The Grand Mistress

Chapter 117 - Humble Profession (2)

"It's such a humble profession. Given the standing of the Monteria's in our society, it's just reasonable that one of their children pursue a profession inside the church," Another guest interved, seemingly approving the idea of Gabriella pursuing a career in the Sta. Catalina nunnery.

"I had always known my Gabriella belonged to the church," Madam Raziela went on and even took the situation more to her advantage. All the Monterias had agreed that the daughter of Gabbro should go to the nunnery even against her will. There's just no place good for her but the Sta. Catalina and maybe when she's ripe enough for the profession, she'll be sent somewhere to the other  end of the world so that it would be hard for her to come back. 


"Don't you just love it there my love?" Madam Raziella added as she turned to Gabriella, whose face then flushed a rather hesitant look. "I remember when you were a child you refused to come home and wanted to spend all your days in Sta. Catalina nunnery. If not of our insistence, you would have probably stay there all her life,"

Gabriella just bowed and shut her mouth off. It's not that she didn't want to protest, but she thought it was not the correct venue for it, now that all the significant people of the whole city were there. Perhaps when they were all alone she could tell her grandmother she didn't want to be a nun, no matter what. It's not that she loathed the profession as she loved and respected it, especially that nuns were the one who basically raised her all her life. It's just that deep within her, she knew she cannot be a nun, it's not just her thing.

"The Sta. Catalina nunnery is such a small church for an heiress like her," One specific guest whose appearance somehow made Gabriella shiver a bit came to join them. He was an old man, very sophisticated one like Mr. Wandall but probably much better looking. His features were somehow familiar but she could not remember where she had met him.

"Senior Umbresio, it's good that you came and joined us," Madam Raziela's face brightened at the sight of him. He was one of her honored and most anticipated guests as she greatly wanted to associate with him, but the old man as soon as he entered the party surrounded himself with the biggest personalities in the city. Although Madam Raziella was the host for the party, the Senior's circle was just something she could not infiltrate and so she could only hope for them to give her a small greeting for her birthday.

Even the group of guests that surrounded Madam Graziella felt so little in his presence that out of respect, they all stepped back to accommodate the old man. Senior Hugo Umbresio was a very domineering man and the Umbresio belongs to the top ten rich people in Devon City, something that the Monteria's could only wish they had a connection with. Although they weren't exactly friends and had no connections whatsoever, the elites always had in their tradition to invite the top rich elites as a sign of respect and for possible connections.

"The Sta. Catalina nunnery is just a small church," Senior Umbresio repeated. He had caught the conversation about Gabriella wanting to be a nun and he found it amusing as it was kind of rare for an heiress to wish to become a nun. In fact there was no heiress he knew of in the city who had pursued such a career,  so he took notice of her. 

Senior Umberio was a very dedicated philanthropist and now that he had long retired, he spent all his days organizing charity events. He had high respect for missionaries, nuns, priests  and all church workers as he had always been with them and he knew how great of sacrifices they make to make the world a better place.

"I see...indeed the Sta. Catalina is such a small nunnery," Madam Razeila's words falter a bit, sounding nervous at the presence of a very powerful man. It was the first time in history that Senior Umbresio associated himself with anyone outside his circle and she felt really pressured to put up a good impression. "It's just that this granddaughter of mine grew up in Sta. Catalina, that's why she wanted to go there,"

"The Missionaries of Monte Verde needed more fresh devotees this year," Senior Umbresio announced. "I think your granddaughter is best suited there. They are a big organization and they had the support of the top rich, your granddaughter would surely think of nothing there but her passion. We always makes sure they were all provided for, greatly,"

"The Missionaries of Monte Verde had a strict application process," It was Gabbro who intervened seeing how his mother was pleased with the thought. He had agreed to the part that Gabriella should be sent to the Sta. Catalina nunnery as he thought it would be the safest place for her to stay and since she knew all the nuns there and was used to their lifestyle, Gabriella would have not hard time adjusting. Sending her to another place, with new people and with no acquaintance or friends deeply worries him and so he wanted to protest about it. "I don't think Gabriella will qualify mama. Also she needs so much training and had to undergo so many transitions to become a nun, that already is hard, sending her to another strange place  might become harder and unbearable,"

"Gabbro, the senior, is right. It would be good for Gabriella to be in the Missionaries of Monte Verde," Truth was Madam Graziella really didn't care which nunnery it be so long as that granddaughter of hers will be sent off away. The farther away the better and she'll do everything in her power so that child can't come back to Devon City after. However at that moment, she didn't want to oppose Senior Umbresio and so he gave Gabbro a rather complicated look, warning him to control himself.

"I can recommend her and personally send her off if you would allow," Senior Umbresio volunteered and everyone could only raise their eyebrows at his proposal. What shocked everyone was not the fact that he had connections with the Missionaries of the Monte Verde but the fact that even if it was only a waste of his time, he volunteered to send Gabriell off himself like the heiress mattered so much. What's with the Monteria tonight their fate was prone to luck. First, it was announced they owned a Brielle Doll and second, Senior Umbresio unexpectedly talked to the head matriarch of the Monteria's and even volunteered to send her granddaughter off! How lucky was that?

Madam Raziella's happiness could not be contained then. She smiled so big in front of the Senior as she couldn't help it and almost could not believe the fact that Senior had given her not only some attention but even was willing to give her some favors. Even when such a favor doesn't mean anything as sending Gabriella off really doesn't mean much, but since it was the Senior of the Umbresio's who volunteered for it, she felt heaven.

"What do you think about it, my child?" Senior Umbresio turned to Gabriella this time. "I assure you you'll be taken good care of there. That is the right place for you,"

Gabriella only gave the Senior a polite bow as if she was agreeing to him when the truth was she just wanted to hide her face. Damn! Out of all people that would send her off, why an Umbresio? She now understood why the old man looked familiar to her then as one of his kin, his grandson, was just with her a few months ago in Mondrew City and they had a rather good time in his yacht. So fucking good time!

What a coincidence! What a very awkward coincidence.

"Is that a yes or no?" She heard the old man speak again as he was demanding a clear answer from her. He felt her hesitancy but he thought it was because it was out of intimidation as it was very obvious in his eyes that everyone in the circle had gone intimate with him the moment he entered. "Do you want me to personally send you off to the nunnery?"

"Ahm… Senior…" Gabriella attempted to protest despite all the pressure. "Please don't bother yourself anymore. I know the great Senior Umbresio had more important things to do. I can handle myself,"

"Gabriella, what are you doing? Do not hesitate the Senior's offer," Madam Liltih chided her gently, especially that she could see Madam Raziela's expression so desperately wanted the Senior to provide them the favor he was offering. Of course they don't want to miss such an opportunity because not all elites were given such a provilege.

"Don't be shy, my child," Senior Umbresio encouraged. "It is my honor to send an honorable heiress to the nunnery myself. I will—"

"That lady you are talking to grandfather might be pregnant with your great grandson," Someone, daring enough, cut off Senior Umbresio's words and when Gabriella looked up, she almost fell from her heels as a deep tigered eyed man caught her sight. He grinned when their eyes met and before she could melt away, the daring intruder turned to his surprised grandfather and added. " you really wish to send her to the nunnery?"

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