
“You two found it first?”

Mu Yu sat up in surprise upon seeing an injured, lanky man in his forties and a tall maiden in her twenties.

“That’s right! We were hunting the beautiful leopard, but you had to snatch it when we were about to catch it!” fumed the Body Severing Realm maiden, standing akimbo with her ponytail standing up as if to express her anger.

“Sitong, don’t be rude,” reproached the Spirit Severing Realm First Layer man.

“Dad, it took us two days to finally hurt its leg, and you even got hurt. It is unfair for them to just steal our catch. The violent kid is also eating the fiend spirit!”

“You two would struggle to kill it at your level,” Xiaoshuai remarked.

“That doesn’t justify you stealing!” snapped the Sitong girl.

“Sitong, calm down. This one is Inferno Sect’s Xuan Zhengtang. This is my daughter, Xuan Sitong,” introduced Xuan Zhengtang, noticing that there was no damage to the environment or others around. “May I ask if you two personally finished the beautiful leopard?”

They must be stronger than what meets the eye if it only took two of them to down the beautiful leopard. Since there’s no damage to the environment, that suggests the beautiful leopard couldn’t even put up a fight. I don’t even sense cultivation from the kid. There might be others around who I’m unable to detect, Xuan Zhengtang analysed for himself.

“Inferno Sect? Never heard of it. There are only the two of us here; who else would’ve killed it?” queried Xiaoshuai.

“Yeah right. You two can’t possibly kill a level six beautiful beast,” scoffed Xuan Sitong.

Xiaoshuai indifferently continued eating. “Believe what you will.”

Watching Xiaoshuai continue digging out the beautiful leopard’s insides out, Xuan Sitong bemoaned, “Boy, don’t damage the beautiful leopard’s fur.”

Xuan Zhengtang, on the other hand, was busy trying to comprehend how Xiaoshuai could dig out the beautiful leopard’s fur with his bare hands when it almost took every fibre in his being just to scrape the beautiful leopard. Worried he might be intruding on people he could not afford to rub the wrong way, he expressed, “Please forgive us for interrupting. We will not fight for it since you two finished it. We shall take our leave now.”

“Dad, why are we letting them take it when we worked so hard for it?!”

“Let’s get out of here first,” urged Xuan Zhengtian, pulling faces to hint for his daughter not to say another word.

“Wait,” called Mu Yu.

“We apologise for interrupting you. Please do not mind us,” voiced Xuan Zhengtang, afraid.

“Don’t worry about it. You can have the beautiful leopard. We just want its belly and fiend spirit. Oh, we might want its thighs, but the rest is yours.”

“S-sorry? You are giving it to us?” stuttered Xuan Zhengtang.

“Yeah, the other parts don’t taste good,” stated Xiaoshuai, making quick work of the beautiful leopard’s thigh and then throwing it over to Xuan Zhengtang as though it was a feather. “There you go.”

“Y-you killed it to eat it?!” blurted Xuan Sitong. Amused, she queried, “Do you know what its fur, bones and nerves can be used for?”

“Well, it’s useless if it doesn’t taste good,” remarked Xiaoshuai, starting to stack up firewood to cook and popping on a white hat from somewhere to imitate a chef.

“Don’t tell me you two are intellectually challenged. Beautiful leopards ar-”

“Sitong, mind your manners.” Smiling courteously, Xuan Zhengtang conveyed, “Please forgive her for speaking without thinking. We shall graciously accept your offer.”

“You’re welcome. We do know what a level six fiend beast is worth; it’s just that we come across them so often that it’s not a big deal to us. I don’t mind giving it to you when you spent so long going after it,” Mu Yu responded, gifting it solely because he liked Xuan Zhengtang for not getting pushy.

“Thank you,” conveyed Xuan Zhengtang, touching his bandaged arm as if to say, “You didn’t get hurt for nothing.”

Xuan Sitong speedily took the beautiful leopard in case Mu Yu and Xiaoshuai decided to change their minds. “Dad, though they don’t seem to realise it’s worth, we’re fair people. Let’s buy it from them.”

“You have a point. Sitong, give them all of our spirit stones.”

“Mm… You two, though you killed the beautiful leopard thanks to a fluke, we’ll pay you 120,000 spirit stones for it. It’s all we have, so don’t call us misers.”

Mu Yu found the mention of spirit stones amusing for it had been ages since he last needed them. “I like honest people like you.”

“Of course we’re honest people. By the way, what’s your name?”

“… Yu Feng.”

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