The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 443: Honeymoon

"Honey. You don't need to put on the cloth mask anymore." Avril was tying up the cloth mask over the right side of her face. Carefully, he tucked his fingers under hers and untied the mask to reveal her unscarred face. Oscar took away the cloth mask and kissed her formerly maimed and burned cheek, letting her know it was alright. "Are you ok?"

"I am. Thanks to you, hubby." Her warm hug melted his heart. Before he could wrap his arms around her, she dipped away with a return kiss on his cheek and a bright, taunting smile. "We only have so much time today. She wants to hurry up and explore more of Convecia City."

"Alright. Alright. Whatever my dear wife wants." Oscar held her hand and exited with little Erden.

Busy failed to describe the current Hilrest Tower, where Oscar and Avril temporarily resided. Large gatherings of people were crowded into their own groups, wearing identical garbs to signify their allegiance and faction. The silence was palpable as the elders of each group spoke with their respective Hilrest attendants, giving out orders and requesting certain things. On the other hand, the young Exalts threw hostile gazes and insults at each other, some even brandishing their armaments, ready for a fight. Most notable were the calmer ones standing in front of their groups, clearly the leaders of their generation.

Back in his home, if not for the opening of Ashen Grove, the four empires would have gathered and held competitions and contests of strength and prowess. How different things could have been if he had been born a generation before? Perhaps, he would never have trained under his master, Aunt Rosett, and Elder Saul, meet his friends, find Gol-4 and Erden, and most importantly, marry Avril. He tightened his hand over Avril's, the mere thought of it distressing.

'Threads….' Metures mentioned how threads connected everything and everyone. Some of it was purposely tugged by the Ancients, and others formed by chance. He couldn't imagine a different life sewn with different threads. 'Why am I speaking like an old man?'

Looking at these young Exalts, he suddenly felt a hundred times older, witnessing their outwardly energetic demeanors. Most other unaffiliated guests moved smartly around the large hostile crowd to reach the exit or their rooms. Oscar pulled Avril along to the side and made their way to the exit. He didn't wish to attract any attention, but it was inevitable and infuriating. Some of the younger Exalts gawked at Avril without reservation, all young, immature brats. Their incessant stares fully received Oscar's ire, and he pondered what to do, their disrespect open to his retaliation.

However, Avril tugged his hand and pulled him to the exit, where they were finally free. She snickered and patted his head. "Is someone jealous?"

"Ah! I wish I could punish those brats. They couldn't take their eyes off you." Oscar clacked his teeth together. He wanted to retaliate earlier but thought better of it. Making enemies now was an idiotic move, but he almost thought about it when it related to Avril.

"My. My. Forget it. Let's enjoy the rest of the day." Avril giggled. As they walked away, she turned to the Hilrest Tower behind them. "Are all those people here for the Grand Gamble? She knows Oscar must have read or asked about it, so she asks him."

"Right. We have to drop by the library later. We can purchase some books there." Oscar found another reason to venture out today. Showing his wife the great library should delight her. Keeping her hand in his, Oscar started explaining the Grand Gamble.

Rusk Continent, where Convecia City is located, is home to several small factions. Like his Farsky Continent, these factions resemble kingdoms and sects that rule over their domains, seven to be exact. These factions converge on Convecia every new generation to fight in various competitions to gain honor and prestige in their homes.

That all sounds standard for a typical inter-faction competition. But the true face of the Grand Gamble lies in the other events, all open to wanderers and outside factions who wish to compete. Countless events range from rock digging, accuracy, physical power, and more. Naturally, everything is tied to gambling, a great opportunity for factions to win it big and secure vast resources in these games or line the pockets of Convecia City.

Then the final event at the end of the Grand Gamble is the table games, the namesake of the Grand Gamble. They say a person can make a fortune and turn their life around if they participate in table games or be driven into deep debt and be taken away to work it off or stripped of everything they own.

A contest between native factions.

A challenge of games between the native factions, outside factions, and wanderers.

The final table games of all participants.

"That's going to start next week? Do you want to play?" Avril asked.

"It'll be nice to watch. I don't want to risk anything. We can gamble on the winners of the first part." In a few minutes, they arrived at a tailor where Oscar placed an order to fix up Isaac's old clothes and then entered a seemingly luxurious clothing store. The bells jingled from the door opening, and they entered the store, feeling the clean and cool air inside with a sigh of relief.

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

A pretty worker walked over to them and bowed. "Dear guests. Welcome to our clothing store, Elegance. May I know what sort of clothing you wish to buy?"

Her eyes seemed to scan both him and Avril. Oscar recalled something Serena mentioned before about having a good eye for knowing someone's price range. He stepped up and plopped a large bag of gold coins he had set up earlier, the worker's eyes shining at the sight. "Can we see your selection of clothes for her size? We don't have time for a detailed job."

"And him too. He needs something else."Avril interjected.

"Certainly. May I take you to a private dressing room? Or is seeing it enough?" The worker asked.

