The Duke's Passion

Chapter 487 - Hang-ups?

Chapter 487 - Hang-ups?

"Oh, my goodness..."

A sharp exhale escaped my mouth, seeing that those two were treating the driveway as a racetrack. With their speed, it wouldn't be surprising if their steed crash on us.

"Fabian, what are the odds that they won't hurt any of us?" I inquired while staring at the galloping horses.

"They had full control of their steed, Madam." I glanced at Fabian while he cast me a reassuring smile. I glanced back at the maids and butlers, noticing the slight panic in their eyes. When I checked Law, he didn't have a change of expression as he kept his eyes ahead.

"Please step aside to safety just in case," I ordered so the servants wouldn't be so scared.

"How about you, madam? How can we evacuate to safety when Madam is here to welcome the guest?" A middle-aged butler that would be in charge of the manor whenever Fabian was away, voiced out.

"I'll stay with Madam," Fabian answered as he faced the servants. "She is not asking you to leave. Just go to a safe distance just in case."

I smiled at Fabian for this help. Since the head butler had spoken, the other servants bowed and walked to a distance. With that being said, I turned my head to those two.

"Mother, I didn't know Auntie and Uncle were this excited to see you," Law voiced out while staring at those two. "I didn't even know they can ride well."

"Haha. They are fun people, my son."

I heard Silvia and Yul remained modest during their previous visit here. So, Law must be surprised seeing the fierce aura exuding from those two. Soon, they came close, but I couldn't see that they were slowing down.

"Fabian...?" I called in a slight panic voice while unconsciously squeezing Law's hand. "Goodness... they will crash into us, will they?"

I glanced at Fabian, and he simply smiled. "Of course not."

'It would be a shame to kill their steeds, Fabian,' I muttered internally, raising my brows when Yul suddenly prepped to hop out of his galloping horse.

"Hey, you cheater!" Silvia's loud yell reached my ear, making me smile.

Just like Fabian said, those two had full control of their steed. When Yul hopped out, his horse slowed down and gaited in a different direction while Silvia's horse drifted with a screech.

"You two..." I trailed off as Yul pounced on me.

"I missed you," he said in a relieved tone, embracing me tightly. "God..."

My eyes softened and patted his back lightly. "It's good to see you too, Yul."

"Hey, Yu — Kieran! How dare you play dirty?!" My gaze veered towards Silvia, who was storming her way towards us. I couldn't help but chuckle when she stood a meter away from us.

"Kieran! How dare you embrace her before I do?" her eyes glinted with murderous intent, but that killing intent changed when our eyes met. "Lilou, my dearest..."

Instead of berating Yulis, Silvia joined in for a hug. Now, these two sandwiched me that only made me chuckle.

"I really missed you," Silvia expressed in a relieved tone, but not letting me go.

"I missed her more." Yulis competed, making me sigh as Silvia threatened him under her breath.

"Excuse me." After some time, Law's voice caressed our ears. Once realization kicked in, Silvia and Yul finally let me go.

"It's good to see you, my nephew," Silvia greeted with a stiff smile. I gazed down at Law and caught the brief coldness in his eyes. But it vanished a second later as he gazed up at me. So, I brushed it off.

"My son, why don't you greet Auntie and Uncle?" I urged and Law offered me a kind smile.

"Welcome to our humble home, Auntie Ria and Uncle Ran."

The corner of my lips stretched wider at my son's humble greeting. But Yulis and Silvia's expressions were strange. They were probably exhausted, I thought.

"Why don't we head inside for a tea? I'm sure you're exhausted," I offered with a gentle smile, raising my brows, and gazed down at Law as the two were just staring at him. "Sivi? Yul?"

"Uh, yes. Sure." Silvia snapped her eyes back to me and smiled.

I pressed my lips and studied the two of them. They were acting strange, but I'd rather ask them later. So, I turned to Fabian and smiled. The servants also welcomed the two with a courteous bow while we headed inside.

"My carriage will soon arrive," Yul informed me as he walked behind us.

"The servants will handle it," I reassured, looking back at him.

Just when we were by to the sitting room, Sam summoned his son. With a heavy heart, Law had to follow the butler to see his father. I stared at the door as Law left the room, assuming Sam purposely summoned his son to give the three of us time to catch up. I smiled at the thought.

"Law surely took after Hell." I turned my head at Yul, who sat across from me when he spoke. "How scary."

"It is wrong to let Hell and Fabian raise a child. How can he pull an aura at such a young age?" Silvia chimed in while patting her chest.

"You two are exaggerating. Law is considerate, has a heart of gold, and smart." I chuckled, shaking my head lightly. "Although I won't deny that he took a lot after his father."

"Lilou, you never changed." Yulis let out a series of tongue clicking while gazing at me in dismay. "You fell for Hell even though he is literally a walking red flag. Is that your hang-ups?"

"Yul, really? Are you going to criticize my judgment to people after five years?" I rolled my eyes as the servants knocked on the door and served us tea. "Also, that is my husband and son you're dragging in the conversation."

"I'm just saying." Yul shrugged as he picked up his cup of tea.

"You should drop it, Yulis. Lilou is a person who believes what she wants to believe." Silvia humored while picking up her tea.

"You two... how can you tease me like this the second we meet after five years?" I sighed and frowned.. "So mean."

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