Dragon Searching Formation and Beautiful Leopard

An orange ball in the sky welcomed Mu Yu back to Third Heaven Continent after two months in the fiends’ expansive territory. Since it was the velvet sky’s turn to take centre stage and human habitation was still far away, he made the call to spend the night in a forest.

Mu Yu spent a part of the night consolidating his progress at Body Synthesis Realm’s Third Layer. “If only Qiao Xue wasn’t so reserved. Even though it’s a method that results in diminishing returns over time, we’d still progress faster than cultivating alone.”

“Since there’s nothing to do, how about trying to use Dragon Searching Formation here? You should be able to use their five items about three times before they run out, right?” Xiaoshuai suggested.

“Mm… I guess we could.”

After Mu Yu finished drawing up the formation an hour later, Xiaoshuai asked, “What’s the search radius?”

“Mm… It’s hard to say since the formation foundations play a pivotal role in deciding that. If I’m the epicentre of the search radius, I’d estimate around ten thousand kilometres. If I’m only searching in one direction, I could search at least twenty thousand kilometres. It’s pointless to use the former method since we’re, what, five thousand kilometres from the fiends’ region. I’m just going to search as far as I can to the east.”

Xiaoshuai watched Mu Yu, who used himself as the formation trigger, from outside the formation.

With the dragon scale floating in front of him, Mu Yu activated the formation, focusing the formation lines on the scale. He beamed a purple ray vertically from his eyes, parting the clouds, but only those in the formation’s perimeters would be able to see it.

The ghouls that saw Mu Yu’s consciousness travelling outside of his body rushed toward him wildly, attempting to steal his body. To ward them off, he donned an armour of qi and began flying around. Flying about as a mere consciousness was no different to flying around in his body.

Owing to the qi of an immortal imbued in the dragon scale, the scale would notify Mu Yu if he came within proximity of another immortal. He could see cultivators’ five elements in their body and, therefore, the balance of the five elements within them.

“Four hours of searching, twenty kilometres of searching, yet I haven’t found even an inkling. I don’t see this being a short mission at all. I pray the immortal isn’t so strong that he can avoid Dragon Searching Formation, or this is going to be a long game of cat and mouse. Let’s call it a night for now.” Upon checking his formation foundations, Mu Yu found he had burnt through them a fair bit. “I’m going to need to find a way to create a colossal version at this rate.”

“I’m so bored. I’m just realising how boring it is to not have Big Earthworm around to wrestle with.”

“Nothing we can do about it; we’re all busy at the moment. We can pick him up once we complete our mission. Right now, our priority is finding Reverend Nilei to pick up Walk-in Heart Genesis to revive Dad and then rescue Shifu. I suppose we’ll find the Cheng Yan and company when it’s time for Ultimate Immortals Rankings showdown. All I pray is that the elemental demons haven’t gotten to them first. As for the lunar sect, we have some time thanks to the fiend kings.”

When brilliant gold and orange hues bled across the rivers in the east and into the forest, Xiaoshuai suggested, “Shall we go hunt a few fiend beasts? I’m hungry.”

“All right,” responded Mu Yu, packing away his formation foundations and heading into the woods with Xiaoshuai.

Notably, Xiaoshuai had started to get picky about what he ate, requesting a level six beautiful leopard to start his day today. They were the kings among level six fiend beasts that Spirit Severing Realm cultivators would have to injure in order to catch up to. For that matter, their fur was soft, yet their bodies were tough enough to take a ram from a Spirit Severing Realm cultivator. It was not uncommon for cultivators to hunt them for their blood, nerves and bones for alchemy or to reinforce their weapons.

“Beautiful leopards’ bellies taste awesome fried,” educated Xiaoshuai.

“Can’t eat what you can’t have,” Mu Yu replied, hopping onto a branch to use the trees as cameras.

“An iron bear would also work,” stated Xiaoshuai, sucking up his drool.

“Luckily for you, I found a beautiful ape fleeing southward. I think it’s hurt.”

“Well, it’s going to get hurt even if it isn’t hurt. Let’s go after it already.”

Mu Yu jumped into a tree and gave chase. Mu Yu soon appeared above the beautiful leopard leaking purple blood from its leg, finishing it with a downward slam of his hands.

“All right, let’s start a fire and get cracking!” effused Xiaoshuai, sharpening his claws.

“Oh, what a nice, white, big fiend soul.”

They often ate what was edible and threw out the rest even when they could sell the remainder of the carcass of fiend beasts for quite a lot as Mu Yu did not often spend spirit stones, nor was he educated on their worth.

“Just get on with cooking. We have to drop into a city to scour for information once we’re done eating,” instructed Mu Yu, lazing on a tree and lining up leaves in various patterns. Bored, he switched to fiddling with the jade peace from Chen Tiandao. “Dad, I will revive you. Shifu, I will come save you.”

As Xiaoshuai started digging in, the duo heard someone flying off the handle.

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