The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 2: World Beyond - Chapter 442: Hello, My Wife!

Deep into the night, faint moonbeams fluttered and peeked through the cracks between the curtains as an alluring scene occurred on the bed. "Ah~ah~ah~!" Avril's sweet moans sounded like honey to Oscar's ears before he finally finished, inducing one final lust-filled cry from his wife. Sounds of panting and gasps filled the room, and Oscar lay beside Avril in his arms and wrapped a blanket around him and her.

Her stamina was unbelievable, as was his, thanks to their Reis training. Still, to do it for five hours was not what he expected, five hours of indescribable pleasure. His wife beside him could barely breathe, the moonlight making the sweat glisten on her exposed shoulders, which flushed red from the exertion. Her face was melted by ecstasy, warped by pleasure, as her eyes remained hazy and moist. Oscar couldn't resist and placed another kiss on her lips. From that, she came around and groaned.

"Hubby~" Avril sought his lips and sealed them again. After another short session of long kisses, they finally separated, and Oscar caressed her beautiful indigo hair. The way she called him was so intoxicating that he almost lost control again. Even during the kisses, he still wanted to continue, constantly spurred by her alluring gaze and figure in his arms.

"My sweet wife. Why do you seem somewhat experienced? Hmm." Oscar pinched her flushed cheek and said endearingly. During the love-making, she sometimes said strange phrases and requested him to try some other things. Where she learned it from was obvious, but he wanted to tease her so badly. "Tell me. Where in the world did you get such ideas?"

"Ehehe. That-that is–" Avril looked even more embarrassed, speaking in a low voice that diminished to the extent of a squeak. "I read it from somewhere."

"Oh? Where did you read such a thing?" Oscar refused to let her escape and hugged her tighter. Her reddening face, almost like a tomato, pleased him. "Come on. Tell me. Or are you keeping secrets from your husband?"

"Ah! You already know, you idiot!" Avril pounded her fists on her chest in a playful manner. If she had used Reis with them, her punches would have hurt without prior preparation. Her continuing outburst of embarrassment ended when she finally mumbled, "I read about it from the book….The Duke and Duchess's Steamy Marriage."

Oscar laughed, kissing the tip of her nose. "So you did take the book. I noticed the slot was missing right after you left the library that day. Is it in your space pocket?"

"It is! So what?!" Avril pouted.

"Remember how you didn't know steamy meant?"

"Can you not?! I don't want to remember that memory. How embarrassing. She wants to dig herself into a hole right now." Avril snuggled her face into his chest.

"Oh? Then I have no choice. If you don't remember, I'll have to teach you the meaning myself." Oscar whispered into her ear.

"What?" Avril raised her head and faced him. Striking at that moment, Oscar bent forward and rested his face on her chest. He mischievously made a light, playful nibble. "Nya!" Avril yelped, but instead of resisting his advances, she wrapped her arms tighter around his head to allow him to continue, slurring her next words. "A-again? Yoush greesdi."

The night was still young for them as they, once more, entangled in the throes of passion and love. Avril's moans and feistiness only egged Oscar to keep going. From the bed to the bath, they continued to indulge along the way, and in the bath, they threw out all inhibitions, not even the cool bathwater quenching the fiery desires burning in their hearts.

In the morning, they finally settled down. Oscar changed the sheets and dressed Avril in fresh, comfortable clothes, her wet hair tickling his face. He hugged her in his arms, satisfied not only in his body but deep in his soul. Something about her filled him with joy unlike anything else.

"A-ah…you…beast." Avril sounded hoarse. It wasn't strange, considering she had endured for ten hours. Her eyelashes fluttered as she began to fall asleep.

"Rude. Hehe." Oscar provided an arm pillow for her to rest. Her faint soft snores sounded like a lullaby, lulling him to sleep. He didn't want to fall asleep, afraid that this was all a dream, but she had quite a hypnotic effect on him. Oscar closed his eyes and fell into the land of dreams, hoping she would still be beside him.

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"Those two…." Erden scratched his head with his hoof. "They really had no reservations. It's been a long time coming, though."

'Do you think this will make him stronger or weaker? What ridiculousness to tie himself down with such trivial matters.' Demon responded through the link between Erden and Oscar.

"Who knows? All that matters is that he's happy, no? Then again, she's heading off for the south in two weeks. I wonder if I should try to find someone. Maybe later, I can ask Oscar to travel to the other continents in the Lands of Zeret and find myself a mate."

'We have too much to focus on. The war at home, the New Dawn, the Ancient in the Fallen Heavens. Meanwhile, he's meandering here on a love escapade.'

