The Grand Mistress

Chapter 118 - Drop Dead

All eyes were dragged in unison to the newly arrived guest, whom everyone certainly did not expect. El Tigre stood there with nothing but his ever handsome face that almost made the entire room full of socialites drop dead at his feet. Every woman in that room, except for Gabriella, wanted to immediately throw themselves up to him only if they could, but of course no one wanted to look that desperate.

It was really unusual for him to appear at any party as he was always picky on all occasions he attended and his time was too precious; he usually didn't want to spend it socializing with others. 


However, just a few minutes ago, the pictures of the woman he had been looking for 

almost a month flooded the whole net holding a Brielle Doll and that was when he knew she wasn't Angel Alarcon. She was Gabriella Monteria and damn he certainly wasn't expecting that. 

No wonder it was hard for him to find her, because  he searched in the wrong place. Who would ever thought a Monteria heiress would go on and spend a wild night when that family flaunted nothing but righteousness? Not that he wasn't entirely pleased with it, in fact his desire for her only aggravated when he realized she was an heiress with a good standing and reputation, something that seemed unmatched to his hellish deeds. She was indeed an angel and he could only shake his on how lucky he was.

"Primo?" Senior Umbresio certainly did not expect his appearance. Just like anyone in the crowd, he sure knew his grandson did like attending celebrations, specially those that were sent with people whom they had no significant connections with. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you not wish to see me,  grandfather?" Primo slightly bent his head as if a bit  upset that his grandfather didn't take his appearance in that party with joy. For all he knew, the old man had been pressuring him to socialize more in the hopes of getting him tied to any heiress and sire him a great grandson. 

"I do...I do," Senior Umbresio negated his grandson's statement because if only he knew he would come, he should have arranged and talked to a few heiresses to hook him up with. He had done many arrangements like that before and although some managed to get his attention for once, none of them got near him twice and in all those encounters, this grandson of his was always careful not to sire any illegitimate children. He was always on guard and made sure what he had with those women were nothing but just casual encounters in the name of his manly lust. 

Sighing, the old man added. "But this is new. How come you never told me you are coming?"

"I didn't plan to come," Primo answered. The grandfather and grandson continued with their conversation in the crowd, not minding the crowd before them. They were just insignificant people for them that Primo didn't even give anyone a glance or a single pleasantries, not even Madam Raziela who was the host of the party.

"But something caught my attention," He dragged his eyes back to Gabriella who only shrinked so little at his stares.  The heiress wanted to run and escape but her shaking knees got her nowhere. The tiger had found her and she knew very well she couldn't run away from him. 

"So I came," he added and the end of his lips twitch seeing how the girl became uneasy with his presence. Was she afraid of him? He certainly didn't want her to fear him but he loved how beautiful she looked at that expression of hers. It just made him want to carry her in his arms, feel her softness and make her feel secure till her fears go away.

Hearing these words, Senior Umbresio remembered what he said earlier and this got him so excited he almost lost his stance. The old man then dragged his eyes to the Monteria heiress and blurted away. "Is this true my child? Are you pregnant with my great grandson?"

The crowd grasped for the second time and many could only hold on their gowns tight. How far could Gabriella Monteria's luck today stretch? Earlier Mr. Wandall came to her aide, second Senior Umbresio went his way to talk to her and third, the heck? How precious was her uterus that she was given the chance to sire nation's husband, Primo Umbresio's child? 

In just a minute, Gabriella became aware of the eyes that shot daggers at her. It was not a secret that many coveted the El Tigre and if only they knew  how she felt, they might not hate her that much. Unlike everyone, she didn't want to throw herself at him, she would never ever do that. She had done that once but it was because she was drunk and she was so broken-hearted she needed such an escape but never thought her escape would only cause her more trouble.

The Monteria's however, unlike everyone in the room, shook with unexplainable fear at the scene that flushed before them. They had done their best so that Gabriella would have no backing, that is why they all rooted on Erwan and Angelisa's relationship, very afraid that if it was Gabriell who would be married to the Zhao, she'll belong to a family strong enough to tear them down.

"Child, is this true?" Senior Umbresio asked the girl again, his smile was so wide that Gabriella felt so guilty of ruining his joy.

"No sir it isn't…." She denied. Damn! How could El Tigre ruin her reputation in an instant? If she would not deny his claims, surely her father will bring her home and spank her for being a slut. "Primo…. I mean Mr. Umbresio...I mean Atty Umbresio is just kidding,"

"I am kidding?" Primo's fascination surged to the highest peak. Seeing her deny their connection, he wondered what was running in her mind. Does she intend to push him away? It seemed he did really underestimate her. 

The last time they met, he certainly thought she would give him a call that he even delayed his stay in the Mondrew city for a few days to wait for her. Since he thought she was an actress, he expected she might have some prior commitments that delayed her coming to him again. In the end, she didn't contact him at all and Primo was forced to fly back to Devon City because of work and yet even then, he was still very certain she'd come to him soon.

When it occurred to him that the girl had really no plans on contacting him, he sent some men to look for her in every entertainment company in the whole country but not one was named Angel Alarcon and so Primo was already worried she was a spy sent off by his enemies. He sent some men to look for her in other places, even going as far as contacting the owner of the hotel she said she was staying but it turned out she lied. There was not a single footage of her in that hotel and none of their guests was named Angel Alarcon. Only few minutes ago did she resurfaced and fuck, she turned exactly the opposite of whom he thought her to be. 

"Yes you are kidding," Gabriella met his eyes and pleaded with him not to say anything more. All the Montera's were there and her father too, she simply could not allow him to reveal her dirty secret.

"Amusing," Primo smiled widely and paused for a moment to assess his beautiful prey. It was the first time in history that a woman didn't want anything to do with him and he kind of liked that. He wondered then if she could continue with all this denying when they were all alone, then that would be a big challenge on his part. However, thinking about the last time, she also blatantly denied him many things but still gave him all the pleasure he kept on dreaming almost every night.

"Primo what's all this?" Senior Umbresio was so confused about what was happening. Even the crowd was confused too. Primo was very clear with his words but Gabriella Monteria was trying to make it as if the man was only playing with her. Are they friends that the Monteria heiress can do that with?

"Sir please believe me, your grandson is just trying to make everyone laugh," Gabriella pressed and even faked a laugh at the end. "He he he….it's so funny right?"

"Ahm.. I really need to leave right now…." Gabriella added in haste. If she was only alert enough, she could have run at the very moment Primo appeared but it was not too late to escape right? Besides, she had already stayed enough, her mother Lilith will not be upset with it. "Ahmm...mother, father, grandmother...I'll take my leave then. Happy Birthday grandmother….Senior nice meeting you," She turned to Mr. Wandall who himself was stunned by what was happening. Gabriella also gave a polite bow at Senior Umbresio who seemed unwilling to let her go but she said her goodbyes so suddenly and swiftly no one was able to stop her.

Gabriella then ran away even before anyone could make a move and Primo's brow raised with more fascination at that.

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