The Duke's Passion

Chapter 488 - A Lazy Afternoon

Chapter 488 - A Lazy Afternoon

Yulis and Silvia teased me and I felt like they came here just to bully me. Although I knew there was some truth in their advice about Law's scary side, I naturally defended him.

"What do you expect from my son? His father is a mad vampire while his mother used to be a vigilante who murder nobles out of boredom? Of course, he will inherit a few things from his crazy parents. Fabian is just an added ingredient." I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue. "Even so, he is my son. Sam and I were doing our best so Law wouldn't walk the bloody path we all walked down in the past."

"Oh, Lilou. I'm just kidding. Don't be so upset." Silvia chuckled while my frown remained.

"We didn't mean that, but you are doing a good job. You and Hell are great parents to our nephew, surprisingly." Yul nodded as his tone grew solemn. "I'm sure the goodness in your heart and your unconditional love for your son will reign. Just like how Hell changed because of that love, I'm sure Law will want to be someone whom his mother can be proud of."

"Yul..." My eyes welled up as I extended my hand, which he clasped gently. "Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me."

His thumb caressed the back of my hand, smiling subtly at me. "I'm really glad that you look very happy and content with your life now, Lilou."

Yul squeezed my hand lightly before releasing it from his grip. My eyes veered towards Silvia's beautiful smile.

"Sivi, I heard you've been the most sought lady in the empire." I changed the subject since we've been talking about our family. "My friends even look up to you."

"Oh, Lilou. You flatter me."

"That is true, though?" Yul leaned back as he cocked his head. "Didn't you brag about having a basket that fills up with marriage proposals daily?"

"Really?" I perked up, blinking while staring at Silvia.

"Well, I am a busy woman. Good men are scarce and finding one in this sea of fools will take too much time." Silvia defended nonchalantly. "Besides, I find men less amusing than a monkey."

"Pfft--!" I covered my lips with the back of my hand upon hearing Silvia's savage answer. I could imagine her crushing men's confidence and ego.

"That is very amusing, marchioness. I am also a man and I am utterly offended to be compared to a monkey." Yul voiced out his discontent, but Silvia chuckled.

"Oh, Yul. Don't worry. I, at least, compare you to a cat."

Yul raised a brow, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. The corner of her lips curled up devilishly, giving her beauty a fresh look.

"Yes, a cat. I find Yulis less affectionate than a cat."

"Well, I don't find that hurtful. Showing affection requires feelings." Yul took that surprisingly calm as he nodded in understanding. He then glanced at me and smiled.

"Actually, I do not mind pouring out all the affection left in me to my sister and to her children."

"That is the sweetest thing I heard, Yul." My heart warmed up, but it also worried me. Yul was so devoted to me he might not marry because of it.

"Yul," I called solemnly, taking a deep breath, closed-lipped. "Once you found the woman who you think you want to marry, I will support it."

"Well, that is an unnecessary blessing, but I will keep that in mind."

"Just not Beatrice."

As soon as I mentioned Beatrice's name, there was dead silence in the room. Yul's initial nonchalant expression completely died while Silvia held her laughter in. She even covered her lips with both her hands when Yulis glared at her.

"Yul." My voice was soft, waiting for him to look back at me. "I like Beatrice, but I don't approve of her as my sister-in-law. But if ever, just IF, you ended up liking her, I will still support your heart."

"Lilou, I know you mean well, but that sounds more like an insult than an encouragement. That will never happen and I hate I had to listen to this. That woman..." Yul massaged his neck in distress. "She is a headache. I'd rather spend a millennium alone than marry that woman."

I chuckled, knowing Yulis meant that. "I'm intrigued, though. How come Beatrice has suddenly taken an interest in you?"

"I helped her one time and after that, she never stopped bothering me," Yul explained in a dead tone. His expression told me to drop this conversation before he do something crazy.

"Oh, Yul. She's been bothering you for a long time, but you haven't realized why she is after you?" Suddenly, Silvia smirked, catching our attention.

"Does it matter?" asked Yulis in disinterest.

"Of course! My god, Yulis. You are proclaimed as a genius Duke of Grimsbanne, but you don't know this? I am disappointed." Silvia teased, making Yulis's expression grow worse. "The princess from the Karo Kingdom is bored to death. The reason she stayed in the past is that our kingdom was full of lunatics. What I am saying is, she is having fun teasing you and her interest is heightened because she knows you will never like her."

Yulis furrowed his brows. "Are you saying... I should show interest?"

"Well, I'm just suggesting as a woman. But if the challenge is not there anymore, she will surely switch targets." She shrugged, casting Yulis a knowing look.

"Silvia, that is..." Yulis rocked his head before cocking it to the side. "... a piece of very unhelpful advice. Thank you for the concern, but no thanks. I'd rather kill that woman instead of giving her the slightest interest — not in this life."

"Suit yourself, then."

I remained quiet and listened to their conversation with a smile. Although I didn't like a shallow discussion from the tea parties I attended, I do not mind listening to this. It felt like we were back at those times where we would talk about anything.

"But Silvia, before you worry about my plight, haven't you talked to Rufus?" Yulis raised a question, causing the playful smile on Silvia to change slightly. "Oh? Did I mention something that I shouldn't? I guess you are also swimming in this sea of fools as well, huh?"

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