The Duke's Passion

Chapter 413 - Roux Family

Chapter 413 - Roux Family


Ramin opened his mouth, producing a low "ahh," before he nodded. He then carefully planted his palm and pushed the door open, peeking his head in as the door continued to creak.

"What are you doing here? And who are you?"

Suddenly, a man's voice from behind them reached their ear. The three looked back to see three knights looking in their direction, wielding their swords in the presence of the intruders.

"Oh, forgive us. We are here because we heard that two women are taken into custody." Calm and collected as ever, Samael explained as he faced the three knights. "My wife went missing, and I'm here hoping she was lost and was taken in here out of the goodness of the Earl's heart."

The young boy glanced at his father. He was already used to his father's humbleness, but was this really alright? Unlike him, Ramin would never get used to this fakery — never. Samael's patience just grew longer in the past five years, but he was certain he didn't change a bit.

Somewhere, deep inside Samael, the devil was still there, waiting for the right time to come out. That was why Ramin still had to tiptoe around Samael, afraid he'd trigger the devil whenever his son wasn't looking.

"Your wife? You should come back tomorrow. It's already late..." the knight who was about to chase them out halted when his colleague whispered in his ear.

"Isn't that the merchant, Samael Roux?"

"Yes, I think he was that rich merchant who is wealthier than other lower nobles."

They whispered to each other, scrutinizing Samael, who was carrying a child. Although this man was full of mystery, one fact that everyone knew about him was, he would do anything for his wife and son. One could imagine just how much money he would shell out to bail out his wife.

The knight who was trying to chase them out initially cleared his throat. "Are you Samael Roux?"

"Yes, sir." Ramin's face twitched, biting his tongue while listening to Samael.

"You came looking for your wife?" asked the knight, and Samael nodded. He studied the three of them and, aside from the dirty-looking man with Samael, they didn't pose a threat.

"Alright. Follow us. They were being held in before they go to trial. You can check if the thief is your wife."

Samael smiled and nodded, glancing at his son. The latter didn't seem pleased, but this situation didn't surprise him. People only liked his father's money, but he knew they were mocking him internally. Still, he kept silent as they followed the three knights to the prison.

They followed the knights and soon reached the jail quarters, where they detained offenders. It wasn't an underground prison, but more like a separate building from the Earl's office. As they waltz through the building, the child could not help but look at the people being detained.

Some cells were crowded with men and women inside. Some had fewer people but were in a terrible state.

'This is terrible,' the child thought, thinking that his friend also mentioned being locked in whenever he was being disobedient.

Unlike the child, who observed their surroundings, Ramin and Samael kept their eyes ahead. It did not surprise them that not a single person asked for help or made the slightest noise despite their presence. Even without looking at them, Samael and Ramin could smell their fear and their rotting spirits.

The young Earl's political advisor was someone who would crush the spirit of the people who opposed him or challenge his power. These people didn't have any hope anymore, and thus, they were like living corpses waiting for their verdict.

"We're here," the knight leading them announced, knocking on the metal bars to catch the attention of the person inside.

Samael walked closer and narrowed his eyes. His gaze landed on the woman's face as she gazed up.

"That's not her," he uttered coldly, turning his head to the knight. "Where is the other one?"

"I..." The knight scratched the back of his head before shifting his attention to the woman inside the prison. "Hey, you thief, where is the woman with you earlier?"

Bey darted her eyes from the men outside, seeing that there was also a child. Her lower lip trembled as they parted, but no words came out.

"I'm asking you!" The knight rattled the metal bars, producing an echoing noise across the prison. Bey trembled with the noise, shaking uncontrollably in fear.

"Stop," Samael ordered, gazing at the knight briefly before shifting his attention back to the frightened woman. He squatted down, still carrying his son while holding the metal bar with his other hand.

"Do you know a woman who has hazel, wavy curls and clear green eyes? She is a little petite and has fair skin." He described his wife in a soothing voice, trying not to scare the woman inside the cell.

Bey raised her brows, thinking that his description suited "Lady Sam's" appearance. So she nodded, unable to speak as being alone in here brought back all the trauma she tried to forget.

"Where is she?" this time, Samael's eyes darkened while leaning closer to the cell. "Where is my wife?"

"She — Lady Sam... some knights went here and drag her with them," Bey stuttered, shaking at the fresh memory that happened minutes before these people came. "It's my fault... they will hurt her because of me... Lady Sam..."

Samael watched Bey weep and mumble for a moment. He didn't need to ask what happened as he got a gist of it.

"Master," called Ramin under his breath and watched Samael put down his son before he stood up. The latter ignored him as he faced the knight.

"I'll bail her out as well and then take me to his Excellency."

The young boy let out a sigh, as there was no way this knight would follow his father's request. No matter how wealthy his father was, there was no way he could see the Earl on short notice. To his surprise, the knight's eyes turned blank before he nodded and agreed.

"Yes." Even the knight's colleagues were surprised at how their fellow knight agreed. But before they could tell him to think twice, he already told them to free the woman and told Sam's group to follow him.

The only one who wasn't surprised by this was Ramin. 'Goodness.. This Minowa is in danger. I'm not even sure who will set this place on fire first! Will it be the wife? Or the husband?'

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