The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 444: Unexpected Guests

Inside the soot-ridden halls of the Fabricator Guild and close to the roaring central furnace that spewed out streams of draconic flames, Oscar swung his hammer on the hot white metal, flakes of impurities flying out from his force. He raised his hammer again before a loud horn blaring through the refinement chamber caught everyone's attention. It signaled the end of the day.

"Ah, it's finally time to leave. Oscar! Want to grab a few drinks? The Grand Gamble is opening tonight." A fabricator waved his hand over.

"Sorry. I'm busy. Enjoy it later." Oscar removed his fabricator helmet.

"You damned henpecked husband. Your wife has you wrapped around her fingers. She doesn't need you to pick her up every day. Those alchemists must be giving you weird stares." They teased but not in any malicious way. They shook their heads and went ahead to change and go to their usual bar.

Oscar dressed in his casual clothes, which were picked out by Avril, and started to walk toward the exit. He stopped when Hector crossed his path, rubbing his scruffy beard. Quickly, he bowed and said, "Greetings, Branch Head."

As it turned out, Hector was the current branch head of the Fabricator Guild in Convecia City and a very eccentric individual. Not every Marshal Exalt would man the counter and proctor a three-star examination, especially not the supposedly busy branch head. Oscar never saw him do any work other than sleep at the counter, yet somehow he had the full respect of every fabricator.

"Lad. I came here to give you something. Here it is." Hector held out a purple card with a golden rose etched on it.

Oscar took the purple card, feeling the heavy weight of the material it was made of. A card like this with an intricate pattern drawn on it meant it was serious. "What is this? Is it some kind of invitation?"

"Yes. Remember that grade-three wind element spear you forged for your examination?" Hector yawned, his beady eyes blinking rapidly. "I couldn't give that to my client, but I also can't just sell it to some random window shopper. It's a damned elemental armament and in very good condition. So, I put it up for the Grand Gamble's opening auction tonight in the Golden Rose Auction House. As the creator, you are entitled to the lion's share of the earnings and a spot in a sky-tier room."

"Golden Rose Auction House?" Oscar was surprised. The reputation and fame of that establishment reached far, and had a long history of hosting the grandest auctions. The biggest event was their auction on the opening night when all interested parties and factions congregated. "Can I take my wife with me?"

"Bah! You and your alchemist wife can never be apart for even a single night. Yes, she's your plus one. Dress well and enjoy the show. If you find anything you like, then feel free to fight for it." Hector's grumbling came out as usual whenever Oscar talked about Avril. He didn't know why but Hector seemed to be personally invested in their relationship, often asking how they were doing. Oscar bowed and departed without a word, leaving Hector to stew over it on his own.

The sky had already darkened as he moved along the large crowds of people clamoring around the streets. Decorations and banners lined the roads, covered the buildings, and brought the entire city to life. Enliven by the cheerful and festive mood around him, Oscar hurried over to the Alchemist Guild, wishing to tour the Grand Gamble with Avril as soon as possible.

"If it isn't the esteemed Mr. Terr. It's always pleasing to see a husband so devoted to his wife, always pleasing." The soft tone came from a handsome white-robed man, who gave off a gentle air that appeared welcoming to all, thin but radiating with power. He was followed by an entourage of younger disciples who stared at his back with looks of respect and admiration. Many of the women even gave him bashful glances of affection.

At the man's words, several of the alchemists gazed at Oscar with strange looks.

"Hello, Mr. Wrest. I won't bother this place for much longer. I'm here to accompany my wife back home. Tonight is the Grand Gamble, so there is much to prepare for." Oscar smiled coldly and shook the man's hand, purposely having the soot on his palm for this reason. He pretended to be shocked and said, "Ah. I'm sorry. I just finished working at the foundry. You don't mind, do you?"

Edward Wrest glanced at the dirt on his hand, wiped it clean with a handkerchief, and chuckled with eyes, not hiding his disdain, looking down on him. "As fabricators, you do good work. So immersed in all the dirt and fire, you produce great armaments for us all, forgoing your own personal lives for our sake. How selfless."

This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road. If you spot it on Amazon, please report it.

"Haha. Indeed, we delve quite deeply into our work. We feel so strongly about our creations as if they were our own children, never neglecting even a slight blemish in the metal. I assure you that the same sort of passion and love is not lost in our private lives." Oscar stated, glaring at Edward, who twitched slightly.

"Hubby~!" Something pushed into him from the side, her arms around him as her loving greeting flowed into his ears. Avril exclaimed and scolded him, "You smell like ash and soot. Wash up when we get home."