"Dressing room," Oscar replied. With an elegant bow from the worker, she led them into a beautiful room, brightened by the flowery lamps around the walls, filled with a porcelain table and large couches. On the table was a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"I will bring you the sets shortly." She returned moments later with other attendants, bringing in lines of fresh clothing for men and women, a mix of casual and formal wear. The worker ordered the rest to leave and closed the doors to give them some privacy.

"I've always wanted to wear these kinds of clothes. How exciting." Avril flipped through the series of clothing, picked out a couple, and hummed her way to the dressing area, portioned off by a white wooden screen. She glared at Oscar to warn him about entering, to which he grumbled. He had already seen everything there was to see.

She tried on several clothes, some very enticing that revealed her shoulders and a long slit along the dress that showed her soft thighs, some very reserved like her old clothing, covering most of her body and giving her a pure look, and casual wear like a shirt and a skirt or white linen long sleeve with long wide pants. Unable to decide, Oscar purchased everything, excited to see her in all of them.

Next came his turn, and Avril flared up enthusiastically, picking out several clothes for him, saying it didn't match, and having him try many others. He had never felt so tired, but he held on because she was having so much fun. In the end, like him, she purchased everything, saying she liked seeing him in all of them. Some of them were full suits that fit his muscular build, and some were casual wear of shirts and shorts.

Oscar paid for the entire mound of clothing at the counter and noticed Avril whispering something to an attendant. She received a small parcel and stowed it away in her space pocket, her cheeks blushing slightly. Not wanting to embarrass her, Oscar avoided asking along the way to the library.

"Hey….do you want to go to the Farsky Continent?" Avril wrapped her arms around his, looking up at him with devastatingly dazzling golden eyes.

Oscar sighed, feeling the worry in her words. "I can't ignore my home. You also don't have to go south to Everest Continent. You can come with me north. But I know you can't do that. Any longer, and you might go crazy from not knowing what happened to your family."

"We're too stubborn." Avril rested her head on his shoulder, clearly stressed from her breath of exasperation. "I don't want to be separated from you, but my heart hurts from remembering my family."

"We're both impatient fools." Oscar spotted a stand that sold a bundle of cookies. Perhaps, something sweet would improve her mood. He led her over there and bought a bundle for her to eat. As she started eating, her mood visibly improving, Oscar interlocked her fingers over hers. "Truthfully, I don't want to drag you into this war. Although you're strong, there is always a chance something might go wrong."

"And truthfully, going south might also put you in further danger and away from your home. How about this?" Her face closed in as she tiptoed. "Ten years. Whether I find my family or not, I'll return to Convecia City in ten years. If I hear the war is still going on. I'll come to find you. Promise?"

"I can compromise on that. I guess I have a reason to try to end the war early." Oscar smiled and kissed her. "I'll wait for you in Convecia City if I finish first. If you don't return in ten years, I'll go south and find you."

"Then it's a deal!"

Avril's excitement was so immense when they arrived at the library, her head darting around to face the endless shelves of shining books. Already having spent a few days in this place, Oscar followed Avril along as she looked around. She asked him several times what books would be great to read together.

So cute. Oscar admired her side profile as she opened and flipped through several books. After purchasing them, Avril didn't store the books in her space pocket, hugging them in her arms with a face full of laughter.

It was already nighttime by the time they exited the library. Oscar wondered where all the time had gone, hours spent shopping for clothes and browsing books. They returned to the Hilrest Tower, where the main lobby returned to its peaceful atmosphere. It was relieving to see the chaos from earlier all settled. Returning to their room, Avril excused herself and said to wait for her in bed.

Excited, Oscar dropped Erden off in the other room and locked the door. He sat on the bed to wait for Avril to return. His wife returned from the bathroom, and Oscar lost all thought, his mind going blank at her figure. She wore a purple garment with floral patterns along its edges, which hung loosely over her shoulders by thin strands. The fabric barely skimmed along her body, loose and accenting her natural beauty, and was so transparent that he could see underneath.

Without a word and a red face, she swiftly approached and kissed him, toppling him on the bed.

Burning with unquenchable lust and passion, he barely held on and asked, "Is this what you asked from the clothing store?"

"I want…to…make…." Avril said between kisses. "...the most of every moment. If we're going to separate soon, I want to spend every other moment with you." Avril deepened the kiss before he could speak further, calling out for him to continue. Their passion went deep into the night as she never let him go, and he never wanted to leave.

For the next few days, Oscar lived the best life he had so far. In the days, he and Avril went to their respective guilds to work, enduring the taunts and teasing of their counterparts for being married to each other. At nights, they would read together, page by page, as they held each other in a loving embrace. Then they would indulge in more pleasure, not a single moment of rest. Avril meant it when she said she wanted to spend every moment with him. Oscar could never find a moment away from her in their room, even meditating with Ein while embracing one another.

The days slowly went by until the day of the Grand Gamble arrived.

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