The Grand Mistress

Chapter 120 - In Terror

Gabriella flinched at Primo's advances and before she could stop any of it, in one swift motion, he pulled her around that in a moment she was already facing him as his unique tigered eyes dug on hers. Then without allowing her to breathe, he rammed his lips on her for one stunning assertive kiss. It was too sudden that Gabriella managed not to close her eyes and basically stared at his very close, handsome face. God! Was this El Tigre? The man everyone in Devon city was crazy about?

Feeling his lips on her seemed surreal especially now that she knew full well of his identity unlike before when he was basically just a stranger to her. Right then, knowing how big of a powerful man he was and how it's kind of unlikely that he had taken thorough interest in a regular good-for-nothing heiress like her, she felt like it was all a dream.


Primo's kisses deepened in each moment that passed and  his hands had gone daring that in that full open garden, unafraid that someone might see them. He started caressing Gabriella's neck while his lips were still maneuvering within her mouth. A minute more and he was already at her shoulder, slowly and sensually touching it and even went as far as pulling off a sling of her spaghetti strapped casual gown.

Feeling her one of her straps falling, Gabriella panicked and pushed Primo away but she only managed to break from the kiss, not from his grab.

"Dulzura what's wrong?" He looked at her complicatedly, more like upset because the girl broke the kiss. Did she not miss it the way he did? Damn! His lips were still burning and was still demanding the taste of her mouth.

"They are watching us," She wanted to protest against him,  but seeing his expression, it became hard for her to do so. So instead of directly telling the man to stop, she just used the bodyguard's presence as an excuse and made it sound like she was uncomfortable kissing in front of them.

Truth was,  it was hard for her to chide El Tigre with such a stolen kiss that she can qualify as an assault. However, her body didn't welcome such a daring unconsented kiss as an assault, in fact her body responded to it naturally like it had long been needing it but the thought of getting caught by guests that would only aggravate people's suspicion between the two of them kind of threw her off so she wanted not make it stop.

Primo raised his brow at her words but after just a second he somehow caught what she meant and so he dragged his eyes towards his men who then were standing just a few meters from them.

"Turn on your backs," He commanded and the men in white collared shirts all did as they had been told without any questions. They turned their backs rather easily and Gabriella thought how nonsense her request was. 

"Now where are we?" EL Tigre was still determined to finish what he started but Gabriella did not allow him so anymore. 

"Primo, this is the garden. Guest randomly passes here," She slightly dodge the kiss and it  landed on her cheeks. "Please...people might misinterpret our closeness and this would cause a huge scandal...I don't want them—God! Primo!"

He cut off her words by biting off the exposed flesh of her neck. Seeing her flinched and startled at his daring acts sent an audacious smile on his lips.

"Hmmm dulzura, how come you only called me by my name tonight?"  He marveled at the sound of it. Only did it occur to him that it was the first time she had called him by his name as if she only learned of it tonight. It sounded so heavenly, pleasing him in every way possible that  he immediately wondered how good it would have felt hearing her scream it while he ravished her in bed. Ah! He very much looked forward to it!

"I...I didn't know it the last time," She reasoned wondering how the heck would that issue matter at this very instant when the thought of them getting caught threatens to cause a very huge scandal. "And please sir, I don't want to have issues going on around us after tonight. That would just cause trouble and inconvenience to both of us,"

Hearing her explanation gave El Tigre an instant impression that his maiden seemed unlikely pleased with his public display of affection. Then it dawned on him right away that the very reason why she didn't call him wasn't because she couldn't or because she was occupied with many things, it was because she had really no plans whatsoever of doing so. Does it mean that what happened between them in Mondrew City was something unplanned on her side? This conclusion was very far from what he had been expecting as he did think somehow it was a well sought plan and yet he even compromised and decided he'll have her anyway. 

However, standing at her very presence with blatant rejection and obvious dislike, although frustrating, made him want her more, more desperate than he ever wanted her. So the very first time they met was all a chance at destiny? Well, how amusing was that?

"Dulzura, since you knew my name already, I guess you might have known by then that I don't pretty damned care about scandals," The unexpected realization he had with their very relationship didn't make him lose his grip on her. He firmly decided she'll have her anyway, whether everything was staged or not. It was too late to back out anymore, not when he had made her sleepless for many nights and knocked off his woman's uncaring world for once, real hard. 

"So fuck all the rumors that will spread the entire Devon City tomorrow. I never once cared about them even if they speak nonsense truths. The more I will not care if they speak the truth," He added and pressed her hard to her, closer that their body could possibly be.

"But I do life is a total mess right now, I can't have rumors going around. Besides, there's nothing really going between us so please...just let me go," Gabriella was desperate. The girl was totally messed up and her heart was still so broken it was very unwilling to see that someone, far greater than Erwan would damned be interested in her. Her relationship with Erwan had totally knocked off all her confidence about herself and made her too distrustful. "I'm not really worthy of your time, not even your attention, so please…."

The expression in Gabriella's eyes shook something in El Tigre's heart. He never sensed such insecurity and hopelessness before when he first met her that all this time he never thought she was in this kind of misery. The woman he met in Mondrew City was an angel, perfect in all angles that he somehow forgot she was capable of hurting—as hurt the way he saw her now. For a moment, he paused and just looked at how hurt, insecure and hopeless she was and an instant ball of anger rose into his stem. Who dared to hurt his angel and left her so broken like this?

"Please let me go," El Tigre did as she requested because he could never make her beg again. It was just too frustrating.

Gabriella was all relieved when El Tigre freed her. She stepped back from him and paused for a few seconds to breathe deep and immediately turned her back again, ready to leave. However when she attempted to pass through the guards again, they blocked her still.

"Tell them to back off," She turned back to Primo to ask for his help. However, the man just stared at her without doing so as if he did not hear her request. "Primo?"

The second time she called his name, something changed in El Tigre's expression that made Gabriella immediately regret what she asked. His face turned real serious that even her feared it for once. Gone was the trace of amusement and playfulness that was beaming on his face earlier and what's left was a stone hard expression, ready to kill whoever was going to dare mess up with him. True to his name, he just turned into the tiger he was the very instant. 

"It's late. I'll bring you home," His tone was so domineering Gabriella immediately felt the chills of it. 

Fuck! Now, the real El Tigre has awakened!

"I can….I can go home by myself," She mustered some real hard courage to speak out. She didn't know where she got all that but the situation just so demanded it. She cannot let El Tigre know where she was staying, and hell no, she cannot appear in Allegria Penthouses with him or she'll be dead by morning! 

Just thinking about how Lucy and Sisi would react made her shrink in fear more than how El Tigre was making her scared right then!

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