The Duke's Passion

Chapter 415 - Insolent Family

Chapter 415 - Insolent Family

"Good evening, my Lord. It seems you caught my wife's eyes."

Sam's voice sent a chill down my spine that refrained me from doing what I was about to do. I couldn't even face him out of guilt. All I could do was look at Jaime Malum's frown and that young Lord slowly turned his head to the people behind me while touching his cheek.

"Adam!" A child's voice from behind me echoed across the room, catching the young Lord's attention.

The young Earl's eyes slowly dilated in surprise as he yelled back. "Law!"

"And who are these insolent who dared barged in here without permission?" Jaime inquired with a deep frown, moving his glowering eyes on our faces. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, thinking of reasons to tell Sam why I ended up in this place the second I awoke.

But first...

My eyes landed on the Young Earl's position before gazing back at that old fellow on the throne. That man, Jaime Malum, will have it tonight.

"Please forgive my insolence, Your Excellency. Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Samuel Roux, this is my son, Law, and that woman over there is my wife, Lily. I rushed in here when I heard my wife was arrested," Sam exclaimed calmly and humbly, which was a little surprising.

My brows rose as I momentarily doubt the person behind me. Sam would never sound this humble; it almost felt like a sin hearing him explain things. But then again, it had been over five years since I slept. He had a son to protect now.

'He even lied about me as his wife...' I sighed before my brows furrowed and my eyes squinted. 'Did I misunderstand it? Maybe I was still his wife. His first wife at that."

The thought of being the first wife and Sam having a second one pushed me to turn around to face him. My eyes instantly caught the little boy tugging Sam's sleeve. His son, Law, looked up worriedly. Sam gazed down at him and offered a kind smile while patting his head.

When Sam raised his head, our eyes instantly locked. He slightly narrowed his eyes, gazing at me from head to toe.

"Love," he called as the side of his lips curled up into a subtle smile. My heart skipped a beat as soon as he called me, making me bit my lower lip.

"Roux... so, you are that merchant Roux, huh? I had heard a lot about --"

"How dare you?" My interruption cut off Jaime's nonsense while I gazed at Sam intently. "Did you take in another woman while I was bedridden?"

I clasped my hands on my rear tightly, staring back at Sam with eyes glinting. I knew this wasn't the place for a family drama, but I couldn't stop myself from confronting him. These thoughts had been messing with my head, and I couldn't even look at his son anymore.

I was already too ashamed to face his son.

"My love, your imagination is as wild as ever!" Sam raised a brow and chuckled, shaking his head lightly. "I don't know how you got that conclusion the moment you wake up."

"Who is she?" I inquired under my breath, looking down for a second before raising it back up to him. What was I thinking by asking who his other woman was with such a tone? Am I planning to kill her? Skin her alive? Well, for a moment, I had those fleeting thoughts which I squashed down as soon as possible.

"Wife, you don't have to be jealous."


Sam let out a shallow breath, biting his lower lip while looking away. Was he trying to suppress his laughter? I assessed his expression, noticing how the side of his lips curled up. He was, indeed, trying not to laugh.

"Missus Roux, this place is not the right place to confront your husband's infidelity."

"Shut up." I glanced back coldly, as I didn't care about Jaime anymore. He should be glad that he didn't have my attention now, or I would silence him forever.

"My. Please forgive my wife, Your Excellency. You can charge her with all the criminal charges that exist in Minowa and I will pay each."

"You don't have to do..." I unconsciously moved my gaze to the person standing steps away from Sam. That familiar person waved at me awkwardly.


"Father." My attention moved when Law whispered and tugged his Father's sleeve. When he turned and faced me, my brows furrowed. His eyes had the same color as mine while his hair was just like Sam's.

He oddly looked like Sam and... me? It was as though someone just combined our facial features.

"Mister Roux, I appreciate your humbleness in this situation. However, even though you are the richest man in Minowa, I will not let your wife getaway after offending me multiple times." Jaime spoke from behind us. His tone was low and authoritative, reaching his verdict about my offenses.

"I had been lenient despite that the Roux Family doesn't even have noble status."

Doesn't even have noble status? I shook my head and ignored the thoughts clouding my mind. I turned around to face Jaime, who managed to keep his composure.

"I will kill you, Jaime Malum," I affirmed without a second hesitation.

"My wife, please don't speak such violent words in front of our child! Don't listen to your mother. She is not a violent person." Sam spoke, which made me look back, only to see him covering Law's ears. My brows twitched seeing how he was acting like an exemplary role model.

Law was looking back at me innocently. I couldn't help but hold my tongue under his gaze. Did I really sound violent? Well, there were children around.

"Insolent woman," Jaime spat out in irritation and beckoned a knight to arrest me.

"Please do not touch my wife."

"I don't need your help, Sammy." I rolled my eyes at Sam, ignoring the knights, who were approaching me. "Please, let's not argue in front of your son and take him and that kid over there away from here. It'll be better if you also wait for me outside."

I pointed my thumb back. There was just one child behind me and that was the poor young Lord. Sam tilted his head to the side with a close lip.

"Ramin, can you pick up his lordship?"

"Yes, master." Ramin bowed politely, but just as he took a step, Jaime's voice thundered as he suddenly harrumphed.

"You insolent family!"

Sam popped his eyes in surprise while I looked back at him with eyes wide.? "My goodness, wife! Did you plan to kill him by angering him to death?" Sam gasped, blocking Law's ears like a good father.


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