After enjoying the surprisingly hearty atmosphere and the sumptuous meal that the elderly pair wholeheartedly prepared for them, Aiden and his company left the unassuming-looking family home-slash-shop and entered the already quite bustling streets.

Like yesterday, the streets weren't as dead as one were lead to believe. The supposed oppression from the higher-ups in Ugburg's society wasn't as prevalent as the news painted the lives of the common folk in the outer districts made them believe.

Though on the other hand, it also couldn't be said that everything was happy and dandy. Most citizens had a somber, stern, and most often serious expression on their faces as they went on their way.

In a way, as Aiden looked at this scene, he was reminded of his previous life back in the Modern World. Though at the time, he didn't know that he was merely there on borrowed time, sheltered through the time.

In any case, this look that was devoid of the light, the smiles, the cheer, and that where everyone looked more like a drone, a soulless slave tethered to the smallest confines of his own cruel and twisted reality. This current scene, and that one, despite that they were unimaginably far away from each other were incredibly similar nonetheless.

Aiden couldn't help but smirk and shake his head under the cover of his hood before pulling its edges and turning his attention on her attaché of girls.

He looked over them slowly, and upon seeing the determined, firm gazes on each of them, he nodded with satisfaction.

"[Reptilian] Everyone. I know that the task before us is huge. The path is not without danger, and we could have embarked on the easiest, straight path and annihilate everything in our wake. Yet, I believe, firmly believe that this is the path we need to take. We need to be able to look past the present and set our gazes on the future. The hopeful future that you all wish for. Desire for." He spoke, looking over each of them.

"[Reptilian] Do not worry young master. We understand, and we wholeheartedly support you! We believe in you!" Madam Dara exclaimed looking at his Young Lord with starry eyes.

"[Reptilian] Yes, Master. We all understand your wish. Even though I am a sinful and selfish person and wish nothing more than to see my lifelong dream of vengeance be fulfilled, I admire your vision. It is the reason I can pledge myself to your cause without a worry in my heart."  Vyndridolth added with a smile.

"[Reptilian] Yes, my Lord. We all believe in you and in the plan. We swear we will accomplish the tasks you have assigned to us with perfection!" Exclaimed Lady Circe and Lady Pyre almost in sync.

Listening to their exclamations and hearing that unwavering support and loyalty Aiden was honestly touched. He smiled and nodded as a means to accept their reinforced pledges. Even Vyndridolth, who wasn't forced to obey his commands by the System's Contract, still fully stood behind him and supported his cause, which made him feel truly glad.

Taking a longer, heavier inhale, Aiden heaved a sigh to calm his heart and mind before asking with a lighter tone.

"[Reptilian] In that case… We all have our tasks. Go and make those that are waiting for us at home proud!"  He exclaimed, watching with pride as the girls responded with a cheer.

After another round of hushed cheers, the girls each turned towards a direction and walked away with steady, large strides. Not even a couple of seconds later, neither of them, besides the ex-guardian that stood firmly by his newly accepted master's side could be seen anymore.

Once the three girls have each gone their own way to fulfill their tasks of making contact and establishing their own groups of forces inside the city widening Aiden's control, he turned his attention on this ex-guardian turned guide and asked with a mischievous smile stretching across his face.

"[Reptilian] So, miss guardian, shall we?" He waved towards the bustling streets before them, motioning for the mature woman to step forward.

"[Reptilian] We shall, Master." Smiling and nodding at the enigmatic young master before him, Vyndridolth accepted the offered hand and stepped forward.

Soon their figures, just like the three maidens before them, have vanished amidst the busy crowd.

After some time, as they were making their way through the city, venturing deeper and deeper towards the center, Aiden's expression suddenly shifted and abruptly halted his stance.

His smile first turned into that of more gravity and seriousness before only after a couple of seconds it relaxed once more. Even though he was no longer smiling he didn't look as alert as before.

Before Vyndridolth could ask what had alerted him, she too sensed some disturbance in the distance. Fluctuations of power coming from several individuals wafted towards their direction.

"[Reptilian] Interesting…" Aiden muttered, keeping his attention on the system's map. Ever since stepping foot into this realm, way before walking into the city, Aiden has already gotten used to the constant and ever-present usage of his [Dark Sense] ability. Getting caught off guard once by this looming threat, this 'Ancient One' before, he did not wish to feel that helplessness ever again.

Since then, no matter what he was doing, he always kept some of his attention on his system's map and was paying attention to the slightest fluctuations of power inside the covering range of his innate ability. Not even the smallest dispersion of energy or essence of any kind could escape his awareness.

Not that far away from them, in a larger square, he had long noticed a larger gathering of people. Whilst from before, he could not make out what they were actually doing, once he reached in range, he could feel the wilder fluctuations in the air, he immediately understood.

They were fighting. Battling each other, and from the sporadic, seemingly random flickers of the neutral yellow dots that sometimes even vanished for good, he also understood that they weren't simple, friendly spars but real, bloody skirmishes.

Still, he knew they weren't his people that were facing these somewhat powerful figures, but warriors and spellcasters of the same camp. Why were they fighting then?

Yet before he could formulate the question in his mind, and ask it out loud, it was as if his partner standing next to him could read his mind.

Vyndridolth suddenly flashed a knowing smirk, and whilst her eyes turned into upward facing crescents he explained.

"[Reptilian] Hehe…" She giggled for a bit, enjoying the moment before going further. "You are not mistaken, they are indeed fighting each other… Come, let's go take a look, I'm certain you will find it interesting!"


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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