"Naturally, honey. I have some exciting news to tell you later. So let's hurry home." Oscar grasped Avril's hand and turned to Edward with a nod. "I will be heading out with my wife now. Farewell, Mr. Wrest. I hope to see you enjoy the festivities as she and I certainly will…together."

"Goodbye, everyone!" Avril smiled and waved farewell. Edward smiled warmly, none of his previous snarkiness and arrogance showing. Oscar clicked his tongue and left quickly with Avril while Erden leaped down and rested in Avril's arms.

"That bastard. He knows you're married and still has some thoughts about you. I ought to tell Lady Helen to drive him away." Oscar frowned, angered by Edward's two-faced attitude toward him and Avril. To have ideas on Avril was naught but the highest form of insult to Oscar, who wished only to tear Edward apart.

"Don't ruin our protection by the branch head just because of him. Besides, I'll tear him apart if he ever tries something." Avril said in the same cold behavior she sometimes entered, a powerful chilling presence. Oscar flicked her forehead, not liking to see her in such a state. She returned to normal and pouted, snuggling into his arm.

They had a brief respite at home. Oscar bathed and dressed in one of the nice suits that Avril picked for him. He stared in awe when Avril came out in a stunning purple dress. She sat on the bed, humming as if waiting for something. Knowing her desire, Oscar handled her hair carefully, braiding and tying it into a beautiful bun, her bangs still covering her forehead, a motion he practiced every night. He sighed and lifted her bangs momentarily, seeing the slight scar that no one would notice unless they were close like him. As he stroked the scar, Avril's hands gripped his wrist, and she shook her head.

"Does it bother you that much? I like it. Not all scars have to heal. Some have to stay and remind me." Avril comforted him. "I know you paid a heavy price, but it's still fine."

Against her words, Oscar found no retort, only kissing her warmly on the scar. "Let's head out. There's an auction we have to attend."

Down the streets of Convecia City, toward the central district where the bulk of the celebrations took place, a grand building, a mansion of crystals, gems, and marble, glittered like the stars in the night. On the mansion's entrance, in the arches of the gate, was the symbol of a blooming golden rose, intricate in the detailed lining and petals. This place was the home of the Golden Rose Auction House, where streams of people gathered in their finest clothes. Carriages of renowned families and factions wheeled along the premise, pulled by Exalt Beasts, a sign of wealth and power.

"The opening nights start with the auction and the opening speech by the City Lord. Then the festivities are open for all to enjoy, starting with the preliminary matches between the six factions." Oscar explained as he and Avril walked through the gates of the auction house. He glanced over at some of the rude people who stared at them, mainly at Avril. "It's a good thing we decided to go in disguise."

At Avril's suggestion, they each drank some of her concocted grade-three transformation potions, changing the color of their eyes and hair. Oscar, right now, had a bed of red hair with blue eyes, and Avril had black hair with red eyes. Still, it could not hide her beauty. Only a transformation elixir of grade four and above could have that effect.

Oscar showed the purple invitation card from Hector to the auction house worker, who quickly bowed deeply. "Please, honored ones. Follow me to your room. The sky-tier suites are the best in our auction house and reserved for the finest guests."

They followed the auction worker to a circular pad that elevated them up to the highest point of the building. He opened the door down the hall and showed Oscar and Avril inside. "The room has all your accommodations, even a bed if one is tired and wishes to rest. The show window is one-way, allowing you to view the auction hall. No one can attempt to see through the other way to you, or it will disrupt the Ein barrier surrounding it and alert us. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to shake this bell, and we will be of service."

Oscar thanked the man for his services and closed the door when he left. Avril had been admiring the view outside for a good reason. It was stunning. Countless people sat in the hundreds of rows, known as mortal-tier seats, facing the stage, many others sat in balcony rooms, known as earth-tier seats, that overlooked the hall, and others were most likely hidden behind the dark windows of the sky-tier rooms like him.

"I need to thank Hector for this. This view is so nice." Avril exclaimed in awe.

Oscar hugged her from behind, enjoying the purple dress she was wearing. "You know there's a bed here too."

"Naughty!" Avril tugged on his ear.

Laughing, Oscar glanced around the large grand hall, and as he did so, he suddenly paused. His eyes weren't deceiving him. Down in one of the earth-tier seats were six individuals, split into three groups by their uniforms. They conversed with each other and laughed, but Oscar didn't care about that. He cared about who they were, the emblems and colors of their clothing reminding him of twenty years ago. He remembered the time in Ashen Grove. The enemies of black, green, and red from his past had shown themselves here in Convecia City.

"Earth Core Academy, Undying Flame Sect, and Thousand Storm Palace. Then is the Pavilion here as well?" Anticipation and excitement overwhelmed him. Oscar hugged Avril tighter unconsciously. Could someone from his home be here?

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