The Duke's Passion

Chapter 414 - [Bonus ]Jaime Malum

Chapter 414 - [Bonus ]Jaime Malum

"Hands off!" I flung my arms aggressively while the knights finally released me after dragging me to the Earl's audience room. I clicked my tongue at them as they stood on the side while I remained in the middle.

"You are the woman who hurt my son?"

The voice that echoed across this small throne room of the Earl made me look ahead. I looked up and saw an old man sitting on the throne, resting his jaw against his knuckle while he looked down at me coldly.

'Didn't they say the Earl is young? This man right here is already knocking on death's door!' I snapped my tongue secretly, finding my joke lame. I was aware he wasn't the earl Bey was talking about. He was probably the Earl's political advisory.

'How audacious to sit on the Earl's sit.' I thought.

"Woman, His excellency is asking you!" one knight snarled at me while I observed that old man in front of me.

"Yes." I nodded and looked back at him fearlessly. "We could've avoided it if your son didn't deceive a young maiden like me."

"Hah... you are quite bold, child." I kept my poker face while he laughed arrogantly. Now I knew where that stupid son of his got his arrogance.

"You had cut his limbs to incapacitate him, which is undeniably commendable considering my son is a trained knight." He clapped as his dry laughter slowly came to a halt. He held the armrest and his eyes flickered menacingly.

"What is your name, woman?" he inquired coldly.

Instead of answering, I shrugged indifferently. My nonchalant demeanor triggered some knights as they glared daggers at me.

Weren't these knights supposed to follow the Earl? How come they seemed they would die for this person?

"How about you?" I asked, taking the old man by surprise. "What is your name?"

"You...!" Before a knight could lose his composure, the old man raised a hand. His eyes remained on me, although it flickered with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

"My lady, I don't know whether you are brave or naive. It could also be you are simply courageous, knowing that you are from a noble clan. Either way, you are now standing in the land of the south. There is a limit to my patience."

A snicker slipped past my lips, making him narrow his eyes. "My apologies, Your excellency. Please have mercy on me, for I haven't been myself lately. I also apologize for what happened with your son."

My snicker and my humble words seemed to have confused him. Well, there was no need to offend him anymore.

I was curious what kind of person the Earl's advisor was. Now that I've seen him and discerned he was a big fish in a small pond, my curiosity was fed. I needed to get Bey out of here and avoid causing trouble for Sam and his family.

My eyes softened as I hung my head low, recalling Sam and his new family. Right. I just snuck out. I had to come back as soon as possible.

"Your Excellency, I will surely repay the damages I've caused and pay for my friend's freedom." I raised my head, and he arched a brow upon seeing the repentant expression dominating my face. "I didn't mean to cause trouble for Your Excellency."

This time, I wasn't playing with him. I was honestly sorry, but not to him, but to Sam. If I pushed my luck too far, Sam would be in trouble. It seemed he was already having a peaceful life, just like what he wanted. I couldn't destroy that with my recklessness.

The old man assessed me in silence, nodding in satisfaction. "It's good that you know your place."

I hung my head low, heaving a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was cautious because he believed I came from a noble family. Technically, I was, since I was a Bloodfang-La Crox. But even without a title, I could make a mess in here and get out alive. But, I care about the people who would be affected by the consequences of my actions.


Suddenly, a young boy's voice was heard. I turned to where it came from. My eyes landed on a child walking from the side of the throne. My brows furrowed as my eyes narrowed, noticing the swelling of his cheek.

"My lord, why are you here?" asked Jaime Malum, the old man who was sitting on the throne. He didn't even glance at the young Lord and simply checked his nails.

"I told you to rest early, didn't I?"

'Ahh, poor child...' I thought, assessing the young Earl. He looked like he was around five, but if I remembered correctly, the late Earl Crowell had bragged about his five-year-old son. It had been over five years since then, so I could assume this child was already ten.

'He is too small for his age.' A shallow breath slipped past my lips, fighting the urge to break Jaime's neck to give this child some slack. But I figured this wasn't my problem.

"Jaime, I heard some noises from my room so I came here to check." The young Lord shifted his gaze to me. He had round, adorable eyes with the color of the sun. Small and weak in appearance, and a timid voice. Anyone could tell he was being subjected to abuse, which was hard to turn a blind eye to.

"There's nothing in here, my Lord. Go back."

"But --" Before the young Lord could argue, Jaime signaled a knight to drag him away.

"Jaime, wait, I'm scared!" he cried in panic, but the knight grabbed his arm and dragged him like a doll. "Jaime! Jaime!"

"Stop!" I ground my teeth, regretting my call seconds after. Although the knight stopped and looked back at me, Jaime's attention was back to me again. This was now or never — damn you, Lilou!

"You!" I pointed at the knight and awkwardly raised my chin. "Let him go!"

Jaime let out a dry laugh and beckoned the knight to let the young Earl go. The child looked at me with teary eyes, clutching his chest while trembling. I couldn't look away from him or turn a blind eye to this child's misfortune.

'I'm sorry, Sam.'

"My Lord, come here." To my surprise, Jaime crooked his finger at the young Lord. The latter hesitated but still walked beside Jaime.

As soon as he stood beside Jaime, a loud slap resonated in my ear. My pupils constricted as my eyes fell on the young Lord, who slumped on the floor in shock.

I heard Jaime's authoritative voice saying, "My lady, it seems you don't understand my position in here. As I've said, I do not have long patience."

"So, you're practicing your authority to prove that to me?" I questioned under my breath, eyes still on the young Earl. I didn't even blink when I raised my gaze back at the old man.

My heart was pounding against my chest as my breathing grew ragged. My hand balled into a fist and I apologized to Sam in my heart because I would slaughter this person.

"I will..." Just when I took a step forward, the loud creak of the door behind me stopped me.

"Hey! Who told you to let anyone in?!" one knight yelled while I stood frozen in place. The next voice that reach my ear sent a shiver down my spine as I detected his suppressed rage behind his calm tone.

"Good evening, my Lord. It seems you caught my wife's eyes."


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