
“That’s one odd name.” Xuan Sitong commented. “Were you born in a squall?”

“Born in a squall? No, my name is “Yu” as in feather and “Feng” as in wind. I’m a feather drifting in the wind,” explained Mu Yu, thinking, If only I could be so carefree.

“Oh. You’re pretty honest. I like that. If we meet again after selling the beautiful leopard, we’ll pay you some more.”

Mu Yu just smiled, while the father and daughter pair started sorting out the corpse. When Xuan Sitong looked up to see Mu Yu intently staring deeper into the woods, she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Three others are on their way here,” Mu Yu answered.

“Three? Would it be Gong Lixuan and comp-”

“Sitong, let’s hurry along.”

“Sitong, where are you going?” teased a tanned Spirit Severing Realm First Layer cultivator around thirty years old.

Behind the man with slits for eyes, crooked teeth and a mole on his chin were middle aged men on par with him in the cultivation department.

“Gong Lixuan, how did you find us?” Xuan Sitong questioned, tone disgruntled.

“We’re also here for the beautiful leopard we wounded. We didn’t expect you two to get a free catch thanks to us,” replied Gong Lixuan, ogling Xuan Sitong.

“You have nothing to do with this beautiful leopard!”

“We do now. It’s now ours.”

“Gong Lixuan, don’t push it!” Xuan Zhengtang brayed.

Gong Lixuan never took a second look at Xiaoshuai or Mu Yu, deeming them hicks from the sticks. The fact that he would dismiss people who managed to survive in such a dangerous zone said a lot about his intelligence. Gong Lixuan glanced down to Xuan Zhengtang’s injured arm and simpered. “So what if I push it? Stellar Manor isn’t scared of Inferno Sect. If you know what’s good for you, hand over the beautiful leopard and then scram.”

“Should you dare to attack us, Inferno Sect will let you have it!” snapped Xuan Zhengtang.

Sounds like Inferno Sect is the tougher one, thought Mu Yu.

“Bahaha, you must be unaware that we’re now Celestial Star Sect’s adjunct. Your patriarch would just have to suck it up if we butchered you,” mocked Gong Lixuan, flashing a token from Celestial Star Sect.

“You submitted to Celestial Star Sect?” blurted Xuan Zhengtang.

“Yes. Now I’ve changed my mind. Tong, I’ve always loved you, but you’ve never reciprocated my feelings. As an adjunct of Celestial Star Sect, I am on a new level. You’re happy with me now, aren’t you?”

“You need a mirror, not me. Adjunct of Celestial Star Sect? They wouldn’t even afford you a kennel. What’s so special about you?”

“If you refuse to be mine, I’ll force you to be mine. Elders, capture Xuan Zhengtang. I’ll handle Tong, hehehe.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

“Sitong, run while I stall them. You’re no match for them!” instructed Xuan Zhengtang, shunting her away and then intercepting the trio.

“I can’t leave you behind, Dad. I’ll fight them to my last breath,” responded Xuan Sitong, swinging her sword at Gong Lixuan.

With one arm barely functioning, it only took one exchange for the two elders to drop Xuan Zhengtang.


Gong Lixuan ducked under Xuan Sitong’s horizontal swing and then rose up to choke her. “Worry about yourself first.”

As Gong Lixuan shut his eyes and leaned in to sniff Xuan Sitong, he heard, “I hate Celestial Star Sect.”

Gong Lixuan opened his eyes to see a hand already beside his face. The large hand showed him stars, while another hand caught Xuan Sitong’s fall. Another two loud whacks saw Gong Lixuan’s bodyguards lying still on the ground.

Hand to his cheek, Gong Lixuan cried, “Y-y-y-”

“Something about Celestial Star Sect again?” Mu Yu slit the throats of Stellar Manor’s trio without hesitation and then collected their souls.

“Oi, time for dinner,” hollered Xiaoshuai, stirring the pot.


Xuan Zhengtang crawled to his feet, still in awe. “Thank you for saving us, Young Master Yu Feng.”

“You two should get away from here,” Mu Yu advised, not bothering to look up.

“Y-you are a Body Synthesis Realm cultivator?” stuttered Xuan Sitong.

Xiaoshuai enjoyed his food, while Mu Yu wasn’t interested in their business from beginning to end, so he gestured for them to leave.

Xuan Zhengtang, cradling his injured arm, bowed. “Thank you again for saving us. Please forgive us for our rudeness prior.”

Xuan Zhengtang winked to tell his daughter not to pry because it was clear Mu Yu did not want to explain. As the two hurried off, though, Mu Yu called, “Wait.”

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