The Grand Mistress

Chapter 119 - Lost Interest

As Gabriella turned her back, every eye was with her—from her family's complicated faces, from the guests' rising curiosity, Senior Umberesio's surprised mein and El Tigre's wide grin.

"Primo what is happening?" Senior Umbresio could not withhold any more of his interest. His grandson and the beautiful woman who just left surely knew each other and he was all dying to know if there was any hope, even a slightest one, that a grandson was indeed soon to come. He knew what he was asking was far too much but he had been hoping for it,  for almost like forever now and had almost given up hope of seeing the day that Primo would take interest in any woman. Perhaps today was a lucky day for the Umbresio household?


"Well grandfather, I seemed to have lost some interest in the party," Primo said, eyes still locked on the retreating Gabriella and even before he could hear any protest,  he walked away, following the Monteria heiress footsteps, obviously chasing her.

"Primo! Hey you child! Primo!" Senior Umbresio suddenly had so many questions that were yet to be answered but the only person who could give him all that just walked out too.  He saw Primo waved a hand in the air nonchalantly to acknowledge his call but didn't look back  and instead pulled a phone in his pocket then pressed it in his ears after he dialed some numbers. Senior Umbresio could only sigh helplessly at such a sight.

In an attempt to know more about what's between the Monteria heiress and his grandson, Senior Umbresio turned his eyes to the Monterias, but  they all were very surprised too that they could not give him clear answers. Even Gabbro Monteria only shook his head, not sure what to say or what to feel about the fact that his daughter seemed to have been entangled by the intriguing El Tigre.

"I don't think they knew each other well Senior," Angelisa voiced out her strong protest about what everyone was thinking. Truth was she dropped jawed helplessly at the scene that just flashed before their eyes. How could El Tigre know of her Gabriella?

Worry surged into her heart immediately not only because she saw Erwan's expression falter at the sight of El Tigre doting on Gabriella but also because  the expression that she could see in her family's eyes was very alarming. It had not been long since she had become everyone's favorite because of her upcoming wedding to the Zhao's but just as soon as she thought she had trampled on Gabriella completely, her sister had gone another level higher, higher than she could ever reach. Will Gabriella become the Madam of the Umbresio's now? Can't be! That was too impossible!

"I know my sister very well, I don't think they had met each other before," Angelisa dared to speak even though she was not told so.  She needed to clear things out, she needed to erase everyone's suspicion that Gabriella had anything to do with El Tigre or else she won't be able to regain her lost glory. Seeing that Senior Umbresio didn't acknowledge her, she turned to her grandmother desperately, "Right Grandmother?"

Madam Raziela herself could not be sure so she kept her mouth shut and looked at Angelisa with hard stares. Then she dragged that same stare to Gabbro, her son who had promised her Gabriella won't be of any trouble for them. 

"This is nothing mama," Mother Lilith was the one who answered for her husband because it seemed like Gabbro was drowned in his thoughts. She was very aware of the silent conflict between the son and mother because of Gabriella. In fact his husband had been in great dilemma for a few weeks now as Madam Raziella and the rest of the elders had been threatening him with eviction in case he would not be able to solve the predicament they had with Gabriella. "I assure you this is nothing. Tomorrow immediately, I'll go and ask Gabriella what this thing is about,"

Madam Raziella didn't respond anymore but only swallowed her anger. She can't lose face in front of everyone and most especially in front of Senior Umbresio who then was withdrawing from their circle back to his previous companions. The crowd dispersed too but even when the commotion had been finished, the tension still filled the room. That night, all conversation lingered  about El Tigre and Gabriella that all the Monteria's could helplessly listen to all of it.


As Gabriella exited the great hall, for some reasons, she was half running, half walking. There was something inside her that said her night was far from over and that if she didn't leave right away, she might not be able to leave at all.

When she was near the exit, she noticed that aside from the usual body guards that she saw earlier when she arrived,  few unidentified men were trying to block it. They were all on white collared shirts and she could only guess they were another set of bodyguards belonging to someone very powerful. Surely they weren't hired by the Monteria's because the way they stood and how unified they were, Gabriella was very aware they were something her family could not afford.

As Gabriella advanced to the  exit, all eyes were with her and only then did she notice that it was she whom they were all waiting for. Immediately all the hair at the back of her neck stood up as a chilling sensation went up her spine.

"Please let me pass," she commanded them but they all just stood in front of her without saying anything. "Oh please not now…"

Seeing the men not acknowledging her words, she knew she cannot do anything with it so instead of insisting on her freedom, she sought it herself. She walked back into the party and headed for another exit, this time, she went specifically into the garden at the right side of the hall and fervently hoped she could just leave the place in one piece.

"What's with that man? Why does he make me feel so guilty for tearing up his calling card?" Gabriella mumbled to herself as she traversed the way to the garden. She was then shaking nervously as if any moment from then, something was about to happen to her and that she'd be doomed. Hopefully El Tigre did not reveal to everyone that they had a one night stand in Mondrew city or she'll surely be sent to the Sta. Catalina nunnery right away even before she knew it. Shit that man! How could he show up and announce to everyone she was pregnant! 

Also why did El Tigre's eyes earlier seem like he was mad? Was he mad because she didn't call her? Why would she? Did it not occur to him that what happened between them was nothing special but just pure night of lust? Besides, she sure knew he had a lot of women to think of, more prettier and more wealthy than her so, she should not matter to  him much right?

Gabriella went on her way to the garden that was lighted dimly by fairy garden lights. She was walking in haste, very determined to leave the place asap but before she reached the end, she saw another set of body guards blocking that path again.

"Fuck off…" The girl knew could only curse in frustration. In an attempt to flee once more, she turned to another path in the garden but the same thing happened on every exit she knew off. The body guards keep appearing and no matter how much she insists, they won't just let her pass. On the last exit she knew, Gabriella already pleaded.

"Sirs, please let me pass," She pressed and even pushed her way out but the big men just stepped backward and fall in line neatly, being very cautious and careful not to touch any part of her skin. "I'll pay you anything. Singer Lucy is my friend. I can even get you some tickets for her concert. VIP slots!"

"Just give me one minute, I'll give her a call. How many tickets do you want?" 

Gabriella rummaged to her little purse and looked for her mobile. Even when she had a very little purse and it was easy to find everything inside, it took her minutes before she pulled her mobile out of it as her hands were shaking tremendously, very aware that any moment from now, she'll be sent to either hell or heaven. She immediately dialled Lucy's number and prayed hard she was still awake and that she would pick up immediately.

"I'm calling her now, how many tickets do you want?" She announced very determined to bribe the guards. However before the other end of the line opened, Gabriella felt some big hands wrapped around her waist and soon her back was pressed hard on some familiar warmth that immediately sent fire to her soul. She swallowed in an instant and the phone she was holding dropped to the ground.

"Bribing off my men Dulzura?" She felt some hot whispers on her ears and she knew right away who it was. "Why settle with them when you are free to bribe me instead? Promise, I won't demand a big price," She felt him grinned at her back and before she knew it, his lips were already on her neck planting hot kisses on it.

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