"Then why don't you act as you did before with Serena? You've been quiet as of late. Haven't you long since accepted her?" Erden retorted.

'Don't misunderstand. That woman's been useful. But the moment she becomes a burden, I'll cut her off even against Oscar's will.' Demon said coldly.

A shudder ran down Erden's fur, scared of Demon's resolve in that statement. He could try to say something, but he believed in Avril's potential. Demon would never have the chance to consider her useless.


Oscar woke up and smiled. The first thing he saw was his beloved wife, sleeping soundly in his arms, her lips forming a small smile as her eyes curled along. Whatever she was dreaming about was surely a happy dream. Oscar pinched some of her unkempt strands of hair, tucking them behind her ear. From his small actions, Avril began to tremble and woke up.

"Oscar?" Avril asked. Her eyes flickered and blinked around until they focused on him.

"Honey. Didn't you say you'd call me something else from now on?" Oscar made himself sound disappointed. He loved it whenever she called him that.

Avril smiled and pecked him on the lips. "Hubby. Good morning. Is it morning? Or afternoon?"

"It's around twelve. You slept like a baby. Do you have any plans for today?" Oscar lifted himself to sit upright on the bed, cradling Avril. Parched, he got a jug of water from the bedstand and poured it into a cup. Half of it satisfied him, and he tilted the cup to Avril, who sipped silently until the cup emptied. "I was supposed to report to the Fabricator Guild today."

"I was also supposed to help out at the Alchemist Guild today. But it might be too late to go." Avril glanced out the window where the two suns were starting their descent.

"Then…." Oscar tilted her head to face him and kissed her. "Do you want to spend the day in here?"

"You greedy beast!" Avril pinched hard and pulled on his ear. "Do I need to try to achieve a complete Adamasreis to compete with you? That'll take an uncountable number of years."

"Ah, honey. Don't be mad. I'm just suggesting one thing we could do. But if there's anything you want to do, just say it." Oscar chuckled, not minding the pain in his ear as he turned her to have her back toward him, sniffing the crown of her hair as he stared into her upside-down golden eyes. He lowered her head and kissed the nape of her neck. Her suppressed moan and shivering body was the result he hoped for.

"Not now!" Avril closed her hands over the nape of her neck. "She wonders why that spot is so sensitive. What a bother!"

"Eh? It's not a bother to me." Just a few more kisses on that spot, and she would immediately swoon over him. It was a weak point of hers that he discovered during their many sessions, an amazing boon. He had noticed how her reactions quickly changed after kissing that spot. Seeing her not want to continue, Oscar plopped his head down, resting his chin on her soft hair. "What do you want to do?"

Avril entangled her hands over Oscar's, which were embracing her. She turned upward to see him and said, "I need new clothes. You ripped mine." Her hand let go and pointed at the scattered clothing around the bed, some torn and ripped.

"Don't look at me like that. You also ripped some of mine. I'll have to find a tailor to fix those." Those clothes were gifts from Gol-4 and Isaac. He couldn't let them be thrown away. Oscar kissed her forehead. "Then let's head out and do some shopping."

"Uhm!" Avril smiled brightly. Oscar almost lost himself again but held it all in. She had no business being so beautiful and adorable.

After a short session where Oscar struggled to braid and tie Avril's hair until finally having moderate success and enduring her rants about his lack of delicacy, they exited the room where Erden greeted them.

"Cheers to the new husband and wife. Though, you might want to keep it down. Some people can hear." Erden laughed.

"Say that to Avril." Oscar laughed while Avril's face turned bright red. She tugged on Oscar's ear and Erden's antlers shaking them around in an embarrassed rampage. "We're going outside to do some shopping."

"Sounds good to me. I've been thinking about a new method to ensure our safety and came up with something." To Oscar's shock, Erden grunted and trembled. His legs retracted, his neck shortened, his large body shrank, and his antlers became naught but stubs atop his small head. Rather than a Prielapos, Erden resembled a small, plump baby deer with short stubby legs and two small teal lumps.

"How did Erden become so cute? She rubs her eyes, wondering if she's still dreaming." Avril picked Erden up, clearly astonished by the change.

"With this, I seem harmless and am a smaller target if anyone wants to ambush us. Our lives are linked, so we need proper precautions. Let me rest on Oscar's shoulder, and we can leave." Erden jumped from Avril's arms onto Oscar's shoulder, patting his small hooves around until he found a good position.

"Then, let's head out to the markets. Maybe we'll find something good." Oscar held Avril's hand, and with Erden's small form resting on his shoulder, he ventured outside.

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