES!

Yet, despite the several, clearly visible warning signs, his senses were somehow dulled, and his attention wasn't up to par with her speed and ferocity, he continued to viciously snarl, mostly ignoring the blockade and once he had entered a close enough, melee range, he had already had his huge, strong arms raised and his hands ready in a clawing posture.

"[Reptilian] DIE! DIE FOR ME! BOTH OF YOU!" He sneered showing a manic, borderline crazed expression, and lashed out, throwing his body forward and lunging ahead with all his strength, power, and momentum.

The brawny monstrous beast, this humongous Draconic Skink barbaric warrior struck out, not putting, not bothering about the hooded figure by the least. It was as if he didn't truly register him as anything more than just a buzzing fly that would swarm around a fresh pile of dung at the side of the road.

His dark, midnight matte curved set of claws sliced across the meager distance at a speed barely visible to the naked, untrained eye, carrying such power that could easily shred through the remnant mail armor of his opponent and even rip his flesh to pieces.

Yet, just as he was about to tear through the vagrant's small figure, suddenly the unexpected happened.


From the almost endless sea of wrinkled linen rags, a hand suddenly shot out at an almost impossible speed. Several afterimages were left in its wake, drawing a simplistic yet surprisingly efficient path as it emerged just behind the claws and pushed onto the snarling, ferocious warrior's bursting chest.

A gentle palm, that is what it looked, not showing any aggression, or intent to deal lasting damage. Yet, when that weak, barely noticeable arm appeared out of seemingly nowhere, a huge invisible shockwave spread across the arena.

An invisible torrent of unknown energy exploded from that sudden contact, absorbing all that force the fierce-looking hulking beast of a skink built up and carried with him and almost instantly converted it back to a similar but opposite power.

This blunt, harmless looking strike not only caused the man to cancel his charge and abruptly halt in his tracks, but all that sudden, explosive energy caused him to wobble backward several steps and barely able to keep his stand and not humiliate himself by falling on his derriere.

"[Reptilian] Huh?" He muttered as he reached for his chest, feeling the sudden thirst for fresh air, and began to gasp uncontrollably.

The crimson reptilian, Tixar looked almost the same as his fierce, brutish opponent: wide eyed and shocked, unable to comprehend what had just transpired. Where did this figure come from? Why did he come before them, and most importantly: Why did he save him?

He wasn't as naive and idiotic as the other one, he clearly understood, even before the shocking display of strength that he was far from being your average homeless resident of the outer sectors of the city.

He also wasn't prejudiced against them, as like them, he too suffered the treatment reserved for all the less fortunate and ultimately 'inferior species' of their kind. Still, he wanted to prove it by himself, with his own strength that he has the skill, that his life wasn't worthless and that the color of his scales shouldn't have forced him to any path but he would be in control of his fate.

Yet, before he could fulfill his dreams, he had made a mistake. He was played against and because of being one of the crimson-scaled ones, his superiors didn't protect him from the bullying of his peers. He had to endure.

Even now, being forced into this life or death fight, nobody bothered to step up. Nobody would have willingly wanted to break the 'sacred laws' and cause harm for himself.

Yet, despite all that, this unknown, mysterious figure did what nobody else would have.

In the face of his inevitable death, he stepped before the arcing wind of the reaper's scythe and not just simply blocked him, but displayed a force even greater!

Still, there is no free lunch in this world. This, Tixar had to learn through copious amounts of blood, sweat, and most importantly, tears. His initial shock turned to suspicion not much later, as he eyed with judgemental gaze the back of this strange figure that stood before him.

"[Reptilian] W-who are you?" He asked after a couple of breaths' time. His tone was unfriendly, despite the help he was clearly given. "What do you want to achieve by doing this?"

The hooded figure though could clearly hear his words, did not respond to that in any way. Instead, he first lowered his still raised right arm, and with calm, collected steps, he slowly began walking over to the still stunned-looking beast.

His face showing the same friendly smile all throughout, the heavily heaving fierce elite warrior of the Temple Guards frowned first and tried to peak under the shadow.

Seeing a familiar figure after a bit, his initial shock and dread slowly transformed.

"[Reptilian] Hey… Aren't you that wise guy we have been told about? That annoying pest that kept stirring up trouble with the filth?" He asked, laughing coldly. "It seems your luck really blows, huh… Who knew that you would be stupid enough that after all that planning you would willingly stumble upon here and offer yourself before me!"

Aiden however merely kept his smile as he looked him in the eye, his expression not changing at all despite the clear threats.

In the next second, his figure could be seen no longer!

Just as the large warrior was in the middle of completing his sentence, he had no chance to finish his closing remarks as his words transformed into a cold gasp! Originally, the two of them would've spent some time trading stirring banter, then leading to a precipitous build up! The entire square had heard him say the last bit of his final declaration!


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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