The Duke's Passion

Chapter 486 - Welcoming The Guest

Chapter 486 - Welcoming The Guest

Days had passed in a blink of an eye since I received the letters. Every day had been a blessing to our family, even though our days were like recurring events of spending breakfast together, Sam and Law's fierce exchange of words, my husband surprising me for appearing out of nowhere, and spending as much time with our son. Law's favorite time of the day was our afternoon activity, where he would usually nap on my lap while I read a book under the tree in the garden.

About Adam, he had already returned to the Crowell estate about two weeks ago. I could still remember how I wept as if I wouldn't see him again. But Adam left our estate with a smile on his face. Whatever Sam told him, it gave our little fighter the courage to face his fears.

Adam would constantly send me a letter, telling me he was doing great. Our little Earl was studying to become a great Earl. He also told me that Jaime had been "kind" to him and the maids. He had changed a lot and I am so proud of him.

Aside from that, I had also been busy being friendly to other noble ladies. With the help of Bey, now my personal maid, I got in the good graces of some noble ladies, who were humble and naturally kind. They made me believe that not everyone in the high society was fake. There were a few who also needed genuine friendships.

Of course, despite having my small yet healthy circle of friends, I kept in touch with Lady Talia. I had too much to learn from her, after all.

I had a tough time adjusting to this new life, but I loved it. I never knew Sam and I could live a normal life, but we were now. I was beyond happy and thankful and content for this beautiful blessing. And I swore to protect this life.

I smiled at my entry for today's journal, putting back the quill to its holder. It had been three weeks since I started writing an everyday journal. The reason was that Sam was also writing his journal, but he would never let me read it.

Yes. I was writing mine just so I could refuse his request to read mine as well. It was childish and petty revenge, but writing a journal had now become a part of my daily life.

"Madam, the carriage of your brother will soon arrive on the estate." Bey's voice came from behind me, making me turn my head back. Although Bey had become my personal maid, I told her to not wear maid's clothes anymore. We were friends, and she usually assisted me to social gatherings.

"Yes." I nodded and returned my focus to my journal. "I heard Yul and Silvia are racing who arrives first. I wonder who will win."

I fanned my journal until the ink gets dry. Once it was, I placed it on the shelf inside my boudoir. This was my personal place, where the master of the house was forbidden to enter. I realized I needed a personal space since Sam kept appearing, which resulted in me having to rewrite some letters.

"Let's go?" I faced Bey with a smile while she bowed modestly. A subtle smile appeared on my lips, seeing how charming Bey was now that she was taken care of.

"Yes, Madam."

Bey led the way while I stared at her for a moment. I shook my head and followed her out of the room to welcome our guest. As we waltz through the hallway of the mansion, I passed by some maids who were still cleaning. We had been preparing for Law's birthday so everyone was busy — especially since those people would stay in our place. They needed room to stay in.

Some maids and Butlers were already outside, waiting for our guest. They turned their heads to me as I walked down the stairs. Sam wasn't here to welcome them, as he was a bit busy at the moment. He had been working day and night so he could free his schedule for the following days.

"Madam," Fabian greeted with a slight bow as soon as I stood in the front. Bey already stood on the side.

"Who do you think will arrive first, Fabi?" I asked, casting him a knowing look.

Fabian faced ahead — in the gate's direction — and hummed. "Do you want to make a bet with me, madam?"

"Well, Yul and Silvia are racing. It won't be polite if we didn't make bets, right?"

"Then, I will bet on the Marchioness."

The side of my lips stretched into a wide grin while staring at the gates. "Then, I will be betting on Yul."


Suddenly, I turned around and caught Law running towards us. I squatted down to welcome him.

"My baby, why are you here?" I inquired when Law stood a step away from me. "Aren't you studying?"

"The young master finished his lessons quickly so he can welcome the guest with Madam." I looked up at the nobleman who was tutoring my son. He was one of the best scholars in the south and was very kind. Hiring him was impossible, even if one had wealth, but Sam managed to hire him. I was not curious about what method my husband used, though.

"Did you?" my voice softened as I looked at Law lovingly.

Law smiled brightly while I patted his head. "It's been a while since Uncle Ran and Auntie Ria visited. So, I also want to welcome them with Mother."

I chuckled at how my son addressed Yulis and Silvia. Apparently, Yulis and Silvia introduced themselves as Kieran and Ameria, their second names.

"I'm sure they will be pleased," I said, holding Law's hand as I stood up.

Soon, we saw two figures entering the gates of the mansion. My brows furrowed. It wasn't a carriage that was heading inside, but two galloping horses.

"Oh, my goodness…" I whispered in disbelief, not expecting that Yulis and Silvia would surely take this race seriously.

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